Trembaczowski Andrzej

Trembaczowski Andrzej

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  1. 2016, Suppression of soil organic matter decomposition by gasoline and diesel as assessed by 13C natural abundance, European Journal of Soil Biology, 73: 8-14
  2. 2015, The Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) methods in the wastewater treatment plant in Lublin., 2015, 30-31
  3. 2014, The carbon isotopes ratio ( 12C to 13C) on the input and outputs of the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Lublin (Poland)., 2014, 22-22
  4. 2014, Changes of isotopic composition in gases emitted from wastewater treatment plant – preliminary study., Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 2014, 21(2): 245-254
  5. 2014, Comparison of the dynamics of natural biodegradation of petrol and diesel oil in soil., Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52(19-21): 3690-3697
  6. 2013, Porównanie szybkości rozkładu wybranych ropopochodnych w glebie, 2013, 74-74