Zakład i laboratorium
Zakład: Zakład Metrologii i Modelowania Procesów Agrofizycznych
Laboratorium: Laboratorium Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego
Publikacje pracownika
- 2021, The impact of natural soil on the response of potato cultivars to biotic and abiotic stresses, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 196
- 2019, Spatio-Temporal Mapping of L-Band Microwave Emission on a Heterogeneous Area with ELBARA III Passive Radiometer, Sensors, 19(16), 3447, str. 1-21, DOI: 0.3390/s19163447
- 2017, Comparison of remote sensing and in-situ soil moisture measurements: 6 years survey of SMOS data and agrometeorological stations in Eastern Poland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
- 2017, Microwave brightness temperature and thermal inertia – towards synergistic method of high-resolution soil moisture retrieval, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
- 2017, Modelling of the L-band brightness temperatures measured with ELBARA III radiometer on Bubnow wetland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
- 2017, Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture: 6 years survey of SMOS data and in-situ soil moisture measurements in Poland, CCI Soil Moisture Workshop and Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18-20.09.2017 ,
- 2017, Satellite and ground-based sensing of L-band microwave emission for water resources monitoring, Ecohydrology for the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions towards mitigation/adaptation to Climate Change, Łódź, Poland, 26-28.09.2017,