Chibowski Stanisław

Chibowski Stanisław

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2022, Adsorption, viscosity and thermal behaviour of nanosized proteins with different internal stability immobilised on the surface of mesoporous activated biocarbon obtained from the horsetail herb precursor, Applied Nanoscience, 12, str. 1323-1336, DOI: 10.1007/s13204-021-01759-x
  2. 2022, Ionic Polyacrylamides as Stability-Modifying Substances of Soil Mineral Suspensions Containing Heavy Metal Impurities, Processes, 10(8), 1473; DOI: 10.3390/pr10081473
  3. 2021, Modification of Surface Properties of Colloidal Suspensions of NixOy-SiO2 Mixed Oxides with Different Ni Contents by the Adsorption Layers of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol), Journal of Cluster Science, 32: 1213–1221; DOI: 10.1007/s10876-020-01885-6
  4. 2020, Investigation of adsorption mechanism of phosphate(V) ions on the nanostructured Na‑A zeolite surface modified with ionic polyacrylamide with regard to their removal from aqueous solution, Applied Nanoscience, DOI: 10.1007/s13204-020-01397-9
  5. 2016, Revision of adsorption models of xyloglucan on microcrystalline cellulose, Cellulose, 23(5): 2819-2829