Malaga-Tobola Urszula

Malaga-Tobola Urszula

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  1. 2023, Influence of physical properties of sugar beet seeds on the work quality of the seeding mechanism, International Agrophysics, 37(2): 171–178, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/162403
  2. 2022, Impact of Coffee Bean Roasting on the Content of Pyridines Determined by Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds, Molecules, 27, 1559, str. 1-12, DOI: 10.3390/molecules27051559
  3. 2021, Identification of the Olfactory Profile of Rapeseed Oil as a Function of Heating Time and Ratio of Volume and Surface Area of Contact with Oxygen Using an Electronic Nose, Sensors, 21(1), 303; DOI: 10.3390/s21010303
  4. 2021, Detection and measurement of aroma compounds with the electronic nose and a novel method for MOS sensor signal analysis during the wheat bread making process, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 12: 90-98; DOI: 10.1016/j.fbp.2021.02.011
  5. 2021, Effect of Supplementation of Flour with Fruit Fiber on the Volatile Compound Profile in Bread, Sensors, 21(8), 2812; DOI: 10.3390/s21082812
  6. 2021, A Machine Learning Method for Classification and Identification of Potato Cultivars Based on the Reaction of MOS Type Sensor-Array, Sensors, 21(17),5836, str. 1-15, DOI: 10.3390/s21175836
  7. 2020, Influence of Changes in the Level of Volatile Compounds Emitted during Rapeseed Quality Degradation on the Reaction of MOS Type Sensor-Array, Sensors , 20(11), 3135; DOI: 10.3390/s20113135
  8. 2019, Application of an electronic nose for determination of pre‐pressing treatment of rapeseed based on the analysis of volatile compounds contained in pressed oil, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(5), str. 2161-2170, DOI: