Department and laboratory
Department: Department of Metrology and Modelling of Agrophysical Processes
Publications with with affiliation of another unit:
- R. Kopeć, M. Budzanowski, P. Olko, W. Gieszczyk, K. Szewczak: Response of thermoluminescence dosemeters statically exposed to X-ray radiation. Radiation Measurements 46 (2011), 1822 – 1825
- M. Wasek, K. Szewczak, P. Wroczynski: Exposure to ionizing radiation of workers in Poland. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, 69(6) (2012), 1387 – 1389
- Maria Kowalska, Katarzyna Meronka, Kamil Szewczak: Establishment of in vitro 192Ir γ-ray dose-response relationship for dose assessment by the lymphocyte dicentric assay. Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering 2012;18(1):11-21.
- Kamil Szewczak, Sławomir Jednoróg, Paweł Krajewski: Individual dose monitoring of the nuclear medicine departments staff controlled by Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection. Nuclear Medicine Review 2013, 16, 2: 62–65
- K. Ciupek, S. Jednoróg, M. Fujak, K. Szewczak: Evaluation of efficiency for in situ gamma spectrometer based upon cerium-doped lanthanum bromide detector dedicated for environmental radiation monitoring. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2014 299:1345–1350.
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednoróg: Delay effects of the interactions between neutrons emitted during plasma experiments performed on the DPF-1000 U facility and construction materials. Physica Scripta T161, 2014, 014046
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednoróg: Calibration of the RSS-131 high efficiency ionization chamber for radiation dose monitoring during plasma experiments conducted on plasma focus device. Central European Journal of Physics, 12(10), 2014, 719-724, DOI:10.2478/s11534-014-0506-3
- S. Jednorog, M. Paduch, K. Szewczak, E. Laszynska: Radioindium and determination of neutron radial asymmetry for the PF 1000 plasma focus device. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303:941-947, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-014-3444-z
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednoróg: Occupational exposure to Am-Be neutron calibration source mounted in OB26 shielding container. Nukleonika, 59(3):97-103, 2014, doi: 10.2478/nuka-2014-0016
- M. Wasek, P. Wroczyński, S. Sołobodowska, K. Szewczak, Z. Jarosz: The measurement of the radioactivity of 137Cs in materials of plant origin with potential radioactive contamination. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research – Vol. 71 No. 6 str. 1114-1118, 2014
- S. Jednorog, H. Polkowska-Motrenko, K. Szewczak, B. Bienkowska, M. Paduch, R. Prokopowicz, K. Ciupek, E. Chajduk, Z. Samczynski, P. Krajewski, E. Laszynska: Neutron activation of PF-1000 device parts during long-term fusion research Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303:1009-1014, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10967-014-3522-2
- M. Gil, G. Wójcik, K. Szewczak, J. Pędzisz, J. Kopeć, L. Czyżewska, A. Walewski, A. Gorgol, W. Podkościelny, P. Mergo: Influence of X-rays on the thermal properties of poly(methyl methacrylate). Photonics letters of Poland, Vol. 6 (4), str. 151-153, 2014
- A. Szydlowski, A. Malinowska, K. Szewczak, M. Jaskola, A. Korman, M. Paduch, M. Kuk: Influence of intense soft X-ray radiation on the parameters of tracks induced in CR-39 and PM-355 solid state nuclear track detectors. Radiation Measurements, doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.06.002
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednorog: Radiation hazards in PF-1000 plasma generator fusion research. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2015) 306:483–487, DOI 10.1007/s10967-015-4121-6
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednoróg: Radiation hazards in PF-1000 plasma generator fusion research (part 2). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10967-015-4214-2
- K. Szewczak, S. Jednoróg: Radiation hazards in PF-1000 plasma generator fusion research (part 3). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2016) 309:1169-1174, DOI 10.1007/s10967-016-4700-1
- S. Jednoróg, E. Laszynska, B. Bienkowska, A. Ziolkowski, M. Paduch, K. Szewczak, K. Mikszuta, K. Malinowski, M. Bajdel, P. Potrykus: A new concept of fusion neutron monitoring for PF-1000 device. Nukleonika, 61(1):17-22, 2017, doi: 10.1515/nuka-2017-0003
- K. Szewczak, I. Słonecka, K. Wołoszczuk, Z. Podgórska, Ł. Modzelewski: Calibration factor fluctuation for radiological protection instruments used in Nuclear Medicine Departments – Experience from CLOR. Nuclear Medicine Review, 21(1), 37-41, 2018
- 2024, Medium-Scale Soil Moisture Retrievals Using an ELBARA L-Band Radiometer Using Time-Dependent Parameters for Wetland-Meadow-Cropland Site, Remote Sensing, 16, 2200, DOI: 10.3390/rs16122200
- 2024, Water in soil, V Green Week międzynarodowa konferencja, Lublin 19-20 czerwca 2024 r., Wykład proszony
- 2022, Studies on the water retention in arable sandy soil amended with fine size-fractionated sunflower husk biochar, EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30.04.2021, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1554
- 2022, Metrology for multi-scale monitoring of soil moisture, Metrology for Climate Action, 26-30.09.2022,
- 2022, Review of data fusion methods for soil moisture obtained for multiple temporal and spatial scales, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 134-134
- 2021, Effect of Fine Size-Fractionated Sunflower Husk Biochar on Water Retention Properties of Arable Sandy Soil, Materials, 14(6), 1335; DOI: 10.3390/ma14061335
- 2021, Radon emission fluctuation as a result of biochar application into the soil, Scientific Reports, 11(1):13810, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93277-7
- 2021, Biochar As Soil Amendment: Feedstock Kind, Dose And Grain Size Impact On Water Retention, Konferencja EUROSOIL 2021 Virtual Congress, 23-27.08.2021,
- 2020, Impact of soil incorporation of biochar on environmental radioactivity, Journal of Environmental Quality, DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20014
- 2020, How do grain size and dose of sunflower husk biochar influence thewater retention of sandy soil?, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-4760
- 2020, A simple method for soil moisture calculation using data from ELBARA III passive radiometer and thermal inertia, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-4656
- 2020, Impact of soil incorporation of biochar on radon emission, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-6689
- 2020, Agricultural Drought Monitoring by MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Data Application, Remote Sensing, 12(20), 3411; DOI: 10.3390/rs12203411
- 2019, Spatio-Temporal Mapping of L-Band Microwave Emission on a Heterogeneous Area with ELBARA III Passive Radiometer, Sensors, 19(16), 3447, str. 1-21, DOI: 0.3390/s19163447
- 2019, Zastosowanie biowęgla z biomasy roślinnej i odpadów organicznych do poprawy żyzności i wilgotności gleby w Polsce, 11th Conference Wasteless Technologies and Waste Management in Industry and Agriculture , 11-14.06 Międzyzdroje, str 271-274
- 2019, Application biochar into the soil – if it influence for environmental radioactivity?, 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2019), 8-11.09, Prague,
- 2018, Modelling of the Soil Moisture Using L-Band Brightness Temperatures from ELBARA III Radiometer, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 59-62
- 2018, Comparison of Potential Evapotransportation Obtained from Satellite and Groung Based Data, 25th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 7.11.2018 r., str. 12
- 2018, Soil moisture sensing – from local to global, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
- 2018, ELBARA: Low altitude L-band radiometer for soil moisture retrieval, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
- 2018, Compatibility of soil moisture remote sensing data of SMOS with ELBARA instrument results – the comparison on long time scale, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
- 2018, Snow melting effect on L-band brightness temperature, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,