Zakład i laboratorium
Zakład: Zakład Fizycznych Właściwości Materiałów Roślinnych
Laboratorium: Laboratorium Materiałów Sypkich
Zainteresowania naukowe:
- Badanie mechanicznych właściwości materiałów rolniczych
- Modelowanie Metodą Elementów Dyskretnych procesów mechanicznych w ośrodkach sypkich
Inne informacje
Uzyskane stopnie naukowe:
- 2004 Mgr fizyki
Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UMCS w Lublinie
Tytuł pracy: „Zależność energii jąder atomowych od temperatury” - 2008 Dr nauk rolniczych w zakresie agronomii-agrofizyki
Instytut Agrofizyki im. B. Dobrzańskiego PAN w Lublinie
Tytuł pracy: ” Modelowanie efektów quasi-statycznych w złożu ziarna metodą elementów dyskretnych” - 2016 Dr habilitowany nauk rolniczych w zakresie agronomii, Instytut Agrofizyki im. B. Dobrzańskiego PAN w Lublinie, Tytuł osiągnięcia naukowego pt.: „Strukturalne oraz mechaniczne właściwości polidyspersyjnych ośrodków sypkich, poddanych jednoosiowemu obciążeniu ściskającemu”
Członkostwo w organizacjach:
- Polskie Towarzystwo Agrofizyczne
Publikacje pracownika
- 2024, Precise control of discharge of spherical particles by cone valve configuration: Insert – Converging orifice, Powder Technology, 433; 119225
- 2024, Discharge rate influenced by friction and shape of dimers: Numerical study, Tribology International, 193; 109421
- 2024, Application of MOX Sensors to Determine the Emission of Volatile Compounds in Corn Groats as a Function of Vertical Pressure in the Silo and Moisture Content of the Bed, Sensors, 24(7), 2187, DOI: 10.3390/s24072187
- 2024, Time of Consolidation and Humidity Influence on Properties of Food Powders, Processes, 1293), 424, DOI: 10.3390/pr12030424
- 2024, Measurement of friction phenomena on silo walls made of corrugated steel, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 226, 109374: DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2024.109374
- 2023, Converging orifice used to control the discharge rate of spherical particles from a flat floor silo, Scientific Reports, 13:669; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-27431-8
- 2023, DEM study of microstructural effects in friction of wheat on corrugated steel surface, Tribology International, 183, 1108435, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2023.108435
- 2023, Determination of the Strength of Consolidated Powder Materials with a Pull-Based Tester, Materials, 16(9), 3557; DOI: 10.3390/ma16093557
- 2023, The Effect of the Grain Size Heterogeneity on the Bulk Solids Handling and Processing Technology, 22nd International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2023”; Gödöllő, Hungary, 15-16 czerwca 2023 r., , str. 63-63
- 2023, Controlled discharge of granular material from a flat floor silo with converging orifice, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 95-95
- 2023, Discharge rate influenced by shape and friction of particles in a shape of spheres and dimers, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 96-96
- 2023, Metody analizy numerycznej w badaniach naukowych i praktyce rolniczej, VI Konferencja Doktorantów pt.: „Cztery Żywioły – współczesne problemy w naukach o życiu”, Warszawa-Lublin, online, 14.12.20223 r., 8-9
- 2022, DEM modelling of the influence of initial stress state on the discharge rate of spherical particles from a model silo, Powder Technology, 403,117402, str. 1-9, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117402
- 2022, An effect of content and particle stiffness on the mechanics of particle mixtures: experimental and numerical study, 24. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Metod Komputerowych w Mechanice (CMM) oraz 42. Konferencja Mechaniki Ciał Stałych (SolMech) (CMM-SolMech 2022); Swinoujście, 5-8.09.2022,
- 2022, Nowe metody badań proszków spożywczych oraz biomasy, XX Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Budowa i Eksploatacja Maszyn Przemysłu Spożywczego „BEMS 2022”; Pułtusk, 20-23.09.2022,
- 2021, Mechanical and Combustion Properties of Agglomerates of Wood of Popular Eastern European Species, Materials, 14(11), 2728; DOI: 10.3390/ma14112728
- 2021, Breakage Strength of Wood Sawdust Pellets: Measurements and Modelling, Materials, 14(12), 3273; DOI: 10.3390/ma14123273
- 2021, Experimental analysis of wheat-wall friction and grain flow in a steel silo with corrugated walls, Biosystems Engineering, 209: 216-231; DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2021.07.003
- 2021, Discharge Flow of Spherical Particles from a Cylindrical Bin: Experiment and DEM Simulations, Processes, 9,1860, str.1-20, DOI: 10.3390/pr9111860
- 2021, Modelling and simulation of fruit drop tests by discrete element method, Biosystems Engineering, 212, str. 228-240, DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2021.08.007
- 2021, Experiments and DEM simulations of spherical particles discharge from a cylindrical bin, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 166
- 2020, Discrete Element Method Modelling of the Diametral Compression of Starch Agglomerates, Materials, 13(4). 392, str1-22, DOI: 10.3390/ma13040932
- 2020, Structural and Micromechanical Properties of Ternary Granular Packings: Effect of Particle Size Ratio and Number Fraction of Particle Size Classes, Materials, 13(2):339, str. 1-19, DOI: 10.3390/ma13020339
- 2020, Friction and Shear Properties of Pine Biomass and Pellets, Materials, 13(16), 3567, str. 1-15, DOI: 10.3390/ma13163567
- 2020, Calibration of discrete-element-method model parameters of bulk wheat for storage, Biosystems Engineering, 200: 298-314; DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.10.010
- 2019, Mechanical characteristics of pine biomass of different sizes and shapes, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 77((4), str. 593-608, DOI: 0.1007/s00107-019-01415-w
- 2019, Tensile strength of pressure-agglomerated potato starch determined via diametral compression test: Discrete element method simulations and experiments, Biosystems Engineering, 183, str. 95-109, DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2019.04.019
- 2019, DEM analysis of the flow and friction of spherical particles in steel silos with corrugated walls, Powder Technology, 355, str. 425-437, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.07.072
- 2019, Two-dimensional particle shapes modelling for DEM simulations in engineering: a review, Granular Matter, str. 1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s10035-019-0935-1
- 2019, A DEM study of relationschip between mechanical strength and geometrical parameters of agglomerates composed of plant materials, 9th International Granulation Workshop 2019, Lousanne, Switzerland,
- 2019, DEM modelling of diametral compression test of starch agglomerates, 4th Polish Congress of Mechanics, PCM-CMM, Kraków, Poland, 8-12.06.2019,
- 2019, Formation and diametral compression of starch tablets: experiment and DEM simulations, International Congress on Particle Technology PARTEC 2019, 9-11.04.2019 r. Nuremberg, Deutchland,
- 2019, Friction of wheat on corrugated steel. Experiments and Discrete Element Method modelling. DEM 8, 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, The Netherlands, 21-26.06.2019, str. 196
- 2019, Compressibility and pressure distribution in a deposit of spherical particles under cyclic uniaxial confined compression, International Congress on Particle Technology PARTEC 2019, 9-11.04.2019 r. Nuremberg, Deutchland,
- 2019, A DEM study of relationship between mechanical strength and friction and adhesive parameters of agglomerates composed of plant materials, 9th International Granulation Workshop, Lozanna, Switzerland, 26-28.06.2019 ,
- 2018, Characterization of shear behaviour in consolidated granular biomass, Powder Technology, 327: 120-127
- 2018, Numerical analysis of compression mechanics of highly polydisperse granular mixtures with different PSD-s, Granular Matter, 20:17; DOI: 10.1007/s10035-018-0788-z
- 2018, Effect of number of granulometric fractions on structure and micromechanics of compressed granular packings, Particuology, 39: 88-95
- 2018, Effect of aspect ratio on the mechanical behavior of packings of spheroids, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 501: 1-11
- 2018, Effect of the particle size ratio on the structural properties of granular mixtures with discrete particle size distribution, Granular Matter, 20:31, DOI: 0.1007/s10035-018-0800-7
- 2018, Selection of material for X-ray tomography analysis and DEM simulations: comparison between granular materials of biological and non-biological origins, Granular Matter, 20(38): 1-14
- 2018, Discrete Element Method modelling of diametral compression of starch tablets, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 61
- 2018, Outflow of mixtures of spheres and cylinders through horizontal orifices. Experimental and DEM simulations, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 160
- 2018, Numerical analysis of compression mechanics of granular packings with various number of particle size fractions, 2-nd Workshop on Porous Media, Olsztyn, 28-30.06.2018 r., str. 54
- 2018, Effect of trimodality on structural and mechanical properties of granular packings with different particle size ratios and particle size fractions, 41st Solid Mechanics Conference (SolMech) Warszawa, 27-31.08.2018 r., str. 186-187
- 2017, Mechanical and combustion properties of sawdust-straw pellets blended in different proportions, Fuel Processing Technology, 156: 366-375
- 2017, Effective elastic properties and pressure distribution in bidisperse granular packings: DEM simulations and experiment, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2(7): 271-280
- 2017, Effect of particle size ratio and contribution of particle size fractions on micromechanics of uniaxially compressed binary sphere mixtures, Granular Matter, Vol. 19 (34), DOI: 10.1007/s10035-017-0719-4
- 2017, Breaking tester for examining strength of consolidated starch, International Agrophysics, Vol. 31(2): 251-258
- 2017, Discharge of spheres, cylinders and their mixtures from cylindrical bin. Experiments and DEM simulations, 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, 1-5.10.2017,
- 2017, Discrete Element Method for engineering application: modelling of granular materials transported on conveyor belt, 2nd International Conference of Computational Methods in Engineering Science CMES, Lublin, Poland, 23-25.11.2017,
- 2016, Generacja złóż wirtualnych Metodą Elementów Dyskretnych, Granularne Ośrodki Porowate,
- 2016, Metoda Elementów Dyskretnych MED, 1st Workshop on Porous Media. Olsztyn, 1-3.07.2016 r. ,
- 2016, Representative elementary volume analysis of polydisperse granular packings using discrete element method, Particuology, 27: 88-94
- 2016, Geometrical parameters of binary granular mixtures with size ratio and volume fraction: experiments and DEM simulations, Granular Matter, 18(42): 1-10
- 2016, Pressure distribution in an assembly of wooden cylinders with various aspect ratios under uniaxial confined compression, Granular Matter, 18(2): 1-8
- 2015, Uniaxial compression testing and DEM simulations of binary mixtures of spherical particles., 2015
- 2015, Geometrical and mechanical Representative Elementary Volumes for polydisperse granular materials., 2015
- 2014, Influence of shape of particle size distribution on mechanics of uniaxially compressed granular packings., 2014
- 2014, Effect of particle size distribution on micro- and macromechanical response of granular packings under compression., International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 514189-4195
- 2014, Effect of particle polydispersity on micromechanical properties and energy dissipation in granular mixtures., Particuology, 2014, 1691-99
- 2014, Microstructure and micromechanics of polydisperse granular materials: Effect of the shape of particle size distribution., Powder Technology, 2014, 268237-243
- 2014, Influence of the method of representing shape of oblong particle on results of DEM simulations of uniaxial compression of granular assembly., 2014, No.-162
- 2013, Oddziaływania w materiałach sypkich, 2013
- 2013, Effect of particie size distribution on the energy dissipation and mechanical response of packings of spheres under compressive loading, 2013
- 2013, Właściwości mechaniczne biomasy ziarnistej i włóknistej wykorzystywanej na cele energetyczne i do zakiszania, 2013
- 2013, DEM simulations of the frictional and frictionless polydisperse packings of the spheres under uniaxial compression, 2013, 715-725
- 2013, Effect of particle size distribution on the energy dissipation and mechanical response of packings of spheres under compressive loading, 2013, 118-118
- 2013, Effect of cohesion on the mechanical properties of polydisperse granular beddings, 2013, 69-69
- 2013, Experiment and DEM modelling of powder slip-stick effect, 2013, 63-63
- 2012, Energia fal, 2012
- 2012, Magia materiałów sypkich, 2012
- 2012, Experimental and numerical studies on uniaxial compression behavior of slightly oblong particles at crossover from Quasi-2D to 3D, 2012
- 2012, Modelowanie metodą elementów dyskretnych procesów mechanicznych w ośrodkach rozdrobnionych, 2012, 88-89
- 2012, Experimental and numerical determination of representative elementary volume for granular plant materials., Granular Matter, 2012, 14449-456
- 2012, Influence of grain shape and intergranular friction on material behavior in uniaxial compression: Experimental and DEM modeling., Powder Technology, 2012, 217435-442
- 2011, Mechanical properties of granular agro-materials. Continuum and discrete approach., Acta Agrophysica Rozprawy i Monografie EN, 2011, 190(1): 1-152
- 2011, Wpływ szerokości próbki i kształtu cząstek na charakterystyki jednoosiowego ściskania złoża materiału sypkiego., Acta Agrophysica, 2011, 18(2): 399-408
- 2011, Variability of intergranular friction and its role in DEM simulation of direct shear of an assemmbly of rapeseeds., International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(4): 361-368
- 2011, Moisture-dependent physical properties of rapeseed – experimental and DEM modeling, International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(1): 59-65
- 2010, Simulation of the packing structure, load distribution and flow pattern in a 2-dimensional model silo using discrete element method, 2010
- 2009, Discontinuity, non-homogeneity and anisotropy in granular media., Annual Report Polish Academy of Sciences, 2009, 67-68
- 2009, Metoda wyznaczania współczynnika tarcia pomiędzy dwoma metalowymi i organicznymi obiektami., Acta Agrophysica, 2009, 167, Vol. 13(2), 407-418
- 2009, Wpływ właściwości fizycznych granul na sypkość proszków spożywczych., 2009
- 2009, Modelowanie elementarnych oddziaływań w obszarze kontaktu ziaren., 2009
- 2008, Wpływ właściwości fizycznych granul na sypkość proszków spożywczych., 2008
- 2008, Modelowanie elementarnych oddziaływań w obszarze kontaktu ziaren., 2008
- 2008, Influence of particle size variability on mechanical and geometrical properties of granular system., 2008