Department and laboratory
Department: Department of Metrology and Modelling of Agrophysical Processes
Laboratory: Laboratory of Natural Environment Monitoring
- 2023, Influence of Temperature on Soil Dielectric Spectra in the 20 MHz – 3 GHz Frequency Range, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3313235
- 2022, Agronomic Biofortification with Se, Zn, and Fe: An Effective Strategy to Enhance Crop Nutritional Quality and Stress Defense—A Review, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, DOI:10.1007/s42729-021-00719-2
- 2022, Cell-wall pectins in the roots of Apiaceae plants: adaptations to Cd stress, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 44(53), DOI: 10.1007/s11738-022-03386-7
- 2022, The influence of temperature on soil complex dielectric permittivity in the 0.02 – 3 GHz frequency range, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, EGU22-4330; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4330
- 2022, Application of dielectric spectroscopy for soil moisture measurements, Webinar at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology; India, 2.02.2022,
- 2021, Effect of Low Zeolite Doses on Plants and Soil Physicochemical Properties, Materials, 14(10), 2617; DOI: 10.3390/ma14102617
- 2021, Contemporary applications of natural and synthetic zeolites from fly ash in agriculture and environmental protection, Journal of Cleaner Production, 311, str. 1-19, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127461
- 2021, Dielectric models for moisture determination of soils with variable organic matter content, Geoderma, 401; DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115288
- 2021, Temperature Dependence of Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectra in 0.02 – 3 GHz Frequency Range, 2021 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings November 7-10, 2021 Salt Lake City, Utah, str. 1-14
- 2021, New dielectric models for soil moisture determination, International Workshop on Dielectric Measurements and Moisture Sensing, Lublin, 30.09.2021, Str. 1-12
- 2021, A Multi-rod Probe for Soil Dielectric-Spectrum Measurements, International Workshop on Dielectric Measurements and Moisture Sensing, Lublin, 30.09.2021, str. 1-21
- 2021, Relations Between Dielectric Permittivity and Volumetric Water Content of Living Soil, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
- 2021, Measurement Repeatability in Broadband Soil-Dielectric-Spectrum Characterization, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
- 2021, Dielectric spectroscopy of soils for soil moisture determination, International Workshop “Agrophysics – Research – Applications – Innovations 2021”, Nitra, Slovakia, October 21,
- 2021, Segmented linear calibration function for soil moisture estimation using microwave dielectric measurements, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 75-75
- 2020, Application of a Monopole Antenna Probe with an Optimized Flange Diameter for TDR Soil Moisture Measurement, Sensors, 20(8), 2374; DOI: 10.3390/s20082374
- 2020, Dielectric Properties of Glass Beads with Talc as a Reference Material for Calibration and Verification of Dielectric Methods and Devices for Measuring Soil Moisture, Materials, 13(8), 1968, DOI: 10.3390/ma13081968
- 2020, A modified dielectric probe for increased measurement volume of soil water content, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-17909
- 2020, Combined vector network analyzer and impedance analyzer for broadband determination of complex permittivity spectrum of glass beads with talc, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-21613
- 2020, Error Correction in Variable-Temperature Characterization of Material Complex Dielectric Spectrum, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 116-118
- 2020, Soil Aquametry and Electromagnetic Metrology, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 171-174
- 2020, Evaluation of a Multi-Rod Probe Performance for Accurate Measurements of Soil Water Content, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 160-162
- 2020, Wideband Characterization of Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectrum, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 167-170
- 2020, A Modified Open-Ended Probe as a Reliable Tool for Measurements of Soil Water Content, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 163-166
- 2019, One-Port Vector Network Analyzer Characterization of Soil Dielectric Spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2886474
- 2019, A Seven-Rod Dielectric Sensor for Determination of Soil Moisture in Well-Defined Sample Volumes, Sensors, 19(7), 1946, str. 1-12, DOI: 10.3390/s19071646
- 2019, Verification of soil salinity index model based on 0.02–3 GHz complex dielectric permittivity spectrum measurements, Journal of Hydrology, 574, str. 517-528, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.066
- 2019, Study of measurement repeatability in vector-network-analyzercharacterization of soil complex dielectric-spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-9101-1
- 2019, Influence of soil moisture, salinity and texture on broadband complexdielectric permittivity spectra, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13796-1
- 2019, Sensitivity volume of monopole antenna for determining soil dielectric permittivity spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13941
- 2019, Environmental-Friendly Modifications of Zeolite to Increase Its Sorption and Anion Exchange Properties, Physicochemical Studies of the Modified Materials, Materials, 12, 3213, str. 1-13, DOI: 10.3390/ma12193213
- 2019, Impact of soil salinity, texture and measurement frequency on the relations between soil moisture and 20 MHz–3 GHz dielectric permittivity spectrum for soils of medium texture, Journal of Hydrology, 579,(124155), DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124155
- 2019, An open-ended probe with an antenna for the measurement of the water content in the soil, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167(105042), str. 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105042
- 2019, Dielectric measurement of soil spectra – influence of organic matter content, Scientific Workshop in Tokai University, Physics Department, Shonan Campus, Hiratsuka, Japan, 18.11.2019,
- 2019, Dielectric measurements for soil moisture estimation, Scientific Workshop in Tokai University, Physics Department, Shonan Campus, Hiratsuka, Japan, 18.11.2019,
- 2019, Seven-rod dielectric sensor for determination of soil moisture in small volumes, 7th International Symposium on Sensor Science, Napoli, Italy 09-11.05.2019,
- 2019, Reference dielectric measurement system as a tool for verification of soil moisture – dielectric permittivity calibration functions, International Scientific Workshop "Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination", Institute of Water Saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China (IWSA), Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China; 06.09.2019 r.,
- 2019, Standardization of electromagnetic measurements of soil moisture – BDS & Soil, International Scientific Seminar "Coaxial dielectric measurements", Marseille, France, 10.07.2019 r.,
- 2018, Soil compaction-induced changes of physicochemical properties of cereal roots, Soil & Tillage Research, 175: 226-233
- 2018, Impact of Soil Salinity on the Relation Between Soil Moisture and Dielectric Permittivity, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 14-16
- 2018, The Calibration-Free Method for Determining Dielectric Permittivity Spectrum, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 50-52
- 2018, A Multiconductor Probe for Broadband Dielectric-Spectrum Measurements, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 77-81
- 2018, The Effect of Storage Time on Dielectric Properties of Pasteurized Milks and Yoghurt, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 118-120
- 2018, Novel TDR Probe for Monitoring Moisture Distribution in Soil Profile – Electromagnetic Simulations, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 121-123
- 2018, Soil salinity assessment with the use of dielectric spectrum at radio and microwave frequencies, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 71
- 2018, Three rod TDR probe for measurement of soil moisture distribution, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 95
- 2018, Electromagnetic multi-simulation method for determining dielectric permittivity spectrum, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r. , Vol. 20, EGU2018-6861
- 2018, EM simulations of a novel three-rod dielectric probe for measurements of soil moisture gradient, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-14349
- 2018, New TDT probe for soil moisture measurement at various soil-profile depths – numerical study of the sensor sensitivity zone, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6877-1
- 2017, The role of cell walls and pectins in cation exchange and surface area of plant roots, Journal of Plant Physiology, 215: 85–90
- 2017, Dielectric relaxation mechanisms in silt loam soil determined from 0.05 – 3 GHz measurements, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017, str. 79-80
- 2017, Input of different kinds of soluble pectin to cation binding properties of roots cell walls, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 120: 194-201
- 2017, Novel TDT Sensor for Soil Moisture Profile Probe, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2017), Barcelona, Spain 27–29.09.2017, 1: 839
- 2017, Soil Dielectric-Spectrum Characterization Based on One-Port VNA Measurement System, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2017), Barcelona, Spain 27–29.09.2017, 1: 811
- 2017, Wideband extraction of soil dielectric spectrum from vector-network-analyzer measurements, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS - AMP 2017), Pavia, Italy 20-22.09.2017,
- 2017, Soil salinity characterization based on 0.05-3 GHz dielectric permittivity measurements, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS - AMP 2017), Pavia, Italy 20-22.09.2017,
- 2016, Possible directions of agricultural and environment protection use of transcarpathian clinoptilolite, BICHИK Teorija i praktika budiwnictwa, 823: 356-371
- 2015, Zeolity pomagają rolnikom: poprawa jakości gleb i warunków rozwoju roślin., 2015
- 2015, Wykorzystanie zeolitów w technologii oczyszczania ścieków, prezentacja w ramach Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Polska - Białoruś - Ukraina 2007-2013 pt.: „Opracowanie innowacyjnego modelu transgranicznego wykorzystania tufów zeolitowych”, współfinansowanego ze środków Europejskiego Instrumentu Sąsiedztwa i Partnerstwa INTERREG. Okres realizacji: 2013-2015
- 2014, Pitfalls and Uncertainties of Using Potentiometric Titration for Estimation of Plant Roots Surface Charge and Acid-Base Properties., American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014, 5(13): 1862-1876
- 2014, Use of modified zeolite in environmental engineering., BICHИK Teorija i praktika budiwnictwa, 781: 61-67
- 2014, Stres, świadomość i inteligencja u roślin., 2014, 147-147
- 2014, Kadm-co o nim wiemy?, 2014, 26-26
- 2014, Use of zeolite in agriculture and environmental protection., International Scientific Conference "Modern Technologies of zeolite tuff usage in industry, Lviv, Ukraina, 20-22.05.2014 r. ,
- 2014, Zastosowanie modyfikowanych zeolitów w procesie usuwania azotanów i fosforanów ze ścieków., 2014
- 2014, Wpływ zeolitów na zawartość kationów wymiennych w wybranych glebach Lubelszczyzny., 2014
- 2014, Wpływ zeolitów na przyrost biomasy i zawartość białka w gorczyce białej (Sinapis alba)., 2014
- 2014, Zmiany CEC w korzeniach wybranych roślin determinowane toksycznością kadmu., 2014, 39-39
- 2014, Wpływ dodatku zeolitu na powierzchnię właściwą wybranych gleb Polski, 2014, 113-113
- 2014, Wpływ dodatku zeolitu na zmianę właściwości jonowymiennych w różnych rodzajach gleb, 2014, 75-75
- 2014, The effect of cadmium ions to change the surface charge of celery (Apium L.) and parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) roots., 2014, 117-118
- 2014, Ion exchange and adsorption properties of modified zeolites, 2014, 99-100
- 2014, Modification of zeolite surface charge for wastewater treatment., 2014, 66-68
- 2014, The effect od addition of zeolite on changes in surface charge of selected soils., 2014, 34-35
- 2014, Zastosowanie klinoptylolitu w ochronie środowiska., 2014, 93-94
- 2014, Wykorzystanie zeolitów w procesie remediacji gleb., 2014, 91-92
- 2014, Use of zeolite in agriculture and environmental protection., BICHИK Teorija i praktika budiwnictwa, 781: 172-177
- 2014, Use of modified zeolite in environmental engineering., 2014, p.9
- 2013, Determination of Energetic and Geometric Properties of Plant Roots Specific Surface from Adsorption/Desorption Ishoterm, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 41554-1561
- 2013, Chemia – nauka i pasja, 2013
- 2013, Effect of pH and ionic Al3+ and Cu2+ on the concentration of magnesium in Trifolium pratense L, Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(3): 473-480
- 2013, Effect of the iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) hydroxides on the surface areas of the brown soil formed from loess, 2013, 283-283
- 2013, Biological activity of urban soil degraded by building materials, 2013, 189-189
- 2013, The role of the cell wall in shaping of ion-exchange properties of plant roots, 2013, 119-119
- 2013, Characteristics of plant roots CEC mono and dicotyledonous, 2013, 55-55
- 2012, Charakterystyka właściwości fizykochemicznych wybranych odmian jęczmienia jarego o zróżnicowanej odporności na stres suszy, 2012, 91-92
- 2012, Zmiany gęstości ładunku powierzchniowego korzeni żyta Secale cereale L. rosnących w podłożu skażonym miedzią i cynkiem, 2012, 89-90
- 2012, Zastosowanie metody miareczkowania potencjometrycznego w badaniach korzeni roślin, 2012, 36-36
- 2012, Zawartość wybranych makroelementów w pszenicy determinowana toksycznością glinu, 2012, 119-119
- 2012, Wpływ podwyższonego stężenia glinu i miedzi na zawartość magnezu w wybranych roślinach uprawnych, 2012, 118-118
- 2012, Bawić ucząc – chemia wokół nas, 2012
- 2012, The sea sand disruption method (SSDM) in the procedure of essential oil components estimation in pine (Pinus Syvestris L.) needle material, 2012, 10-10
- 2012, Zmiany pozornej powierzchni właściwej korzeni życicy wielokwiatowej (Lolium multiflorum L.) determinowane toksycznością kadmu., Acta Agrophysica, 2012, 19(3): 587-595