Sokołowski Stefan

Sokołowski Stefan

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2015, Mixtures of ions and amphiphilic molecules in slit-like pores: A density functional approach., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(16), DOI: 10.1063/1.4918640
  2. 2015, Mixtures of ions and amphiphilic molecules in slitlike pores: A density functional approach., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142, 164703, 16, 1-9
  3. 2014, The structure and propertiesof a simple model mixture of amphiphilic molecules and ions at a solid surface., The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140174706-1-174706-12
  4. 2013, Fluid of Janus molecules between two walls: The solvation force, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139224711-1-224711-9
  5. 2013, Stretching tethered polymer chains: Density functional approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138(20)
  6. 2012, Spatial variability of specific surface area of arable soils in Poland, 2012
  7. 2012, Electric double layer capacitance of restricted primitive model for an ionic fluid in slit-like nanopores: A density functional approach, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137(234705): 1-10
  8. 2012, Adsorption of ions on surfaces modified with brushes of polyampholytes., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137(7): 074707-1-074707-10
  9. 2011, Geometrical heterogeneity of selected soil materials modified by different amount of organic matter, 2011, 75-76
  10. 2011, Adsorption Energy and Surface Heterogeneity in Soils., Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, 2011, (Hasło): 2-5
  11. 2011, Microscopic structure and thermodynamics of a coresoftened model fluid from the second-order integral equations theory., Condensed Matter Physics, 2011, 14(1, 13601): 1-12
  12. 2011, Phase behavior of binary symmetric mixtures in pillared slit-like pores: a density functional approach, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011, 134(2): 214702
  13. 2010, Density functional approach to the description of fluids in contact with bilayers., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010, 132, 244704-1-9
  14. 2009, Trends in soil fractal parameters caused by accumulation of soil organic matter as resulting from the analysis of water vapor adsorption isotherms., Ecological Complexity, 6
  15. 2009, Solvation force between surfaces modified by tethered chains: A density functional approach., Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 134501-1-10 (2009)
  16. 2009, Wpływ zawartości materii organicznej na wymiar fraktalny gleby., 2009
  17. 2008, Wilgotność gleby w skali pola i gminy dla potrzeb walidacji obserwacji satelitarnych w misji ESA SAMOS., 2008
  18. 2008, Fractal approach to adsorption processes on environmental surfaces., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Wiedeń, Austria, 13-16.04.2008 r., Vol. 10
  19. 2008, Fractal approach to adsorption/desorption processes on environmental surfaces., Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in Environmental Systems, Senesi N., Wilkinson K.J. (Eds.), Wiley, 179-220
  20. 2007, Density functional theory of adsorptioni in pillared slit-like pores., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 316, 652-659
  21. 2004, Phase behavior of a binary symmetric mixture in slitlike pores with opposing walls: Application of density functional approach, Physical Review E, 2004, Physical Review E, 69, 061605 (wersja elektroniczna)
  22. 2004, Models describing confinement of colloids and polymers in soils, AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 2004, AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 34
  23. 2003, Demixing of a binary mixture in slit-like pores at high temperatures., Molecular Physics, 2003, 101, 6, 721-731
  24. 2002, Phase coexistence and interface structure of a two-component Lennard-Jones fluid in porous media: application of Born-Green-Yvon equation., Molecular Physics, 2002, 100, 12, 1905-1910
  25. 2002, Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by alluvial soils., Geoderma, 2002, 107, 33-54
  26. 2002, Fractal dimension of peat soils from adsorption and from water retention experiments., Colloids and Surfaces, 2002, 208, 289-301
  27. 2002, Phase behavior of Lennard-Jones fluids in pores formed between two cylindrical walls., Colloids and Surfaces, 2002, 208, 199-209
  28. 2001, Niejednorodność energetyczna powierzchni mad brunatnych., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 57, 101-112
  29. 2001, The influence of random changes in the adsorbing potential on phase transitions in a Lennard-Jones fluid confined to energetically heterogeneous slit-like pores., Molecular Physics, 2001, 99, 18, 1589-1594
  30. 2001, A simple model of adsorption by swelling porous materials: application of a density functional., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2001, 13, 1-14
  31. 2001, Capillary condensation in pores with energetically heterogeneous walls: density functional versus Monte Carlo calculations. 2001, 241, 169-177, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2001, 241, 169-177
  32. 2001, Comparison of fractal dimensions of soils estimated from adsorption isotherms, mercury intrusion, and particle size distribution., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2001, 164, 591-599
  33. 2000, Teorie adsorpcji gazów w przypadkowych i nieuporządkowanych układach porowatych., 2000
  34. 2000, Capillary condensation of Lennard-Jones fluids in pores formed between two cylindrical surfaces., 2000
  35. 2000, Surface properties of peaty-moorsh soils: fractal approach., 2000
  36. 2000, Influence of humic acid on surface fractal dimension of koalin: analysis of mercury porosimetry and water vapour adsorption data., Advences in Agronomy Fractals in Soil Science, Advences in Agronomy Fractals in Soil Science, 2000, str. całości 1-295, l.ark.wydaw. 21,1, część autora 143-160, l.ark.wyd. 1,3
  37. 2000, Effects of polydispersity in quenched-annealed fluids: an integral equation approach., Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2000, 50, 6, 769-783
  38. 2000, Surface fractal dimension of thermally treated peat soils from adsorption., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2000, 163, 441-446
  39. 2000, Adsorption of fluids in pores formed between two hard cylinders., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2000, 229, 526-533
  40. 1999, Gleba jako układ energetycznie i geometrycznie niejednorodny., 1999
  41. 1999, Niejednorodność energetyczna i geometryczna fazy stałej materiału glebowego. Energetical and geometrical surface heterogeneity of soil soild phase., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 22, 173-185
  42. 1999, Influence of humic acid on surface fractal dimension of kaolin: analysis of mercury porosimetry and water vapour adsorption data., Geoderma, 1999, 88, 233-249
  43. 1999, Application of the replica Ornstein-Zernike equations to study submonolayer adsorption on energetically heterogeneous surfaces., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1999, 219, 184-189
  44. 1999, Adsorption of nitrogen on thermally treated peat soils: the role of energetic and geometric heterogeneity., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1999, 219, 1-10
  45. 1999, Capillary condensation of associating fluids in slit-like pores: a density funcional theory., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1999, 214, 91-100
  46. 1998, Effect of leaching of dissolved organic carbon on fractal dimension of soils., 5 th International-Multidisciplinary Conference, Fractal 98, Complexity and Fractal in the Science, La Valetta, Malta, 25-28.10.1998, Abstracts, 1, 1998
  47. 1998, Effect of leaching of dissolved organic carbon on fractal dimension of soils., Fractals and Beyond. Complexities in the Science. Ed. Miroslav M. Novak, World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1998, str. całości I-XI, 1-372, l.ark.wyd. 26,6, część autora 231-239, l.ark.wyd. 0,6
  48. 1998, Wpływ przygotowania próbek glebowych materiałów porowatych na ich porowatość oraz wymiar fraktalny., Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 1998, 461, 539-554
  49. 1997, Wpływ przygotowania próbek materiałów porowatych na ich mikroporowatość oraz wymiar fraktalny., 1997
  50. 1997, Soil material porosity characterization by thermal desorption of liquids.,, Porous Materials, 1997, 4, 45-50