Borówko Małgorzata

Borówko Małgorzata

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  1. 2022, Adsorption of Polymer-Tethered Particles on Solid Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126, str. 1341-1351, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c10418
  2. 2013, Stretching tethered polymer chains: Density functional approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138(20)
  3. 2012, Adsorption of ions on surfaces modified with brushes of polyampholytes., Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137(7): 074707-1-074707-10
  4. 2002, Adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor by alluvial soils., Geoderma, 2002, 107, 33-54
  5. 2002, Fractal dimension of peat soils from adsorption and from water retention experiments., Colloids and Surfaces, 2002, 208, 289-301
  6. 1999, Adsorption of nitrogen on thermally treated peat soils: the role of energetic and geometric heterogeneity., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1999, 219, 1-10