Stankiewicz Krystyna

Stankiewicz Krystyna

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  1. 2013, Wilgotność́ gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
  2. 2013, Wilgotność gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
  3. 2013, Dielectric permittivity of porous media in relation to water status: modeling approach, 2013, 121-121
  4. 2013, The effect of moisture content on the thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in Polesie and Biebrza wetlands, 2013, 120-120
  5. 2013, Thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in relation to soil moisture status in polesie and Biebrza wetlands., 2013
  6. 2013, Modeling of the dielectric permittivity of porous soil media with water using statistical-physical models., 2013
  7. 2013, Evaluation of SMOS L2 moisture data over the Eastern Poland using ground measurements., 2013