Ross I.J.

Ross I.J.

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2013, Przykłady badania i modelowania obciążeń silosów na zboże, Budownictwo na obszarach wiejskich. Nauka, praktyka, perspektywy, 2013, (Rozdz.): 219-230
  2. 2013, Asymmetry of loads in flat floor model grain bin due to eccentric filling and non-axial inserts attached to the wall, 2013
  3. 2013, Grain Silo Loads: Experiments and DEM Simulations, 2013, 45-45
  4. 2013, Loads in grain silo: comparison of experimental studies and dem simulations, 2013, 8-9
  5. 2004, Effects of grain properties on loads in model silo, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 329-332
  6. 2004, Effects of grain properties of loads in model silo, 2004
  7. 2003, Effects of Grain Properties on Loads in Smooth Wall Model Silo. 2003,, 4th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids", Budapest, 27-30.05.2003, 2003
  8. 2002, Vertical wall loads in a model grain bin with non-axial internal insertions., 2002
  9. 2002, Wykorzystanie anizotropii właściwości mechanicznych złoża ziarna do redukcji asymetrii obciążenia wywołanej niesymetrycznym opróżnianiem silosu. Application of the anisotropy of mechanical properties of bedding of grain for reduction of silo load asymmetr, Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 72, 49-60
  10. 2002, Mechanical properties of corn and soybean meal., Transactions of the ASAE, 2002, 45(6), 1929-1936
  11. 2002, Bin loads induced by eccentric filling and discharge of grain., Transactions of the ASAE, 2002, 45(3), 781-785
  12. 2002, Friction of wheat: grain-on-grain and on corrugated steel., Transactions of the ASAE, 2002, 45(2), 415-420
  13. 2001, Grain loads on smooth- and corrugated-wall model silos., 2001
  14. 2001, Obciążenia w zbiornikach na ziarno wykona-nych z blachy gładkiej i falistej., Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej we Wrocławiu, 2001, 419, 271-282
  15. 2001, Experimental investigations of grain loads on metal silo walls., Bulk Solids Handling, 2001, 21, 5, 522-527
  16. 2001, Comparison of loads on smooth- and corrugated-wall model grain bins., International Agrophysics, 2001, 15, 2, 95-100
  17. 2000, Mechanical properties of granular feed ingridients., 2000
  18. 2000, Sample structure and strength characteristics of wheat in direct shear test., Physical Metohods in Agriculture - Approach to Precision and Quality 20(PMA)01, Czech University of Agricultire, Prague, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 215-218
  19. 2000, Sample structure and strength characteristics of wheat in direct shear test., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 162-163
  20. 2000, Asymetria naporu wywołana niesymetrycznym napełnianiem i opróżnianiem silosu zbożowego., 2000
  21. 2000, Rozkład obciążenia w modelowym silosie zbożowym podczas częściowego napełniania i opróżniania., 2000
  22. 2000, Comparison of loads on smooth – and corrugated – wall model grain bins., 2000
  23. 2000, Friction of wheat on corrugated and smooth galvanized steel surfaces., Journal Agric. Eng. Res., 2000, 77, 2, 209-219
  24. 1999, Effect of roughness of wheat grain on friction in contact area., International Conference "Trends in Agricultural Engineering", Czech University of Agriculture, Prague, Technical Faculty, Praga, 15-17.09.1999, 68-72, 1999
  25. 1999, Wall loads caused by flumes in a model grain bin., International Agrophysics, 1999, 13, 1,141-147
  26. 1999, Wall loads in a model grain bin during fill and unload cycles., Transactions of the ASAE, 1999, 42, 3, 771-775
  27. 1998, Moments caused by wall flumes in a model grain bin., 1998
  28. 1998, Wall and floor load in a model bin during fill and unload cycles., 1998
  29. 1998, Stress and deformation of wheat in direct shear test., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 2, 115-118
  30. 1998, Loads caused by bottom unloading wall flumes in a model grain bin., Transactions of the ASAE, 1998, 41, 6, 1807-1815
  31. 1997, Comparison of loads on cylindrical and conical model grain bins., 1997
  32. 1997, Wpływ redukcji współczynnika tarcia na rozkład obciążenia w silosie., 1997
  33. 1997, Naprężenie i odkształcenie w warstwie ziarna pszenicy podczas testu bezpośredniego ścinania., 1997
  34. 1997, Loads caused by wall flumes in a model grain bin., 1997
  35. 1997, Grain friction on storage bin wall., 1997
  36. 1997, Stress and deformation of wheat in direct shear test., 1997
  37. 1997, Wear-in effects on loads in cylindrical and conical model grain bins., 1997
  38. 1997, Wear-in effects on loads and flow in a conical grain bin., Transactions of the ASAE, 1997, 40(3), 783-788