Publikacje pracownika
- 2018, Soils response to the land use and soil climatic gradients at ecosystem scale: Mineralogical and geochemical data, Soil & Tillage Research, 180: 38–47
- 2012, Processy wywietriwanija w serych lesnych poczwach trech razlicznych ekosystem., 2012, 12-13
- 2010, Physicochemical and mineralogical diagnostic features of solonetzic process in soils of the Lower Volga region in the late Holocene., Eurasian Soil Science, 2010, 43(10): 1083-1101
- 2010, Effecte of soil acidification induced by the tea plantation on mineralogical and chemical properties of yellow brown earth (China)r, 2010
- 2009, Water stability of aggregates in subtropical and tropical soils (Georgia and China) and its relationships with the mineralogy and chemical properties, Eurasian Soil Science, 2009, 42, 4, 415-425
- 2008, Modifications of the Mineralogical Composition and Surfach Properties of Soils as Related to Stepie Climate Dynamice In Historical Time., Eurasian Soil Science, 2008, Vol. 41, No.13, pp. 1424-1432,
- 2006, Mineralogical and surface properties changes of soils in connection with climate dynamic., International Conference "Clays and Clay minerals", Pushchino, Russie, 26-30.06.2006r., Pushchino, Russie, 26-30.06.2006r.