- 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – apple cell wall., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
- 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – bacterial cellulose., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
- 2013, Biospeckle application for monitoring of pre-harvest apple development, 2013, 13-14
- 2013, Nanostruktura pektyn podczas ich fizjologicznej degradacji, 2013, 28-28
- 2013, Prediction of the optimal apple harvest window using biospeckle method, 2013, 30-30
- 2013, Effect of Cytochalasin B, Lantrunculin B, Colchicine, Cycloheximid, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ion Channel Inhibitors on Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissue, Food Biophysics, 2013, 8(4): 290-296
- 2012, Usage of raman microspectroscopy for identification of plant cell wall polysaccharides, 2012, 52-52
- 2012, Pre-harvest monitoring of apple fruits development with the use of biospeckle method, Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 14523-28
- 2012, Ewaluacja biomateriałów metodą biospeckli, 2012, 17-17
- 2012, Application of biospeckle method for monitoring the bull’s eye rot development and quality changes of apples after various storage methods, 2012
- 2012, Monitoring of the bull’s eye rot development and quality changes of apples subjected to various storage methods using biospeckle method, 2012
- 2012, Dynamiczne plamki, 2012
- 2012, Aktywność biospeckli jabłek w trakcie rozwoju choroby grzybowej, 2012, 45-46
- 2012, Zastosowanie metody biospeckli w analizie rozwoju porażeń grzybowych owoców, 2012, 55-56
- 2012, Application of the Biospeckle Method for Monitoring Bull’s Eye Rot Development and Quality Changes of Apples Subjected to Various Storage Methods-Preliminary Studies., Sensors, 2012, 123215-3227
- 2012, Temperature effect on apple biospeckle activity evaluated with different indices., Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2012, 67118-123
- 2011, Biospeckle – niedestrukcyjna ocena jakości owoców i warzyw, 2011, 6-6
- 2011, Storage effect on apple biospeckle activity, 2011, 6-7
- 2011, Biospeckle activity and quality atributes of stored apples: study on fungal infection, 2011, 65-66
- 2011, Biological basis of biospeckle, 2011, 64-65
- 2011, Charakterystyka i zastosowania zjawiska biospeckli w badaniach materiałów roślinnych., Acta Agrophysica, 2011, 18(2): 215-224
- 2010, Biospeckle – niedestrukcyjna technika oceny aktywności biomateriałów, 2010
- 2010, Basics of biospeckle technique, 2010, 26-27
- 2009, Wpływ mikrostruktury na teksturę warzyw i owoców., 2009
- 2009, Temperature effect on biospeckle dynamics. 8 Międzynarodowe Warsztaty dla Młodych Naukowców BioPhys Spring 2009, 2009