Chylińska Monika

Chylińska Monika

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Zakład i laboratorium

Zakład: Zakład Mikrostruktury i Mechaniki Biomateriałów

Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2020, Evaluation of Nanocomposite Made of Polylactic Acid and Nanocellulose from Carrot Pomace Modified with Silver Nanoparticles, Polymers, 12(4), 812; DOI: 10.3390/polym12040812
  2. 2020, Effect of different conditions of synthesis on properties of silvernanoparticles stabilized by nanocellulose from carrot pomace, Carbohydrate Polymers, 245,116513, str 1-9, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116513
  3. 2019, Distribution of arabinogalactan proteins and pectins in the cells of apple (Malus × domestica) fruit during post-harvest storage, Annals of Botany, 123(1), str. 47-55, DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcy133
  4. 2019, Tailored nanocellulose structure depending on the origin. Example of apple parenchyma and carrot root celluloses, Carbohydrate Polymers, 210, str 186-195, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.01.070
  5. 2019, Enzymes and vitamin C as factors influencing the presence of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) in Solanum lycopersicum fruit, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 139, str. 681-690, DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.04.035
  6. 2019, Badania uporządkowania białek arabinogalaktanowych (AGP) w ścianie komórkowej owoców w warunkach stresu, II Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców "ProDoc" Lublin, 12.04.2019 r., str. 21
  7. 2019, The effect of harvest date and the chemical characteristics of biomass from Molinia meadows on methane yield, Biomass and Bioenergy, 130,(105391), DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2019.105391
  8. 2019, Influence of chitosan addition on the mechanical and antibacterial properties of carrot cellulose nanofibre film, Cellulose, 26(18), str.9613-9629, DOI: 10.1007/s10570-019-02755-9
  9. 2019, Nanocellulose – chitosan interactions in aqueous solutions at different pH conditions, 6th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference, 21-25.10.2019,
  10. 2019, Differences in structure of cellulose isolated from fruits and vegetables, 6th EPNOE (European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence) International Polysaccharide Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 21-25.10.2019 r., str. 344
  11. 2019, Differences in structure of cellulose isolated from apple and carrot tissues, 6th EPNOE (European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence) International Polysaccharide Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 21-25.10.2019 r.,
  12. 2018, Structural, mechanical and enzymatic study of pectin and cellulose during mango ripening, Carbohydrate Polymers, 196: 313-321
  13. 2018, Charakterystyka Struktury Molekularnej Celulozy i Nanocelulozy z Zastosowaniem Metod Spektroskopowych, XXV Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą 14-15.06.2018 r., str. 24
  14. 2018, Structural network of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) and pectins in apple fruit during ripening and senescence processes, Plant Science, 275: 36-48
  15. 2018, Effect of ultrasonication on physicochemical properties of apple based nanocellulose-calcium carbonate composites, Cellulose, 25(8): 4603-4621
  16. 2018, An effect of the water loss on the properties of nanocellulose sol, XVI Polish-Ukrainian Symposium "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and their Technological Applications, Lublin, 28-31.08.2018 r., str. 162
  17. 2018, Characterization of cellulose and nanocellulose isolated from fruit and vegetable pomaces, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 43
  18. 2018, Influence of chitosan addition on properties of nanocellulose composites obtained from carrot, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 137
  19. 2018, Characterization of cellulose isolated from fruit and vegetable pomaces, World Polymers Congres MACRO 2018, Cairns, Austria, 1-5.07.2018 r., str. 354
  20. 2018, Characterization of composites of chitosan and nanocellulose obtained from carrot wastes, World Polymers Congres MACRO 2018, Cairns, Austria, 1-5.07.2018 r., str. 31
  21. 2018, Molecular structure of cellulose and nanocellulose evaluated by Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, The 26th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2018), Jeju, Korea, 26-31.08.2018 r. , str. 1034-1035
  22. 2018, Methods of biopolymers localization in the fruit cell wall: Raman imaging and immunofluorescense, The 26th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy (ICORS 2018), Jeju, Korea, 26-31.08.2018 r., str. 786-787
  23. 2017, Changing of biochemical parameters and cell wall polysaccharides distribution during physiological development of tomato fruit, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 119: 328-337
  24. 2017, Evaluation of pectin nanostructure by atomic force microscopy in blanched carrot, LWT-Food Science And Technology, 84: 658-667
  25. 2017, Simultaneous influence of pectin and xyloglucan on structure and mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose composites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 174: 970-979
  26. 2017, Badania nad enzymatyczną i nieenzymatyczną degradacją roślinnej ściany komórkowej, XXIV Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 03-04.07.2017 r., str. 12
  27. 2017, Charakterystyka celulozy wyizolowanej z wytłoków warzyw i owoców, XXIV Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 03-04.07.2017 r., str. 25
  28. 2017, Otrzymanie nanocelulozy z celulozy wyizolowanej z wytłoków jabłkowych metodą ultradźwiękową, XXIV Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 03-04.07.2017 r., str. 26
  29. 2017, Isolation and Characterization of Cellulose from Different Fruit and Vegetable Pomaces, Polymers, 9(10): 1-16; DOI: 10.3390/polym9100495
  30. 2017, How pectins and hemicellulose mutually influence mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose membranes, 4th International Conference on Biobased Materials and Composites March, Nantes, France, 29-31.03.2017 , str. 137
  31. 2017, Isolation and characterization of cellulose fibers from different sources, 4th International Conference on Biobased Materials and Composites March, Nantes, France, 29-31.03.2017 , str. 139
  32. 2017, How pectins and hemicellulose mutually influence mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose membranes, 7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Moscow, Russia, 2-5.10.2017 ,
  33. 2017, Isolation of cellulose fibers from fruit and vegetable pomaces, 7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Moscow, Russia, 2-5.10.2017 ,
  34. 2017, Nanocellulose obtained from cellulose isolated from apple pomace, 7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Moscow, Russia, 2-5.10.2017 ,
  35. 2016, Revision of adsorption models of xyloglucan on microcrystalline cellulose, Cellulose, 23(5): 2819-2829
  36. 2016, FT-IR and FT-Raman characterization of non-cellulosic polysaccharides fractions isolated from plant cell wall, Carbohydrate Polymers, 154: 48-54
  37. 2016, Determination of the Optimum Harvest Window for Apples Using the Non-Destructive Biospeckle Method, Sensors, 16(5), 661; DOI: 10.3390/s16050661
  38. 2016, Raman imaging of changes in the polysaccharides distribution in the cell wall during apple fruit development and senescence, Planta, 243(4): 935-945
  39. 2016, Hyperspectral image analysis of Raman maps of plant cell walls for blind spectra characterization by nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 151: 136-145
  40. 2016, Study on dietary fibre by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric methods, Food Chemistry, 196(2016): 114-122
  41. 2015, Localization And Characterization Of Plant Cell Wall Polysaccharides By Usage Of Raman Confocal Microscope., 2015, 2.11.
  42. 2015, Infrared And Raman Spectroscopy As A Tool For Characterization Of Cell Wall Polysaccharides., 2015
  43. 2015, Degradacja polisacharydów roślinnej ściany komórkowej w czasie fizjologicznego dojrzewania owocu pomidora., 2015, 11-11
  44. 2015, Wykorzystanie mikroskopii Ramana w badaniu składu ścian komórkowych warzyw i owoców., 2015, 31-31
  45. 2015, Zastosowanie wybranych metod statystycznych w analizie danych spektroskopowych., 2015, 10-10
  46. 2015, Raman image analysis in the identification of biopolymers in plant cell wall., 2015, 14-15
  47. 2015, Combining FT-IR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the cell wall composition changes during apples development., Carbohydrate Polymers, 115: 93-103
  48. 2014, Wykorzystanie widm podczerwieni oraz analiz wielowymiarowych do oceny zmian zawartości polisacharydów ścian komórkowych jabłka., 2014, 26-26
  49. 2014, Ocena składu chemicznego ścian komórkowych jabłka na podstawie widm podczerwieni oraz analiz wielowymiarowych., NAUKA i PRZEMYSŁ metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości, 2014, (Tom I,): 489-492
  50. 2014, Klasyfikacja frakcji włókna pokarmowego na podstawie danych spektralnych., NAUKA i PRZEMYSŁ metody spektroskopowe w praktyce, nowe wyzwania i możliwości, 2014, (Tom I,): 485-488
  51. 2014, Badania degradacji polisacharydów obecnych w roślinnej ścianie komórkowej za pomocą obrazowania ramanowskiego., 2014, 11-11
  52. 2014, Principal component analysis of raman spectra applied to identifications of biopolymers in plant cell wall., 2014, p. 149-149
  53. 2014, Observation of differences in cell wall polysaccharides composition of carrot root different tissues., 2014, p. 29-30
  54. 2014, Zastosowanie mikroskopii ramanowskiej do badania degradacji polisacharydów roślinnej ściany komórkowej na przykładzie owocu pomidora., 2014, 11-11
  55. 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – apple cell wall., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
  56. 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – bacterial cellulose., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
  57. 2014, Preliminary studies of dietary fiber fractions from different fruits based on FTIR and multivariate statistical methods., 2014, Chemicke listy 108, p.911
  58. 2014, Connection of Raman microscopy and multivariate image analysis methods as a useful way to identification polymers in the plant cell wall., 2014
  59. 2014, Hyperspectral imaging in identification the plant cell wall polysaccharides., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p.911
  60. 2014, Classification of dietary fiber fractions from different sources based on FT IR and hierarchical cluster analysis., 2014, 45-46
  61. 2014, Imaging of polysaccharides in the tomato cell wall with Raman microspectroscopy., Plant Methods, 2014, 10:14(doi:10.1186/1746-4811-10-14): 1-11
  62. 2013, Mikroskop Ramana jako narzędzie do badania struktury roślinnych ścian komórkowych owoców i warzyw, 2013, 61-61
  63. 2013, Study on spatial distribution of polysaccharides in plant cell wall by Raman microscope, 2013, 105-105
  64. 2013, Spatial distribution of polysacccharides in plant cell wall of vegetables and fruits, 2013, 41-41
  65. 2013, Chemiczne tajemnice żywności, 2013
  67. 2013, Raman microscope as a powerful tool to obtain images of spatial distribution of plant cell wall components, 2013, 20-20
  68. 2013, Study on spatial distribution of polysaccharides in plant cell wall by Raman microspectroscope, 2013, 80-80
  69. 2013, Changes of cell wall material composition during apple development, 2013, 64-64
  70. 2012, Usage of raman microspectroscopy for identification of plant cell wall polysaccharides, 2012, 52-52