Alokhina Olga

Alokhina Olga

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  1. 2013, Peculiarities of soil moisture and temperature dynamics based on TDR-measurement results for 2008-2012 in the Western Polesie territory of Ukraine, Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(4): 577-593
  2. 2011, Global access to in situ soil moisture measurement, 2011, 42-42
  3. 2010, The technical implementation of a soil moisture, salinity and teperature monitoring system in Polesie National Park and Shatsk National Nature Park, The Future of Hydrogenic Landscapes in European Biosphere Reserves, Rozdział, 299-310 - Wydawnictwo TRIO System Jacek Andrzejewski
  4. 2008, Calibration of a TDR probe for low soil water content measurements., Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2008, 147, 544-552
  5. 2007, Field monitoring of water kontent, salinity and temperature of soils., 2007