Head: dr hab. Katarzyna Szewczuk-Karpisz, prof. Instytutu
Profile of scientific activity:
- Research on physicochemical mechanisms of soil processes based on the analysis of surface properties (surface geometry, its energetic heterogeneity, wettability, quality and quantity of functional groups, electrostatic charge), structural properties (porosity, aggregation, durability of structure) and chemical properties (elemental composition, chemical structure and stability of mineral and organic compounds) of soils and their components,
- Development and characterization of new soil conditioners (so-called soil modifiers) in order to improve the condition of soils and protect their health, i.e. biochars, activated carbons, composites, hydrogels, synthetic humic substances, etc.,
- Waste management, including agricultural waste, waste from the fruit and vegetable industry and waste from insect breeding, through the production of innovative soil modifiers.
- Use of insects to obtain new soil modifiers, convert waste and develop alternative methods of food production for regions with high soil degradation,
- Determination of the effects of soil modification carried out using developed soil conditioners on physicochemical and hydrophysical parameters of soils, structure (aggregation) and stability of soils, mobility and bioavailability of organic pollutants (pesticides, pharmaceuticals, PAHs, micro- and nanoplastics, phthalates) and inorganic pollutants (metal ions, metalloids and non-metals, metallic nanoparticles), soil microbiological activity, growth and development of plants and invertebrates, plant adaptation mechanisms connected with pollution or water deficiency in the soil,
- Development of physicochemical methods:
- preventing the reduction of soil functionality or increasing it,
- supporting soil in counteracting threats, mainly anthropogenic,
- minimizing damage caused by degradation processes,
- leading to the development of new techniques for decontamination and immobilization of heavy metals and other xenobiotics,
- preventing the outflow of toxic substances from soils to water,
- leveling the impact of environmental stress on plant growth,
- detection of molecular markers of soil stress in crop plants,
- regenerating soil microbiological activity.