Ayuga Francisco

Ayuga Francisco

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2024, Measurement of friction phenomena on silo walls made of corrugated steel, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 226, 109374: DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2024.109374
  2. 2019, DEM analysis of the flow and friction of spherical particles in steel silos with corrugated walls, Powder Technology, 355, str. 425-437, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.07.072
  3. 2005, Microstructure and mechanical parameters of starch powders., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 2, Physics in Plant Science, 197
  4. 2005, Testing mechanical properties of food powders in two laboratories-degree of consistency of results., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 2, Physics in Plant Science, 196