Prof. Artur Zdunek członkiem Akcji COST CA17121 PL

Prof. Artur Zdunek członkiem Akcji COST CA17121 PL

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Miło nam poinformować, że 30 maja 2018 r. prof. dr hab. Artur Zdunek został nominowany jako MC Member Akcji COST CA17121 PL „Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences”.


The network aims at fueling urgently needed collaborations in the field of correlated multimodal imaging (CMI), promoting and disseminating its benefits through showcase pipelines, and paving the way for its technological advancement and implementation as a versatile tool in biological and preclinical research. CMI combines two or more imaging modalities to gather information about the same specimen. It creates a composite view of the sample with multidimensional information about its macro-, meso- and microscopic structure, dynamics, function and chemical composition. Since no single imaging techniquecan reveal all these details, CMI is the only way to understand biomedical processes and diseases mechanistically and holistically. CMI relies on the joint multidisciplinary expertise from biologists, physicists, chemists, clinicians and computer scientists, and depends on coordinated activities and knowledge transfer between academia and industry, and instrument developers and users. Due to its inherently multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature, the proposed network is indispensable for the success of CMI. Nevertheless, there is currently no European network in the field. Existing scattered efforts mainly focus on correlated light and electron microscopy or (pre)clinical hybrid imaging. This Action will consolidate their efforts, establish commonly-accepted protocols and quality standards for existing CMI approaches, identify and showcase novel CMI pipelines, bridge the gap between preclinical and biological imaging, and foster correlation software through networking, workshops and open databases. The network will raise awareness for CMI, train researchers in multimodal approaches, and work towards a scientific mindset that is enthusiastic about interdisciplinary imaging approaches in life sciences.

Areas of Expertise
● Biological sciences: Morphology and functional imaging of cells
● Biological sciences: Biophysics
● Biological sciences: Molecular biology and interactions
● Biological sciences: Development, developmental genetics, pattern formation and embryology in animals
● Physical Sciences: Biophysics

● Correlated Imaging
● Preclinical and Bioimaging
● Image Analysis
● Hybrid Imaging

Main Proposer: AT
Network of Proposers: AT, CH, CY, CZ, DE, EE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, TR, UK
Main and secondary proposers: 30% ECI / 45% Women / 50% ITC

International Organisations (IO): Germany

SMEs: Austria, France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom
Large companies: Germany