Institute of Agrophysics (IA PAS) is a research institution of the Polish Academy of Sciences. IA PAS is an institute of Division II of Biological and Agricultural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The main object of research is focused on transport processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, properties and processes affecting soil and plant quality, processing for food and energy purpose. The interdisciplinary approach applies physics, physicochemistry and biology for solving contemporary problems of agriculture. Applicable research is focused on developing and improving methods and devices for evaluation and monitoring of soil, agricultural plant materials and gas emission, and on creating new food technologies of biomass processing for energy or new biomaterials and biopreparations.
People and Career
IA PAS employs about 100 persons, including 60 researchers. The Institute ensures attractive environment for personal development at various career stages. What is more, IA PAS offers the possibility of obtaining a doctoral (PhD) degree and habilitation in agronomy and conducting various internships and fellowships.
- IA PAS employs excellent researchers: physicists, chemists, biologists, biotechnologists and engineers for ensuring critical mass necessary to R&D in agricultural sciences.
- IA PAS is authorised to award the degree of doctor (PhD) and habilitated doctor (PhD, DSc) in agronomy-agrophysics
- IA PAS offers PhD Studies
- IA PAS has been awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo and recognizes the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The Institute of Agrophysics has modern infrastructure for R&D in agriculture. It is attractive place for project realization and personal career development. R&D is performed in 22 laboratories. Labs are distributed according to their profiles in 6 Departments:
- Physical Properties of Plant Materials
- Physical Chemistry of Porous Materials
- Soil and Plant System
- Metrology and Modelling of Agrophysical processes
- Microstructure and Mechanics of Biomaterials
- Natural Environment Biogeochemistry
Moreover, at IA PAS there are horizontal units for research support and technology transfer.
- Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS
- Regional Laboratory of Renewable Energy
- Centre of Research & Innovation
- Interdepartmental Laboratory of Numerical Modeling
- microBIOme Agro Living Lab
- Bank of Representative Samples and Information on Polish Soils
- Ground station network
- Collection of microorganisms of the Laboratory of Molecular and Environmental Microbiology