Research and Development
The main object of research is focused on transport processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, properties and processes affecting soil and plant quality, processing for food and energy purpose. The interdisciplinary approach applies physics, physicochemistry and biology for solving contemporary problems of agriculture. Applicable research is focused on developing and improving methods and devices for evaluation and monitoring of soil, agricultural plant materials and gas emission, and on creating new food technologies of biomass processing for energy or new biomaterials and biopreparations.
Currently, R&D is carried out in three areas:
- Agricultural Environment: research and development on soil quality, plant grow and heat and mass transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, and methods and tools for its monitoring
- Food: research and development on quality of agricultural plant materials and methods and tools for its evaluation
- Bioenergy and biomaterials: research and development on agricultural plant biomass conversion into bioenergy and bio-based products.