Hajnos Mieczysław

Hajnos Mieczysław

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Prof. DSc Hajnos Mieczysław
Room: 116
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Phone: (81) 744 50 61 w. 150


Research interests:  

  • Electrokinetic phenomena in soil material
  • Flocculation and aggregation of soil material (application of different structure-forming and structure – modifying factors)
  • Adsorption of ions, vapours and gases on soil material
  • Wettability and surface free energy components of minerals and soils
  • Analysis of the structure of agricultural materials by porosity measurements
  • Soil reclamation
  • Formation and characterization of anthropogenic soils (urban) soils

Other information

Education (dates, degrees, universities):

  • 1971    MSc in Chemistry
    Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
  • 1978    PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy)
    University of Agriculture in Lublin, Poland
    Dissertation  “Agrophysical properties of soils as an indicator of agricultural suitability”
  • 1999    Habilitation in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
    Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
    Dissertation “Surface energy and magnitude/quantity of its components as parameters determining wettability and aggregation state of selected clay minerals and soils”
  • 2004    Professor Agricultural Sciences
    Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland


  • Commission No. 2, Application of Physics and Chemistry in Technology and Agriculture, Lublin Division of Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Scientific Society of Lublin
  • Polish Society of Agrophysics
  • Polish Society of Soil Science

Scholarships and fellowships:

  • 1976 – 1977    University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 1983    University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 2002    The University of Lleid, Spain


  1. 2018, Pore size distribution and stability of ortstein and overlying horizons in podzolic soils under forest, Geoderma, 310: 138-142
  2. 2018, Behavior of new hydroxyapatite/glucan composite in human serum, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 106(7): 2653-2664
  3. 2018, Soils response to the land use and soil climatic gradients at ecosystem scale: Mineralogical and geochemical data, Soil & Tillage Research, 180: 38–47
  4. 2018, Soils response to the land use and soil climatic gradients at ecosystem scale, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 23
  5. 2018, Pore size distribution and adsorption properties of soils with different texture, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 25
  6. 2018, Structural characteristics of biochar-amended loamy sand soil, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 55
  7. 2018, Changing rainfall patterns of clay minerals and soils under the influence of humic acid, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.07.2018 r., str. 179
  8. 2017, Physical parameters of Fluvisols on flooded and non-flooded terraces, International Agrophysics, 31: 73-82
  9. 2017, Effect of long-term fertilizer application in maize crop growing on chemical element leaching in Fluvisol, International Agrophysics, 31(2): 243-249
  10. 2017, Unexpected reaction of new HAp/glucan composite to environmental acidification: Defect or advantage?, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials, 105(5): 1178-1190
  11. 2017, Influence of physico-chemical modification of waxy corn starch on changes in its structure, Food Hydrocolloids, 70: 201-210
  12. 2016, Characterization of pore structure of rice grits extrudates using mercury intrusion porosimetry, nitrogen adsorption and water vapour desorption methods, Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 190: 147-153
  13. 2016, Modification of Lightweight Aggregates’ Microstructure by Used Motor Oil Addition, Materials, 9(10), 845, 1-12
  14. 2015, Extruded corn gruels containing linden flowers: quantitation of phenolic compounds and selected quality characteristics., Open Chemistry, 13(1): 1209-1217
  15. 2015, Effect of humic acids, sesquioxides and silica on the pore system of silt aggregates measured by water vapour desorption, mercury intrusion and microtomography., European Journal of Soil Science, 66(6): 992-1001
  16. 2015, Role of coat structure in mechanical properties of yellow and black rape seeds., Journal of Cereal Science, 65: 298-302
  17. 2015, Thin-layer chromatography coupled with biological detection to screen natural mixtures for potential drug leads., Phytochemistry Letters, 11: 445-454
  18. 2015, Pore structure, stability and water repellency of earthworm casts and natural aggregates in loess soil., Geoderma, 243-244: 124-129
  19. 2015, Do Ca2 +-adsorbing ceramics reduce the release of calcium ions from gypsum-based biomaterials?, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015, 47256-265
  20. 2014, Electrokinetic properties of soil minerals and soils modified with polyelectrolytes., Eurasian Soil Science, 2014, 47(7): 699-706
  21. 2013, Zwilżalność gleb mineralnych Polski, 2013
  23. 2013, Transformation of the structural organization of clay sediments and soils under the impact of polyelectrolytes, Eurasian Soil Science, 2013, 46(8): 897-907
  24. 2013, Physicochemical properties of silica gel coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) and its application in non-suppressed ion chromatography, Talanta, 2013, 115451-456
  25. 2013, Wettability of mineral soils, Geoderma, 2013, 20663-69
  26. 2013, Metody wyznaczania porowatości bio- i geo- materiałów., 2013
  27. 2012, Issledowanje tekstury gliniastych minerałow i poczw, modificorowanych polielektrolitami, 2012, 41-42
  28. 2012, Processy wywietriwanija w serych lesnych poczwach trech razlicznych ekosystem., 2012, 12-13
  29. 2012, Struktura na poczwiennaja adsorbent. Teoria i priłożenie, Izdatjelstwo "PubliszSajSet-Eko", 2012, 1-119
  30. 2012, Novel water source for endolithic life in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert., Biogeosciences, 2012, 92275-2286
  31. 2012, Estimating effects of compaction on pore size distribution of soil aggregates by mercury porosimeter., Geoderma, 2012, 179-18020-27
  32. 2012, Influence of some chemical modifications on the characteristics of potato starch powders., Journal of Food Engineering, 2012, 108515-522
  33. 2011, Organo mineral interaction on heavy metal and arsenic contaminated acid soils, 2011, 939-943
  34. 2011, Comparative research of the effectiveness of organo-mineral melioration on heavy metals polluted soil. Changes in soil acidity, 2011, 812-817
  35. 2011, Surface properties of soils and their behavior in degradation processes, 2011, 261-265
  36. 2011, Microscopic saline ponds are oasis for photosynthetic life in the driest place on the Earth: implications for putative Martian biosphere, 2011
  37. 2011, Porowatość mieszanin gleby lessopodobnej z preparatem keratyno-koro-mocznikowym., Acta Agrophysica, 2011, 18(2): 457-467
  38. 2011, Some characteristics of organic soils irrigated with municipal wastewater., Land Degradation & Development, 2011, 22(6): 586-595
  39. 2010, Physicochemical and mineralogical diagnostic features of solonetzic process in soils of the Lower Volga region in the late Holocene., Eurasian Soil Science, 2010, 43(10): 1083-1101
  40. 2010, HPLC of flavonoids, Chromatographic Science Series "High performance liquid chromatography in phy-tochemical analysis", Vol. 102, Part II, Chapter 21, 535-561 - Wydawnictwo CRC Press Taylor&Francis Group
  41. 2010, Wpływ pH oraz jonów Cu 2+ i Zn2+ na zawartość wapnia w życie (Secale cereale L.), Acta Agrophysica, 2010, 177, vol. 15(1), 177-185
  42. 2010, Izmienienje swojstw gliniastych minerałow i poczw pro pogłoszczenii organiczeskich wieszczestw razlicznoj prirody. W: “Biosfernyje Funkcji Poczwiennowo Pokrywa”, 2010, 187-189
  43. 2010, Influence of electrolytes on the formation of structure of clay minerals, 2010
  44. 2010, Effecte of soil acidification induced by the tea plantation on mineralogical and chemical properties of yellow brown earth (China)r, 2010
  45. 2009, Zwilżalność jako czynnik wpływający na stan warstwy powierzchniowej gleby i plonowanie roślin – metody określania zwilżalności gleby., Ochrona i Wartość Użytkowa Gleb. Właściwości Fizyczne, Chemiczne i Biologiczne., 2009, PAN/Komitet Agrofizyki//Wydawnictwo Naukowe FRNA, Rozdział 697-112
  46. 2009, Badanie porowatości gleby ze stanowiska archeologicznego nr 4 w Biskupinie., Archeological Museum in Biskupin, 2009, "Stan i perspektywy zachowania drewna biskupińskiego", 247-255
  47. 2009, Woda w glebie pomiary naziemne i satelitarne w badaniach zmian klimatu., Wydawnictwo Naukowe FRNA Mono, Komitet Agrofizyki PAN, 2009, 1-168
  48. 2009, Properties of leached forest-meadow chernozem polluted with lead and cadmium., Acta Agrophysica, 2009, 168, Vol. 13(3), 661-671
  49. 2009, Water stability of aggregates in subtropical and tropical soils (Georgia and China) and its relationships with the mineralogy and chemical properties, Eurasian Soil Science, 2009, 42, 4, 415-425
  50. 2009, Woda w glebie – pomiary naziemne i satelitarne w misji ESA SMOS., 2009
  51. 2009, Fizykochemiczne procesy degradacji gleb i roślin., 2009
  52. 2009, Modelowe badania nad zanieczyszczeniem gleb miejskich metalami ciężkimi., 2009
  53. 2009, Wpływ składu fazy stałej na równowagi sorpcyjne, mikrostrukturę oraz charakterystyki powierzchniowe materiału glebowego i roślinnego., 2009
  54. 2009, Określenie właściwości hydrofizycznych gleb ze stanowiska archeologicznego nr 4 w Biskupinie., 2009
  55. 2009, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału, 2009
  56. 2009, Soil water content measurements in different spatial and temporal scales., 2009
  57. 2009, Zmiany mikroporowatości korzeni pod wpływem jonów Al+3 i Cu+2 badane metodą adsorpcji-desorpcji pary wodnej., 2009
  58. 2009, Spatial distribution of soil moisture obtained from gravimetric and TDR methods for SMOS validation, at the Polesie test site SVRT 3275, in Poland., 2009
  59. 2008, Wpływ preparatu keratyno-koro-mocznikowego na porowatość gleby brunatnej., 2008
  60. 2008, Fizykochemiczne procesy degradacji gleb i roślin., 2008
  61. 2008, Modelowe badania nad zanieczyszczeniem gleb miejskich metalami ciężkimi., 2008
  62. 2008, Badania porozymetryczne wytłoku rzepakowego(N)., 2008
  63. 2008, Wpływ składu fazy stałej na równowagi sorpcyjne, mikrostrukturę oraz charakterystyki powierzchniowe materiału glebowego i roślinnego., 2008
  64. 2008, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału., 2008
  65. 2008, Application of low temperature and environmental scanning electron microscopy for the study of NaCl deliquescence., 2008
  66. 2008, Effects of soil texture and wetness on thermal conductivity., 2008
  67. 2008, Spatial variability of soil texture and wetness: effects on thermal conductivity., 2008
  68. 2008, Charakterystyka gleby miejskiej degradowanej metalami ciężkimi., 2008
  69. 2008, Wilgotność gleby w skali pola i gminy dla potrzeb walidacji obserwacji satelitarnych w misji ESA SAMOS., 2008
  70. 2008, Wpływ pH, miedzi i cynku na gęstość ładunku powierzchniowego korzeni żyta (Secale careala L.)., 2008
  71. 2008, Soil moisture spatial distribution at the SMOS Cal/Val Campaign POLESIE (AO-3275) in Poland., Geophysical Research Abstracts, Wiedeń, Austria, 13-16.04.2008r, Vol.10
  72. 2008, Study of the Microstructure of Extruded Rapeseed Oil Cake., Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2008, Vol. 17, 284-289
  73. 2008, Modifications of the Mineralogical Composition and Surfach Properties of Soils as Related to Stepie Climate Dynamice In Historical Time., Eurasian Soil Science, 2008, Vol. 41, No.13, pp. 1424-1432,
  74. 2008, Filter properties of seam material from Paged Urban soils., Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2008, 12, 691-702
  75. 2007, Porosity of leached forestmeadow chernozem polluted with lead and cadmium., Acta Agrophysica, 2007, 152, 10(2), 455-463
  76. 2007, Selected properties of leached forestmeadow chernozem polluted with lead and cadmium., 2007
  77. 2007, Pomiary naziemne wilgotności gleby dla walidacji danych z satelitarnej misji “Wilgotność gleby zasolenie oceanów – (SMOS)””. “, 2007
  78. 2007, Zastosowanie metod geostatycznych do weryfikacji satelitarnych pomiarów wilgotności gleby w misji SMOS., 2007
  79. 2007, Wpływ niektórych odpadów pobudowlanych na aktywność biologiczną gleby., 2007
  80. 2007, Fizykochemiczne procesy degradacji gleb i roślin., 2007
  81. 2007, Wpływ składu fazy stałej na równowagi sorpcyjne, mikrostrukturę oraz charakterystyki powierzchniowe materiału glebowego i roślinnego., 2007
  82. 2007, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału., 2007
  83. 2006, Primienieniie mietodow minierałogii dlja izuczienija jewoljucii poczew i prirodnaj sriedy stiepiej jugo-wastoka Russkoj rawniny w pozdniem gałacienie.n, 2006
  84. 2006, Effect of materiale of construction on the biological activity of soil., 2006
  85. 2006, Surface heterogeneity of soils as affected by the simulated degradation, 2006
  86. 2006, Distribution of humus substances In the structure of soil adsorbents – theoretical analysis., 2006
  87. 2006, Influence of humic substances on the stability of soil adsorbents and mobility of cations, included In the soil adsorbent structure., 2006
  88. 2006, Influence of humus substances on the structural-adsorption status of soil adsorbents., 2006
  89. 2006, Mineralogical and surface properties changes of soils in connection with climate dynamic., International Conference "Clays and Clay minerals", Pushchino, Russie, 26-30.06.2006r., Pushchino, Russie, 26-30.06.2006r.
  90. 2006, Sorpcja pary wodnej na łuszczynach rzepaku., Acta Agrophysica, 2006, 142, 8(4), 995-1004
  91. 2006, Numbers of culturable bacteria in soil under mineral or organic cultivation: comparison of Hattoris ‘FOR’ and standard dilution plate methods., International Agrophysics, 2006, 20, 4, 277-288
  92. 2006, Pore-system characteristics of pavement seam materials of urban sites., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2006, 169, 16-24
  93. 2006, Complete characterization of pore size distribution of tilled and orchard soil using water retention curve, mercury porosimetry, nitrogen adsorption, and water desorption methods., Geoderma, 2006, 135, 307-314
  94. 2005, Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2005, str. całości 1-93, l. ark. wyd. 6,6
  95. 2005, Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2005, str. całości 1-149, l. ark. wyd. 10,6
  96. 2005, Alfalfa yield and copper uptake after treatment of heavy metals polluted soil with lime, coal powder and ferric oxide., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 74-85
  97. 2005, Alfalfa growth and heavy metal uptake after addition of lime, peat and ferriferous material to acid soil., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 59-73
  98. 2005, Impact of different ameliorants on humus state in acid soil polluted with heavy metals., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 46-58
  99. 2005, Impact of different ameliorants on aggregate stability of acid soil polluted with heavy metals., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 32-45
  100. 2005, Effect of composting period of peat and manure on physicochemical properties of dystric fluvisol polluted with copper., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 15-31
  101. 2005, Distribution of surface charge on soil colloids., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 103-113
  102. 2005, Differencies in stability of soil organic matter fractions during thermo-oxidizable destruction., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 89-102
  103. 2005, Humus system stability of soil adsorbent., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 73-88
  104. 2005, Impact of the analytical treatments on the crystalo-chemical characteristics of the mineral part of the soil adsorbent., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 60-72
  105. 2005, Porosity of the soil adsorbent., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 52-59
  106. 2005, On the anomalus shape of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption isotherms of, Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 42-51
  107. 2005, Structural-adsorption state of the soil clay fraction., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical character of soil adsorbent", 2005, 21-41
  108. 2005, Influence of addition building rubble on properties of urban soil., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 392
  109. 2005, Aggregate stability of acid soil polluted with heavy metals as affected by different ameliorating agents., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 387-391
  110. 2005, Changes in humus of acid soil polluted with heavy metals under physicochemical amelioration., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 5, Physics and Physical Chemistry in Environmental Processes, 383-386
  111. 2005, Microstucture extrudates produced form oat., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 2, Physics in Plant Science, 191-195
  112. 2005, Analysis of spatial variability of physico-chemical properties of soil and their potential use in precision agriculture., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 1, Physics in Soil Science, 125-130
  113. 2004, Zmienność wybranych cech gleby w skali pola i gminy, Roczniki Gleboznawcze, LV, 1, 237-247
  114. 2004, Porowatość i zwilżalność organicznych ciał stałych, Metody Badań Substancji Humusowych Ekosystemów Wodnych i Lądowych Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie, 2004, Metody Badań Substancji Humusowych Ekosystemów Wodnych i Lądowych Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie, 57-72
  115. 2004, Przestrzenna zmienność fizycznych i chemicznych właściwości gleby w skali pola i gminy, Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 103, 3, str. całości 1-98, l. ark. wyd. 7,0
  116. 2004, Electronic configuration and types of bondings in the crystal-chemical structure of clay minerals, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 125-133
  117. 2004, Methods for ameliorating Na-saline soils and copper polluted acid soils by using organo-mineral wastes, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 116-124
  118. 2004, Spatial distribution of selected soil physical and chemical properties, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 145-150
  119. 2004, Porous structures of natural bodies, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 52-56
  120. 2004, Influence of temperature on water properties of urban soil, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 38-41
  121. 2004, Physical chemistry of soil surface and pore properties, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2004, str. całości 1-148, l. ark. wyd. 10,6
  122. 2004, Wpływ dodatku materiałów budowlanych i zmian temperatury na retencję wodną i porowatość gleby płowej wytworzonej z lessu, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 110, 4(1), 15-24
  123. 2004, Characteristics of the specific surface area of Vertisols from the Gezira region in Sudan, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 1, 83-90
  124. 2004, Wpływ materiałów budowlanych na poziom aktywności dehydrogenaz w modelowych urbanoziemach, 2004
  125. 2004, Struktura i zwilżalność organicznych ciał stałych, 2004
  126. 2004, Measurements and interpretation of porous system of natural bodies, International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r., 2004, International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r. - referat
  127. 2004, Methods for ameliorating Na-saline soils and copper poluuted acid soils by using organo-mineral wastes, International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r., 2004, International Conference "Agroecological Interrelations of Physicochemical and Physical Parameters of Soils and Plants. Methods and Applications", Sofia, 21.09.2004 r. - referat
  128. 2004, Biological activity of urban soil degraded by building materials. 2004, EUROSOI, 2004
  129. 2004, Characterization of seam substrate of paved urban soils. 2004, EUROSOI, 2004
  130. 2004, Pore size distribution of soil under annual and perennial crops from water retention curve,mercury intrusion porosimetry and nitrogen adsorption. 2004, EUROSOI, 2004
  131. 2004, Wpływ gruzu budowlanego na dostępność wody w glebach miejskich, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  132. 2004, Wybrane właściwości wodne utworów murszowych, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  133. 2004, Wpływ gruzu budowlanego na dostępność wody w glebach miejskich, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  134. 2004, Wybrane właściwości wodne utworów murszowych, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  135. 2003, Wybrane właściwości urbanoziemów. Badania modelowe., Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, 2003, Acta Agrophysica, 81, str. całości 1-90, l. ark. wyd. 6,4
  136. 2003, Wpływ odpadów pobudowlanych oraz cyklicznych zmian temperatury na wybrane właściwości gleby., Działalność Naukowa PAN (wybrane zagadnienia), 2003, 15, 109-110
  137. 2003, Wybrane właściwości urbanoziemów. Badania modelowe., Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, 2003, Acta Agrophysica, 81, str. całości 1-90, l. ark. wyd. 6,4
  138. 2003, The impact of bulding materials and the addition of peat on water retention in model urban soil., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2003, 36, 2, 1-8
  139. 2003, Relation between the water capacity index and selected surface properties of peat-muck soils., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2003, 36, 1, 1-11
  140. 2003, Modification of soil mesopore structure by fulvic acid., Ecology and Future Bulgarian Journal of Ecological Science, 2003, 2, 3-4, 75-76
  141. 2003, Water storage, surface, and structural properties of sandy forest humus horizons., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2003, 166, 625-634
  142. 2003, Zmienność fizyko-chemicznych właściwości gleby w skali pola i gminy., 2003
  143. 2003, Wpływ dodatku białek serwatkowych i kazeiny kwasowej na właściwości sorpcyjne ekstrudatów skrobiowo-białkowych., 2003
  144. 2003, Zastosowanie metody porozymetrii rtęciowej do badania mikrostruktury łuszczyn rzepaku., 2003
  145. 2003, Zastosowanie metody porozymetrii rtęciowej do badania mikrostruktury łuszczyn rzepaku., 2003
  146. 2003, Porous structure of natural bodies., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 14-22
  147. 2003, Effect of rubble addition and cyclic changes of temperature on water properties of soils., Conf. "Water and organic Matter in Anthropogenic soils:Dynamics and Processes", Berlin, 2-4.04.2003, 88
  148. 2003, Influence of building materials and peat on water properties of model urban soils., Conf. "Water and organic Matter in Anthropogenic soils:Dynamics and Processes", Berlin, 2-4.04.2003, 88
  149. 2002, Badania struktury ekstrudatów ryżowych przy użyciu porozymetrii rtęciowej., 2002
  150. 2002, Zmiany barwy jabłek w okresie przechowywania, obrotu handlowego oraz powodowane obiciem., 2002
  151. 2002, Influence of surface coverage by humic acids on wettabilitty of kaolin., 2002
  152. 2002, Methods for ameliorating na-saline soils and copper polluted acid soils by using organo-mineral wastes., 2002
  153. 2002, Zastosowanie porozymetrii rtęciowej do badania struktury porowatej murszów., 2002
  154. 2002, Wpływ substratu keratyno-koro-mocznikowego z węglem brunatnym na zwilżalność gleby brunatnej., 2002
  155. 2002, Thin-Layer wicking as a method for determination of surface free energy components for characterisation of adsorbents., 2002
  156. 2002, Wpływ superabsorbentu “Agro Bio Sorbent” na niektóre właściwości fizyczne materiału glebowego wytworzonego z lessu. Influence of superabsorbent “Agro Bio Sorbent” on some physical properties of loessial soil material., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 78, 227-239
  157. 2002, Wpływ substratu keratyno-koro-mocznikowego na zwilżalność gleby brunatnej wytworzonej z lessu. Influence of keratin-bark-urea compost on wettability of the brown soil fromed from loess., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 70, 305-315
  158. 2002, Zastosowanie porozymetrii rtęciowej do badania struktury porowatej murszów. Application of mercury intrusion porosimetry for pore structure characteristic of muck soils., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 68, 45-50
  159. 2002, Wpływ składu mineralnego frakcji koloidalnej na wybrane właściwości powierzchniowe gleby. Influence of the mineralogical composition of solid phase on surface properties of soils., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 63, 87-98
  160. 2002, Structure formation of clay minerals microagregates in relation to ionic composition and surface free energy., Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology, 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 144-146
  161. 2002, Applicability of Organo-mineral Meliorative Agent for Zinc Polluted Acid Soils., Soil Science Agrochemistry and Ecology, 2002, XXXVII, 1-3, 141-143
  162. 2002, Characteristics of soil-peat-rubble mixtures by mercury intrusion porosimetry., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 3, 177-181
  163. 2002, Influence of a cyclodextrin on soil wettability., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 2, 111-118
  164. 2002, Effect of solid phase wettability on water transport and retention in peat enriched soil affected by freezing/thawing., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 2, 103-109
  165. 2002, Biological and physicochemical changes in Orthic Luvisol in relation to the cultivation system., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 1, 15-21
  166. 2002, Magnetic and mineralogical properties of different granulometric fractions in the soils of the Lublin Upland Region., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 1, 1-6
  167. 2002, Characterization of adsorbents with polar bonded stationary phases by determination of surface free energy components by a thin layer wicking method., Journal of Planar Chromatography, 2002, 15, 214-219
  168. 2002, Reaction of sewage farm soils to different irrigation solutions in a column experiment. 2. Heavy metals and their leaching., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2002, 165, 67-71
  169. 2001, Właściwości fizykochemiczne i chromatograficzne polarnych chemicznie związanych faz stacjonarnych. Physicochemical and chromatographic properties of polar bonded stationary phases., 2001
  170. 2001, Wpływ ekstruzji na zmiany strukturalne ekstudatów skrobiowych., Inżynieria Rolnicza, 2001, 2, 109-115
  171. 2001, Higroskopijność utworów murszowych poddanych działaniu podwyższonej temperatury., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 53, 147-158
  172. 2001, Zmiana właściwości fizykochemicznych modelowych urbanoziemów w wyniku dodania do nich substancji organicznej., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 53, 47-55
  173. 2001, Role of chelating processes in formation of buffer systems under organo-mineral melioration of Cu and Zn polluted acid soils (II)., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2001, 7, 167-174
  174. 2001, Mechanisms of chelate formation during organo-mineral melioration of heavy metals polluted acid soils (I)., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2001, 7, 43-47
  175. 2001, Effect of coal powder and liming on arsenic uptake by alfalfa from Cu and As polluted acidic soil., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2001, XXXIV/1, 9-15
  176. 2001, Physicochemical reclamation of saline soils using coal powder., International Agrophysics, 2001, 15, 1, 51-54
  177. 2001, Comparison of fractal dimensions of soils estimated from adsorption isotherms, mercury intrusion, and particle size distribution., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2001, 164, 591-599
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  181. 2000, Influence of cyclic freezing and heating on porosimetric of model urban soils., Physical Metohods in Agriculture - Approach to Precision and Quality 20(PMA)01, Czech University of Agricultire, Prague, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 101-105
  182. 2000, Effect of organic mater addition on soil properties., Physical Metohods in Agriculture - Approach to Precision and Quality 20(PMA)01, Czech University of Agricultire, Prague, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 97-100
  183. 2000, Relation between the water capacity index and selected surface properties of peat-moorsh soils., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 207
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  185. 2000, Strength characteristics and dilatancy of food powders., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 106-107
  186. 2000, Effect of cyclic changes of temperature on structural properties of model urban soils., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 92-93
  187. 2000, Effect of peat addition on soil wettability., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 90-91
  188. 2000, Kinetic of water vapour sorption on thermally treated peat-moorsh soils. (Kinetyka sorpcji pary wodnej na glebach torfowo-murszowych poddanych działaniu podwyższonej temperatury)., 14 th Slovensko-Cesko-Polsky seminar "Fizyka vody v pode", Michalovce, Zemplinska Sirava, 23.05.2001, 2001, 160-162
  189. 2000, Influence og organic water vapour adsorption on urban soil. (Wpływ dodatku substancji organicznej na adsorpcję pary wodnej na modelowym urbanoziemie)., 14 th Slovensko-Cesko-Polsky seminar "Fizyka vody v pode", Michalovce, Zemplinska Sirava, 23.05.2001, 2001, 153-155
  190. 2000, Wpływ zawartości wody w surowcu na zmiany struktury ekstrudatów ryżowych., 2000
  191. 2000, Podatność magnetyczna gleby ornej uprawianej konwencjonalnie i ekologicznie., 2000
  192. 2000, Wpływ wapnowania i pyłu węglowego na wzrost i pobór arsenu przez lucernę., 2000
  193. 2000, Właściwości fizyko-chemiczne i strukturalne ekstrudatów skrobiowych., 2000
  194. 2000, Physicochemical aspect of post-bog soils transformation., Millennium Wetland Event, Quebec, Canada, 6-12.08.2000, 483, 2000
  195. 2000, Energia powierzchniowa i wielkości jej składowych jako parametry określające zwilżalność i stan agregacyjny wybranych minerałów ilastych gleb., Działalność Naukowa PAN (wybrane zagadnienia), 9, 144-146, 2000
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  197. 2000, Podatność magnetyczna gleby płowej., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 38, 175-183
  198. 2000, Contact angle and surface free energy of selected peat-moorsh soils., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 26, 75-83
  199. 2000, Nitrogen adsorption study of the surface properties of the secondary transformed pat-moorsh soils., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 26, 65-73
  200. 2000, Effect of secondary transformation state of peaty-moorsh soils on adsorption isotherm of water vapour., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 26, 41-49
  201. 2000, Soil pore surface properties in managed grasslands., Soil & Tillage Research, 2000, 55, 63-70
  202. 2000, Surface fractal dimension of thermally treated peat soils from adsorption., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2000, 163, 441-446
  203. 1999, Zmiana niektórych właściwości gleby płowej po 3-letniej uprawie koniczyny czerwonej., 1999
  204. 1999, Physicochemical reclamation of saline soils using coal powder., 1999
  205. 1999, Właściwości fizykochemiczne wybranych składników gleb miejskich., 1999
  206. 1999, Zastosowanie metody TLW/TCW do pomiaru kąta zwilżania i składowych swobodnej energii powierzchniowej gleb., 1999
  207. 1999, Badanie sił działających pomiędzy cząsteczkami gleb poprzez film wodny., 1999
  208. 1999, Magnetic susceptibility of the soil granulometric fractions., 1999
  209. 1999, Przemiany biologiczne i fizykochemiczne gleby płowej w zależności od jej uprawy. Biological and physicochemical changes in pseudopodzolic soil in relation to cultivation., 1999
  210. 1999, Iron oxide and clay minerals in buried soils as indicators of palaeoenvironment., 1999
  211. 1999, Energia powierzchniowa i wielkości jej składowych jako parametry określające zwilżalność i stan agregacyjny wybranych minerałów ilastych i gleb., Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, Acta Agrophysica 17, 1999, str. całości 1-112, l.ark.wyd. 8,0
  212. 1999, Fizyko-chemiczne właściwości gleby płowej po 3-letniej uprawie koniczyny czerwonej., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 23, 155-165
  213. 1999, Wpływ materiałów budowlanych na zmianę właściwości fizykochemicznych gleby lessowej z terenu miasta Lublina., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 23, 7-15
  214. 1999, Siły oddziaływań między cząstkami gleb przez interfazę wodną. Interaction forces between soil particales across the water interface., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 22, 53-58
  215. 1999, Energia powierzchniowa i wielkości jej składowych jako parametry określające zwilżalność i stan agregacyjny wybranych minerałów ilastych gleb., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 20, 44-46
  216. 1999, Swiaz miezdu mineralogiczeskimi swojstwami i fiziczeskimi swojstwami poczw., Poczwowiedienie, 1999, 5, 604-613
  217. 1999, Relation between adsorption of water vapour specific surface area and soil cultivation., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1999, XXXII, 2, 3-12
  218. 1999, Moisture sorption hysteresis in potato starch extrudates., International Agrophysics, 1999, 13, 4, 451-455
  219. 1999, Application of the mercury porosimetry technique to the porosity study of the wheat flour extrudates., International Agrophysics, 1999, 13, 4, 445-449
  220. 1999, Relationship between mineralogical composition and physical properties of soils., Eurasian Soil Science, 1999, 32, 5, 548-557
  221. 1999, Reactions of sewage farm soils to different irrigation solutions in a column experiment.1.Solid phase physicochemical properties., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 1999, 162, 653-659
  222. 1999, Effect of leaching of DOC on pore characteristic of sandy soil., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 1999, 162, 19-25
  223. 1999, Adsorption of nitrogen on thermally treated peat soils: the role of energetic and geometric heterogeneity., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 1999, 219, 1-10
  224. 1998, Charakterystyka właściwości sorpcyjnych wybranych ekstrudatów skrobiowych., 1998
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  226. 1998, Possibilities to improve the absorption properties of soils affected by salinity., 1998
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  228. 1998, Possibilities to improve the absorption properties of soils affected by salinity., 1998
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  231. 1998, Zmiana niektórych fizyko-chemicznych właściwości gleby uprawianej konwencjonalnie i ekologicznie., Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 1998, 460, 351-360
  232. 1998, Wpływ mikroreliefu i wapnowania na odczyn i mikrostrukturę gleby leśnej., Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 1998, 456, 119-128
  233. 1998, Effect of colloid-chemical melioration of saline soil., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 1998, 4, 153-158
  234. 1998, Influence of cultivation system on porosity of pseudopodzolic soil., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/2, 33-41
  235. 1998, Influence of humic acid on the structural properties of kaolin – mercury porosimetry studies., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 185-192
  236. 1997, Wpływ mikroreliffu i wapnowania na mikrostrukturę gleby leśnej., 1997
  237. 1997, Water vapour adsorption on the potato and wheat flour ekstrudates., 1997
  238. 1997, Porozymetria rtęciowa na tle innych metod wyznaczania mikrostruktury materiałów rolniczych., 1997
  239. 1997, Skład mineralogiczny frakcji granulometrycznych gleb lessowych z okolic Lublina otrzymanych metodą na “sucho” i “na mokro”., 1997
  240. 1997, Influence of humic acids on the microstructural properties of kaolin_ mercury porosimetry studies., 1997
  241. 1997, On the solubility of the PA-6 sorbent in water and salt solution., 1997
  242. 1997, Properties of partizle size fractions from loessial soils from Lubin Upland region., 1997
  243. 1997, Comparison of receding contact angles and solid surface free energy components of modified kaolin from thin- layer wicking technique and sessile drop method., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1997, vol. 30, 1, 45-52
  244. 1997, Comparison of three techniques to assess surface heterogeneity of solids in soils., International Agrophysics, 1997, vol. 11, 3, 189-198
  245. 1997, Influence of humic acid on water characteristics of kaolin and quartz., Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde, 1997, vol.160, 327-331