Publikacje pracownika
- 2014, Application of the fast Fourier transform method to the TDR signal analysis based on data from a vector network analyzer., 2014, 114-115
- 2014, Influence of soil electrical conductivity and dielectric dispersion parameters on time-amplitude characteristics of TDR reflectograms., 2014, P3-228
- 2013, Selected issues of the TDR based measurement of the soil apparent dielectric permittivity oriented to the evaluation of soil moisture, 2013, 169-173
- 2013, Szerokopasmowe widma impedancji ciekłych materiałów pochodzenia rolniczego, 2013, 41-42
- 2013, Determinantion of the soil complex dielectric permittivity from the measured reflection coefficient – a multi-rod probe and FDR model calibration, 2013, 224-230
- 2013, Application of a Coaxial-Like Sensor for Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements of Selected Low-Conductivity Liquids, Sensors, 2013, 1313301-13317
- 2013, Testing of principal component analysis for improving soil water content determination, 2013, 113-113
- 2013, Impedance spectroscopy measurements of liquid materials – sample agrophysical implementation, 2013, 65-65
- 2013, Application of impedance spectroscopy from estimating electrical parameters of carbohydrates aqueous solutions, 2013, 47-47
- 2013, Interpreting impedance spectroscopy measurements using equivalent electrical circuits, 2013, 41-41