Widomski Marcin K.

Widomski Marcin K.

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  1. 2015, Molding water content of clay soils and hydraulic properties of mineral liners of waste landfills., Ecological Chemistry and Engineering A, 22(2): 251-263
  2. 2015, Shrink-swell potential, hydraulic conductivity and geotechnical properties of clay materials for landfill liner construction., International Agrophysics, 29(3): 365-375
  3. 2015, Sustainable Development of One of the Poorest Province of the European Union: Lublin Voivodeship, Poland – Attempt of Assessment / Rozwój zrównoważony jednego z najbiedniejszych regionów Unii Europejskiej, Województwa Lubelskiego – próba oceny., Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 10(2): 137-149
  4. 2013, Assessment of river water and discharged storm water quality for a selected catchment of the Bystrzyca river, Lublin, Poland, 2013, 131-131
  5. 2012, Numerical modeling in quantitative and qualitative analysis of storm sewage system operational conditions, Proceedings of ECOpole, 2012, (DOI: 10.2429/proc.2012.6(2)064)
  6. 2012, Stężenia zanieczyszczeń w ściakch deszczowych dla wybranej zlewni miasta Lublin, Proceedings of ECOpole, 2012, (DOI: 10.2429/proc.2012.6(2)099)