- 2018, Modelling of thermal properties of biochar amended soils, 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 12-17.08.2018,
- 2018, Specific surface area (SSA) of soil for SMOS, SMOS Quality Working Group (QWG-24), Frascati, Italy, 30.01-01.02.2018,
- 2017, Thermal properties of soil in the Murrumbidgee River Catchment (Australia), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115: 604-614
- 2017, Impact of biochar addition on thermal properties of a sandy soil: modelling approach, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9680, 2017
- 2017, Comparison of remote sensing and in-situ soil moisture measurements: 6 years survey of SMOS data and agrometeorological stations in Eastern Poland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
- 2017, Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture: 6 years survey of SMOS data and in-situ soil moisture measurements in Poland, CCI Soil Moisture Workshop and Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18-20.09.2017 ,
- 2017, Satellite and ground-based sensing of L-band microwave emission for water resources monitoring, Ecohydrology for the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions towards mitigation/adaptation to Climate Change, Łódź, Poland, 26-28.09.2017,
- 2016, Soil moisture mapping at Bubnow Wetland using L-band radiometer (ELBARA III), European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU), 2016 Wiedeń. Austria, 17-22.04.2016 r., Vol. 18-EGU2016-6739
- 2016, The effect of biochar application on thermal properties and albedo of loess soil under grassland and fallow, Soil and Tillage Research, 164: 45-51
- 2015, Spatial variability of soil moisture and threat of drought on Polish territory., 2015
- 2015, Soil surface water resources assessment from SMOS L2 and in situ data for Poland., 2015, P 21-P 21
- 2015, The effect of biochar application on thermal interia of soil., 2015, Vol. 17-EGU2015-9373
- 2015, Spatial variability of soil moisture retrieved by SMOS satelite., 2015, Vol. 17-EGU2015-8904
- 2015, Statistical Analysis of Soil Moisture in Central Europe Using SMOS Data., 2015, 295-301
- 2015, Ocena zmienności wilgotności gleby na terytorium Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych / Soil moisture variability assessment on Polish territory from satellite measurements., 2015, j.pol. 210-210-j.ang. 415-415
- 2015, Effect of biochar on the thermal properties and processes in the soil. / Wpływ biowęgla na właściwości cieplne i procesy zachodzące w glebie., 2015, j.pol. 77-77-j.ang. 270-270
- 2014, Woda – źródło życia, spojrzenie z kosmosu., 2014
- 2014, Comparison of surface soil moisture from SMOS satellite and ground measurements., International Agrophysics, 2014, 28(3): 359-369
- 2014, Assessment of soil surface water resources from SMOS satellite and in situ measurements in changing climatic conditions, 2014, 71-72
- 2014, Biowęgiel w glebie – wpływ na właściwości i procesy zachodzące w glebie. Biochar in soil – impact on soil properties and processes, 2014, 186-188
- 2014, Soil moisture optimal sampling strategy for Sentinel 1 validation super-sites in Poland., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-10813
- 2014, Soil moisture on Polish territory – comparison of satellite and ground-based measurements., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-758-1
- 2014, Soil moisture, dielectric permittivity and emissivity of soil: effective depth of emission measured by the L-band radiometer ELBARA., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-11507
- 2013, Wilgotność́ gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
- 2013, Zmienność wilgotności powierzchniowej warstwy gleby na obszarze Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych i naziemnych, 2013
- 2013, Zmienność przestrzenna cech gleby, jej uwilgotnienia i zagęszczenia w technologii uprawy roślin rolniczych, 2013, 108-108
- 2013, Effects of aggregate size on soil thermal conductivity: Comparison of measured and model-predicted data, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 57536-541
- 2013, Surface soil moisture in Central Europe from SMOS satellite, 2013, 160-164
- 2013, Wilgotność gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
- 2013, Dielectric permittivity of porous media in relation to water status: modeling approach, 2013, 121-121
- 2013, The effect of moisture content on the thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in Polesie and Biebrza wetlands, 2013, 120-120
- 2013, Soil moisture in Poland – satellite and ground observations, 2013, 51-51
- 2013, Thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in relation to soil moisture status in polesie and Biebrza wetlands., 2013
- 2013, Modeling of the dielectric permittivity of porous soil media with water using statistical-physical models., 2013
- 2013, Evaluation of SMOS L2 moisture data over the Eastern Poland using ground measurements., 2013
- 2012, Woda – źródło życia, spojrzenie z oddali, 2012
- 2012, Wykorzystanie pomiarów satelitarnych do rozpoznawania elementów środowiska, 2012
- 2012, Usowicz: Ocena wilgotności powierzchniowej warstwy gleby w skali kraju z pomiarów satelitarnych w misji ESA SMOS i danych naziemnych, 2012, 152-155
- 2012, The SWEX at the area of Eastern Poland: Comparison of soil moisture obtained from ground measurements and SMOS satellite data, 2012
- 2012, Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture on the field with and without plants, 2012
- 2012, Wilgotność gleb na obszarze Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych, Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, 2012, 33153-161
- 2012, Evaluation of surface soil moisture from satellite and ground-based measurements, 2012, 1203-1203
- 2012, Spatial distribution of surface soil moisture from satellite measurements on territory of Poland and Slovakia, 2012, 818-822
- 2011, Modelling dielectric permittivity of soil using statistical-physical model, 2011, 85-85
- 2011, Soil moisture observations on the area, 2011, 46-47
- 2009, Woda w glebie pomiary naziemne i satelitarne w badaniach zmian klimatu., Wydawnictwo Naukowe FRNA Mono, Komitet Agrofizyki PAN, 2009, 1-168
- 2009, Woda w glebie – pomiary naziemne i satelitarne w misji ESA SMOS., 2009
- 2009, Soil water content measurements in different spatial and temporal scales., 2009
- 2009, One the use of the Fourier number to interpret thermal measurements with a quasi-linear heat source., 2009
- 2009, Spatial distribution of soil moisture obtained from gravimetric and TDR methods for SMOS validation, at the Polesie test site SVRT 3275, in Poland., 2009
- 2008, Effects of soil texture and wetness on thermal conductivity., 2008
- 2008, Spatial variability of soil texture and wetness: effects on thermal conductivity., 2008
- 2008, Przemiany organicznych związków węgla w glebie płowej wzbogaconej wybranymi materiałami, określone metodą inkubacyjną., 2008
- 2008, Wykorzystanie pomiarów satelitarnych do rozpoznawania elementów środowiska., 2008
- 2008, Wilgotność gleby w skali pola i gminy dla potrzeb walidacji obserwacji satelitarnych w misji ESA SAMOS., 2008
- 2008, Soil moisture spatial distribution at the SMOS Cal/Val Campaign POLESIE (AO-3275) in Poland., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Wiedeń, Austria, 13-16.04.2008r, Vol.10
- 2007, Example effects of the preliminary cal/val campaigns in Poland-Polesie, Szymbark, 2007
- 2007, Modelling the dielectric permittivity of porous media using statistical-physical model., 2007
- 2007, Effect of the land use on the heat flux dynamice In the Grodnu based thermal experiments aimed for validating SMOS observations., 2007
- 2007, Pomiary naziemne wilgotności gleby dla walidacji danych z satelitarnej misji “Wilgotność gleby zasolenie oceanów – (SMOS)””. “, 2007
- 2007, Walidacja pomiarów wilgotności gleby SMOS. W projekcie SWEX., 2007
- 2006, Thermal conductivity modelling of terrestrial soil media – A comparative study., Planetary and Space Science, 2006, 54, 1086-1095
- 2005, Soil heat flux measurements in a field with black fallow and grass cover., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 1, Physics in Soil Science, 131-137
- 2005, Rozkład właściwości cieplnych gleby na czarnym ugorze i pod murawą., Acta Agrophysica, 2005, 117, 5(3), 745-757
- 2004, Prelaunch performance evaluation of the cometary experiment MUPUS-TP, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, E07S09, doi:10.1029/2003IE002192,1-17
- 2004, Rozkład właściwości cieplnych gleby pod murawą i na czarnym ugorze, 2004
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