Umeda M.

Umeda M.

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2014, Parameterization of plant tissue microstructure by confocal microscopy for Finite Elements Modelling., 2014, 14-14
  2. 2011, Geometric models of plant tissues for finite element method, 2011, 40-41
  3. 2011, Study on parametrisation of plant tissue microstructure by confocal microscopy for finite elements modelling, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2011, 7898-105
  4. 2007, Visual texture analysis for cell size measurements from confocal image., International Agrophysics, 2007, 21, 4, 409-414
  5. 2006, Extension and fracture of cell walls after parenchyma tissue deformation., Biosystems Engineering, 2006, 93, 3, 269-278
  6. 2005, Influence of cell size and cell wall volume fraction on failure properties of potato and carrot tissue., Journal of Texture Studies, 2005, 36, 25-43
  7. 2004, Wpływ wielkości komórek na wytrzymałość tkanki bulwy ziemniaka i marchwi, 2004
  8. 2004, Mikroskopia konfokalna w badaniu geometrycznych cech komórek tkanek roślinnych. Analiza obrazu i automatyzacja pomiarów, 2004
  9. 2004, Cell walls extension after parenchyma tissue deformation., AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 2004, AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 936-937
  10. 2003, Ilościowy opis mikro-struktury miękich tkanek roślinnych przy pomocy mikroskopu konfokalnego i analizy obrazu., 2003