Govender Nicolin

Govender Nicolin

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2024, Precise control of discharge of spherical particles by cone valve configuration: Insert – Converging orifice, Powder Technology, 433; 119225
  2. 2023, The influence of cohesion on polyhedral shapes during mixing in a drum, Chemical Engineering Science, 270, DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.118499
  3. 2023, The influence of the particle shape on the discharge rate from the model silo, VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods, Particles 2023, 9-11.10.2023, Mediolan, Włochy, 1-1
  4. 2022, Particle shape effects in granular material using GPU DEM, 9th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT9), Madrid, 18-22.09.2022 , str. 261-262