- 2021, Improvement of Spatial Interpolation of Precipitation Distribution Using Cokriging Incorporating Rain-Gauge and Satellite (SMOS) Soil Moisture Data, Remote Sensing, 13(5), 1039; DOI: 10.3390/rs13051039
- 2020, Agricultural Drought Monitoring by MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Data Application, Remote Sensing, 12(20), 3411; DOI: 10.3390/rs12203411
- 2019, Zastosowanie biowęgla z biomasy roślinnej i odpadów organicznych do poprawy żyzności i wilgotności gleby w Polsce, 11th Conference Wasteless Technologies and Waste Management in Industry and Agriculture , 11-14.06 Międzyzdroje, str 271-274
- 2018, Cokriging to enhance spatial interpolation of rainfall distribution using SMOS satellite soil moisture data, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6699
- 2018, Improving the understanding of surface soil wetness in Poland through remote sensing and field experiments, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r, Vol. 20, EGU2018-6758
- 2018, Uwilgotnienie gleby w Polsce – zastosowanie biowęgla do poprawy, Konferencja Naukowa "Współczesne problemy inżynierii produkcji. Przemysł Rolno-Spożywczy-Transport-Energia i Środowisko”, Gawrych-Ruda, 16-18.05.2018 r., str. 37
- 2018, Towards the best L-band soil moisture representation – Comparing SMOS satellite pixel with Elbara footprints., EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r.,
- 2018, Soil moisture sensing – from local to global, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
- 2018, Surface soil moisture: point measurements, tower and satellite – voyage through the scales, 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 12-17.08.2018,
- 2017, Analysis of soil moisture distribution changes observed by SMOS satellite and ground-based agrometeorological stations, 24th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 8.11.2017 r., str. 12
- 2017, Comparison of remote sensing and in-situ soil moisture measurements: 6 years survey of SMOS data and agrometeorological stations in Eastern Poland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
- 2017, Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture: 6 years survey of SMOS data and in-situ soil moisture measurements in Poland, CCI Soil Moisture Workshop and Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18-20.09.2017 ,
- 2017, Satellite and ground-based sensing of L-band microwave emission for water resources monitoring, Ecohydrology for the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions towards mitigation/adaptation to Climate Change, Łódź, Poland, 26-28.09.2017,
- 2015, Soil surface water resources assessment from SMOS L2 and in situ data for Poland., 2015, P 21-P 21
- 2015, Spatial variability of soil moisture retrieved by SMOS satelite., 2015, Vol. 17-EGU2015-8904
- 2015, Statistical Analysis of Soil Moisture in Central Europe Using SMOS Data., 2015, 295-301
- 2014, Soil Surface Water Resouces Assessment from SMOS Satellite and Ground-Based Measurements, 2014, 367-373
- 2014, Assessment of soil surface water resources from SMOS satellite and in situ measurements in changing climatic conditions, 2014, 71-72
- 2014, Soil moisture optimal sampling strategy for Sentinel 1 validation super-sites in Poland., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-10813
- 2014, Soil moisture, dielectric permittivity and emissivity of soil: effective depth of emission measured by the L-band radiometer ELBARA., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-11507
- 2013, Wilgotność́ gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
- 2013, Wilgotność gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
- 2013, Evaluation of SMOS L2 moisture data over the Eastern Poland using ground measurements., 2013
- 2012, Usowicz: Ocena wilgotności powierzchniowej warstwy gleby w skali kraju z pomiarów satelitarnych w misji ESA SMOS i danych naziemnych, 2012, 152-155
- 2012, The SWEX at the area of Eastern Poland: Comparison of soil moisture obtained from ground measurements and SMOS satellite data, 2012