Wykład Stefanie Vink, PhD z GreenFinch Research/University of Groningen

august, 2022

08aug(aug 8)09:00(aug 8)09:00Wykład Stefanie Vink, PhD z GreenFinch Research/University of Groningen


(Monday) 09:00 - 10:00

Event Details

Dr Vink studies microbial community ecology in soils, in particular assessing the relationship between microbial (specifically, fungi, bacteria and protists) and above-ground plant communities. Her research focuses on semi-natural ecosystems and low-input agriculture and determining the impact of changing land-use on soil microbial communities in terms of composition and functioning.

She is the owner of GreenFinch Research and is currently working on a project examining the impact and amelioration of the effects of salinization and degradation of soils on potato cultivation.

Title of presentation:
“The role of the microbiome in agriculture and ecology: opportunities and challenges of molecular approaches”

Wykład odbędzie się w formie stacjonarnej w auli Instytutu Agrofizyki PAN