Makó András

Makó András

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2023, Recommendations for soil sample preparation, pretreatment, and data conversion for texture classification in laser diffraction particle size analysis, Geoderma, 430, 116358, DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116358
  2. 2023, Reproducibility of the Wet Part of the Soil Water Retention Curve: A European Interlaboratory Comparison, Soil, DOI: 10.5194/soil-9-365-2023
  3. 2022, Experiences of soil physical measurements with laser diffractometer and their application possibilities in soil water management research, Scientia et Securitas , DOI: 10.1556/112.2021.00065
  4. 2022, Particle size distribution as affected by soil properties and analytical method, 22nd World Congress of Soil Science "Soil Science crossing boundaries, changing society"; Glasgow, Scotland, 31.07-05.08.2022, P-524
  5. 2022, Comparative analysis of aggregate stability indices of typical Hungarian soil types, 22nd World Congress of Soil Science "Soil Science crossing boundaries, changing society"; Glasgow, Scotland, 31.07-05.08.2022, P-525
  6. 2020, Biochar Alters Soil Physical Characteristics, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization, and Glomalin Production, Agronomy, 10(12), 1933, str. 1-18, DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10121933
  7. 2018, Comparison of various macro- and micro-aggregate stability indicators of the soils, 3rd International Symposium of Soil Physics “The common people doing the unusual things", Kraków, Poland 14-15.02.2018, str. 25
  8. 2018, Chapter Five – Laser Diffractometry in the Measurements of Soil and Sediment Particle Size Distribution, Advances in Agronomy, 151: 215-279; DOI: 10.1016/bs.agron.2018.04.003
  9. 2018, Changes in Soil Physical Properties of a Biochar Amended Soils, 25th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 7.11.2018 r., str. 1
  10. 2018, Changes in soil physical properties of a biochar amended soil, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 77
  11. 2018, Optimize the Settings of Mastersizer 3000 when Measuring the Particle-Size Distribution of Soils, 25th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 7.11.2018 r., str. 9
  12. 2018, Optimize the settings of Mastersizer 3000 when measuring the particle-size distribution of soils, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 117
  13. 2018, Device optimization of the Mastersizer 3000 in the measurements of soil and sediment particle size distribution, Biennial Meeting of Hungarian Soil Science Society, Pécs, Hungary, 29.08-01.09.2018 r.,
  14. 2013, Comparative analysis of the organic liquid conductivity of soil samples treated with cationic surfactant, Georgikon for Agriculture, 2013, 18(3): 41-56
  15. 2013, NAPL-conductivity of CPC treated soil samples, 2013, 73-73
  16. 2012, A talajok víz- és szerves folyadék-visszatartó képességének változása kationos felületaktív anyaggal történő kezelés hatására, 2012, 39-40