- 2011, Wyznaczanie rozkładu wielkości cząstek w pomiarach agrofizycznych., 2011, 97-98
- 2011, Założenia do normy wyznaczania uziarnienia gleb metodą dyfrakcji laserowej., 2011, 25-25
- 2011, Chosen physical and physicochemical properties of water and sediments of Zemborzycki reservoir, South-East Poland., 2011, 35-35
- 2011, Comparison of effectiveness of soil dispersion with physical and chemical methods., 2011, 40-40
- 2011, Characterisation of particles of starch of various origin based on selected parameters of shape and size., 2011, 118-118
- 2011, Influence of applied preparatory procedures on measurements of particle size distribution using laser diffraction method, 2011, 32-33
- 2011, Characterization of particles of starch of various origin based on selected parameters of shape, 2011, 118-118
- 2011, Przygotowanie próbek glebowych do pomiaru składu granulometrycznego gleb metodą dyfrakcji laserowej., Roczniki Gleboznawcze, 2011, 62(2): 9-15
- 2011, Elimination of measurement error in light microscopy investigations of starch granules geometry., International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(2): 193-196
- 2010, Application of optical techniques for measurement of physical properties of soils., Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes in Soils, 2010, ISBN 978-83-61607-56-4(Rozdz.): 21-31
- 2010, Methodological aspects of measuring particle size distribution (PSD)., 2010
- 2010, Characterisation of particle shape., 2010, 36-37
- 2010, Stability of potato starch sample in the measurements using optical microscopy., 2010, 17-17
- 2010, Analiza kształtu cząstek, 2010