Góźdź A.

Góźdź A.

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  1. 2001, Modeling of granular and cellular materials., Transactions of the ASAE, 2001, 44(2), 439-445
  2. 1999, Quantum mechanical approach to randomly-packed beds of spheres in the container., International Agrophysics, 1999, 13,2, 185-189
  3. 1998, Modeling of cellular and granular materials., 1998
  4. 1998, Geometrical properties of granular material from the quantum mechanical approach., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 83, 1998
  5. 1997, Quantum mechanical approach to randomly-packed beds of spheres in the container., 1997