Stahr Karl

Stahr Karl

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  1. 2002, Effect of nitrogen fertilisation on below-ground carbonallocation in lettuce., Journal Science of Food and Agriculture, 2002, 82, 1432-1441
  2. 2001, Total and labelled CO2 emission and 14C partitioning as affected by streptomycin and benomyl., 12 Seminar Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung " Okophysiologie des Wurzelraumes", Schmerwitz, Niemcy, 24-25.09.2001 r., 2001
  3. 2001, Carbon flows in the rhizosphere of ryegrass (Lolium perenne)., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2001, 164, 381-387
  4. 2000, CO2 emission from soil under winter wheat., 2000
  5. 2000, CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of pasture plants., 2000
  6. 2000, CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of the pasture plants., International Conference at Stuttgart, Germany, "Biogenic Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Caused by Arable and Animal Agriculture", 13-15.10.1999, 15-21, 2000
  7. 2000, Below ground carbon flows in rhizosphere of Lolium perenne as measured by 14 C pulse labeling., Zajazd Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego, Hanower, 6-10.09.1999, 755-758, 1999
  8. 2000, Denitrification rate in soils as affect by their redox conditions., Journal of Water and Land Development, 2000, 4, 163-173
  9. 1999, CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of pasture plants., Ekologia Systemów Korzenio-wych, Schmerwitz (Niemcy), 27-29.09.1999, 1999
  10. 1999, Flow dynamics of below ground carbon translocation by “Lolium perenne”., 1999
  11. 1998, Oxidation of methane and dehydrogenase activity in a Mollic Gleysol., Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde, 1998, 161, 697-698