- 2020, Impact of drought priming on two grass species, 19th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2020, May 19-21, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, str. 16
- 2019, Impact of stress memory on grass growt at water deficit conditions, 18th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2019, May 22-24.05.2019 Gödöllő, Hungary, str. 30
- 2018, Crop Performance under Drought and Accompanied Abiotic Stresses, 17th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2018”, Nitra, Slovakia 15-18.05.2018 r., str. 47-48
- 2018, Crop response to combined action of drought and other abiotic stresses, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 31
- 2018, The functioning of Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne under drought is improved to a different extend by the previous exposure to water deficit, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 156: 271-278
- 2018, Photosynthesis performance under combined action of drought and other abiotic stresses, International Conference VISCEA - Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance V, Wiedeń, Austria, 5-6.07.2018,
- 2018, Plant response to drought and accompanied abiotic stresses, 11th International Conference Plant Functioning under Environmental Stress, Kraków 12-15.09.2018,
- 2017, Wpływ toksyczności glinu i podwyższonej temperatury na funkcjonowanie pszenicy w stresie suszy, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Doktorantów i Młodych Naukowców pt. "Adaptacja do zmian klimatu w rolnictwie" na 25-lecie Studiów Doktorankich w IUNG-PIB, 14-15.09.2017 , str. 66
- 2015, „Pamięć stresu” – Reakcja życicy trwałej i kostrzewy trzcinowej na okresowe niedobory wody., 2015, P.56, 96-96
- 2015, Wpływ stresu cieplnego i deficytu wody na wymianę gazową pszenicy jarej., 2015, 19-19
- 2015, The effect of combination of drought and heat stresses on plant transpiration and photosynthesis., 2015, 24-24
- 2015, Wpływ jednoczesnego oddziaływania suszy i wysokiej temperatury na fotosyntezę i transpirację pszenicy jarej., 2015, 14-15
- 2014, Wpływ stresu suszy na tempo fotosyntezy., 2014, 19-19
- 2014, Effect of drought and heat stresses on transpiration and photosynthesis of wheat., 2014, 19-20
- 2014, Plant response to drought stress, 2014, 71-72
- 2014, Wpływ stresu cieplnego i deficytu wody na proces fotosyntezy, 2014, 89-89
- 2013, Życie zaczyna się od korzeni, 2013
- 2013, Effect of drought and heat stresses on plant growth and yield: a review, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(4): 463-477
- 2013, The effect of conventional and reduced soil tillage on soil pore morphology and water infiltration, 2013, 168-168
- 2013, Abiotic stresses: drought and high temperature, 2013, 30-30