Nowy program dla naukowców z Ukrainy już otwarty
Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą PAN informuje, że Polska Akademia Nauk we współpracy z partnerami międzynarodowymi otwiera nabór wniosków do nowego programu wsparcia naukowców z Ukrainy.
Naukowcy będą mogli prowadzić badania w sieci jednostek naukowych PAN przez okres maksymalnie trzech lat. Zakładany roczny budżet wyniesie do 200 tys. dolarów na grupę badawczą, czyli 600 tys. dolarów na trzy lata. Grupa badawcza będzie liczyć do pięciu osób. Przewidziany jest udział naukowców (w tym młodych badaczy i badaczek), którzy przebywają na terytorium Ukrainy.
Szczegółowe informacje nt. programu oraz dokumenty aplikacyjne znajdują się na stronie głównej PAN.
Wszelkie pytania i wątpliwości prosimy kierować na adres ukraina@pan.pl.
In the framework of the agreement with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine we are launching a new call in support of scientific cooperation with Ukraine:
Who can apply:
The program is intended for scholars from Ukraine, carrying out research in any field of science represented in the PAS, holding at least a PhD degree, who on 24.02.2022 were employed in a Ukrainian scientific institution or an institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The call for applications is open to:
– scientists who are already in the units of the PAS and wish to continue their research stay after six months from its start,
– scientists who have not yet benefited from PAS support programs launched.
Duration of the stay at PAN:
– new proposals: from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 at the latest, with no possibility of extension,
– prolongations of stays already funded: for up to 10 months of the stay in total and no longer than December 31, 2022 with no possibility of extension,
Applications (application form attached) are to be submitted by the units of the PAS to the International Cooperation Department of the PAS before 19 August 2022 to the address: ukraina@pan.pl.
Financial conditions:
Costs in the amount of 5000 PLN per month will be subject to reimbursement based on a debit note issued by a unit and made out to the Polish Academy of Sciences after the end of each month of the stay. The last debit note should be delivered to the PAS no later than 20 December 2022, even if the visit is to be continued until the end of the year. Along with the last debit note, a substantive report on the entire stay is required (form attached).
For any questions, please send e-mails to: ukraina@pan.pl.
Biuro Współpracy z Zagranicą PAN uprzejmie informuje, że Europejska Federacja Akademii Nauk (ALLEA) uruchomiła nabór wniosków o finansowanie (Funding Line 1) w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu dla Wysiedlonych Uczonych (European Fund for Displaced Scientists -EFDS), utworzonego we współpracy z Breakthrough Prize Foundation.
Joint support for Ukrainian scholars
To assist Ukrainian scientists who have fled Ukraine after the Russian invasion, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) are launching a support program for 3-month research stays at the Institutes of the PAS.
Formal requirements
- A doctoral degree (PhD).
- Official employment as of February 24, 2022 at a scientific institution in Ukraine (including universities and Institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Submission deadline
- Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis until the funds provided for the implementation of the program are exhausted.
Start date and duration of the stay
- The start date is set individually by the candidate and the host institution.
- Duration: up to 3 months with possibility of extension up to 6 months, depending on availability of funds.
- The funding for the stay of scholars from Ukraine at the scientific institutions of the Polish Academy of Sciences amounts to USD 4,100 (in words: four thousand one hundred US dollars) for 3 months, including USD 1,700 for the first month of stay and USD 1,200 for the following two months.
- In the case of a possible extension of the stay for the following months, the financing will be USD 1,200 per month.
- The funding will be transferred to the host institution in USD.
- The application procedure may be initiated in one of two ways: a PAS scientific unit may invite scientists from Ukraine to apply, or a scholar from Ukraine may approach one of the scientific units of the PAS (chosen depending on the area of his/her specialization). Along with the request to the PAS unit, the scholar should enclose a CV in English. The list of the PAS research units is available on this website.
- Once the scholar and the PAS unit agree on the conditions of the stay, the PAS unit then submits an application by sending it by email to: ukraina@pan.pl in message titled: Ukraina / surname and name of the Ukrainian scientist / name of the host PAS unit (in Polish)
- After an eligibility check performed by the Chancellery of the PAS, the applications are assessed first at the PAS, and second at the NAS.
- After summing up the scores received from both academies, a ranking list is drafted.
- On the basis of the above ranking list, the International Cooperation Department of the PAS informs the PAS scientific units about the allocated funding.
- The funding is implemented as a reimbursement of costs, on the basis of monthly debit notes issued by the PAS unit to the Chancellery of the PAS.
- Funding is provided in the form of advance payment on the basis of request for advance payment submitted to the International Cooperation Department of the PAS.
Additional information
- Applications should be submitted by a research unit of the PAS only.
- The candidate must reside in the territory of Poland, or be able to legally and independently cross the border to Poland.
- The substantive requirements (including any required linguistic proficiency in Polish or English) are established individually with the selected scientific unit of the PAS.
- General terms of contract are available in Polish only.
- Should you have any additional questions and/or doubts, please contact us at: ukraina@pan.pl.
By applying for funding under this scheme the research unit of PAS accepts the general terms of contract.
- General terms of contract (PL)
- Application for the funding of a stay of Ukrainian scientist in Poland
- Report on a stay of Ukrainian scientist in Poland
Taiwan Scholarships for Ukrainian Students and Scholars
To show the concern for the crisis in Ukraine, Taiwan is offering scholarships for Ukrainian students and scholars.
Academia Sinica (AS) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in Taiwan have launched a program offering 3-month scholarships to Ukrainian undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students and researchers (with a PhD) representing: the humanities, social sciences, physics & math, and life sciences.
The scholarship will cover the costs of: airline tickets, accommodation and living expenses.
Program details and registration form can be found on the website Taiwan Scholarships for Ukrainian Students and Scholars (pan.pl)
Special scheme for researchers from Ukraine
The National Science Centre is launching a special scheme to allow researchers from Ukraine to continue their research at the Polish research centres.
A special scheme has been launched by the NCN addressed at the Ukrainian researchers as well as other researchers, regardless of their nationality, who took or will take refuge in Poland after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The initiative is aimed at approximately fifty people. The National Science Centre will provide funds to cover their research work and remuneration at the Polish academic and research institutions for a period of one year.
The scheme is open to researchers who are at least PhD holders (in Ukraine: Candidate of Science) and worked at the Ukrainian universities and/or other research institutions before the war broke out. The scheme will cover both basic and applied research.
The proposal submission and evaluation procedure is simplified and very fast. Proposals may be submitted by universities and other research institutions. Proposals must contain an application drafted by the institution and CV of the candidate. They will be evaluated by the scientific coordinators of the NCN and the final decision will be taken by the NCN Director. The formalities related to the settlement of the funds will also be simplified.
The participating research institutions are required to provide mentors-experts in the same or related discipline to the visiting researchers.
The call for proposals starts on 28 March. Proposals must be provided via ePUAP.
The total budget of the scheme is 6 mln PLN. The initiative is carried out at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Full text of the call announcement
To support the academic community of Ukraine, we are launching the “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme
Due to the war in Ukraine and out of solidarity with the academic and scientific community there, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA opens the call for applications for the “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme. The initiative, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health, is addressed to Polish institutions willing to host Ukrainian refugees – students and doctoral candidates who decide to continue their education in Poland.
“NAWA has recently had to respond dynamically to the changing situation beyond our eastern borders. After the wave of protests in Belarus, the ‘Solidarity with Belarus’ programme was created, and now the unprecedented military aggression against Ukraine requires the adjustment of the Polish higher education system to accommodate refugees who wish to continue their studies in our country. The ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ programme is a valuable support for universities that will provide assistance to our neighbours from war-torn areas,” says Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science.
“Support for Ukrainian students means assistance in educating the staff who in the future will treat the inhabitants of Ukraine,” emphasizes Deputy Minister of Health Piotr Bromber. “Thanks to the ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ programme, Ukrainian students will be able to continue their education, including at medical faculties, which will also be possible thanks to the great openness and willingness to help on the part of medical universities. I believe that the actions that we are taking will meet the expectations of Ukrainian students.
In a spirit of solidarity
At the very beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Polish academic and scientific community clearly defined their position and willingness to provide assistance and support to the Ukrainian people. As a result of consultations, a support system was developed that will allow Ukrainian refugee students and doctoral candidates to continue their education.
“We have united to demonstrate support for Ukraine. Our thoughts are especially close to the citizens of this state who are part of the academic community. Today, we consider it important to ensure the continuity of education and research. The ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ programme implemented by NAWA is intended to make this possible for Ukrainian students and doctoral candidates whose chance to gain knowledge was drastically cut short,” says professor Arkadiusz Mężyk, President of CRASP.
The aid activities of the “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme are largely based on the “Solidarity with Belarus” initiative, which has been implemented since 2020 and has proven to be an extremely valuable experience today.
“Scientific research and student education should be conducted in a democratic and war-free world. Today, academic activity in Ukraine has ceased, and we as an academic community have an important task ahead of us. It is unity, solidarity and enabling the continuity of education and research for Ukrainian students and scientists who have been forced to flee their country. The “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme reflects our desire to help. Moreover, in the coming days, the NAWA team will be joined by Ukrainian citizens whose expertise will allow us to operate at the peak of our potential,” stresses dr Grażyna Żebrowska, Director General of NAWA.
Call for applications for the “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme from 15 to 31 March 2022
Eligible applicants – who files the application
The application to NAWA is submitted by HEIs supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) or the Ministry of Health (MZ), in which the number of full-time students is at least 150, as well as PAN institutes / Łukasiewicz Network institutes / research institutes. In the application, these entities declare the number of Ukrainian students / doctoral candidates that they are willing to host, providing them with an opportunity to continue their studies free of charge, prepare a dissertation, take language courses or benefit from other forms of education in the period from 1 March to 30 September. In addition to the tuition waiver, the participants will receive a scholarship. Moreover, if necessary, psychological and legal assistance will be provided to everyone.
The participants do not need to be recruited for the entire duration of the programme. They can be accepted anytime between 1 March and 30 September 2022.
IMPORTANT: The application to NAWA is submitted by the above-mentioned entities, not by individual students or doctoral candidates.
Requirements for students and doctoral candidates that the eligible applicants are willing to accept:
Citizens of Ukraine who arrived in Poland no earlier than 24 February 2022 and who:
- were students of Ukrainian HEIs in the academic year 2021/2022 or
- were pursuing doctoral studies (aspirantura) in Ukraine in the academic year 2021/2022.
Details of the call for the programme are available in: Announcement of call for applications in the programme
It should be noted that Ukrainians are currently the most numerous group among foreign students in Poland. According to Statistics Poland (GUS) data, in the academic year 2008/2009 there were 2,831 Ukrainian students in our country, and in 2020/21 there were as many as 38,473. They account for 45.4% of all foreigners studying in Poland.
Where to find information
Information on the support for students and doctoral candidates and details of the “Solidarity with Ukraine” initiative are available on the NAWA website: www.nawa.gov.pl and www.researchinpoland.org as well as on a dedicated channel: ukraina.nawa.gov.pl and on the profiles NAWA Україна (@nawaukraine) – in social media.
Contact for institutions: solidarni@nawa.gov.pl
Contact for students and doctoral candidates: ukraina@nawa.gov.pl
Legal aid for doctoral candidates from Ukraine
The Polish Representation of Doctoral Candidates is actively involved in helping those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. A special email address has been launched through which doctoral candidates seeking help owing to the situation in Ukraine can get support for their needs. By sending an email to sos_ua@krd.edu.pl you can obtain information on relocation, legal issues and assistance provided by academic centres in Poland.
The activities to support Ukrainian refugee scientists will be coordinated by the National Science Centre (NCN).