Sławiński Cezary

Sławiński Cezary

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Prof. DSc Sławiński Cezary , Corresponding Member of PAS
Room: 18
show e-mail address
Phone: (81) 744 50 61 w. 101, w. 102

Department and laboratory

Department: Department of Metrology and Modelling of Agrophysical Processes

Laboratory: Lamorski's Laboratory


Research interests:

  • Modelling of mass and energy exchange in soil-plant-atmosphere system
  • Measurement and description of the physical parameters and characteristics of the soil-plant-atmosphere system
  • Modeling of hydrophysical properties of soil based on knowledge of the physical and physico-chemical parameters and characteristics (Pedotransfer Functions)

Other information

Education (dates, degrees, universities):

  • 1984    MSc in Physics, Theoretical Physics
    Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
  • 1997    PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
    Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
  • 2004    Habilitation in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
    Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
  • 2012    Professor in Agricultural Sciences
    Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland


  • 1997    Polish Society of Agrophysics

Scholarships and fellowships:

  • 1989    School of Soil Physics – Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
  • 1989    Institute of Agrophysics, Russia
  • 1990    Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology, Sevilla
  • 1994, 1995, 1998, 2000    Technische Universität Berlin


  1. 2024, Comparison of Denoising Methods for Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Calculated by the Instantaneous Profile Method Using Reference Data, 23rd International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2024”; Lublin, Poland, 23-24 maja 2024 r., str. 75-76
  2. 2024, Wpływ warunków eksperymentu na dokładność wyznaczenia przewodnictwa wodnego gleb w strefie nienasyconej metodą profili chwilowych, 4. Warsztaty dla Młodych Badaczy, Lublin, 18-19.11.2024 r., 20-20
  3. 2024, Old and new wetting liquids separation in grain-based pattern micromodel during wetting cycles, International Agrophysics, 38(4): 447-456; DOI: doi.org/10.31545/intagr/194769
  4. 2023, Assessment of soil water retention characteristics based on VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral imaging of soil surface, Soil and Tillage Research, 233, 105789, DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2023.105789
  5. 2023, A Comprehensive Approach to Assess the Impact of Agricultural Production Factors on Selected Ecosystem Services in Poland, Resources, 12(9), 99, DOI: 10.3390/resources12090099
  6. 2023, The AGRICORE suite: a novel policy assessment tool combining agent- based and biophysical modelling, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 69-69
  7. 2023, Impact assessment of the Agri-Environment-Climate Measure (M10) of RDP 2014-2020 on environmental and climatic policies implementation according to the perception of Polish farmers, International Agrophysics, 37(3), str 311-323, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/168992
  8. 2022, Hybrid modelling of saturated water flow in percolating and non-percolating macroporous soil media, Geoderma, 406, 115467
  9. 2022, Euler characteristic during drying of porous media, Drying Technology , 4(40), DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2021.2007946
  10. 2021, The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures, Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC01029D
  11. 2021, New slow-release fertilizers – economic, legal and practical aspects: a Review, International Agrophysics, 35, str. 11-24, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/131184
  12. 2021, An intercomparison of the pore network to the Navier–Stokes modeling approach applied for saturated conductivity estimation from X-ray CT images, Scientific Reports , 11: 5859; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85325-z
  13. 2021, Pedogenesis and carbon sequestration in transformed agricultural soils of Sicily, Geoderma, 402; DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115355
  14. 2021, Femoral µCT Analysis, Mechanical Testing and Immunolocalization of Bone Proteins in β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) Supplemented Spiny Mouse in a Model of Pregnancy and Lactation-Associated Osteoporosis, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10,4808, str. 1-24, DOI: 10.3390/jcm10214808
  15. 2021, Biophysical modules in the agent based policy models, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 76
  16. 2021, Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porus Media, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 13-17.12.2021,
  17. 2020, Numerical modelling based saturation conductivity estimation uncertainty – influence of the quality of the pore space geometry representation based on X-ray CT images, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-19695
  18. 2020, Impact of mesh quality on the numerical estimation of saturated water conductivity of pore media, International Agrophysics, 34(4): 473-483; DOI: 10.31545/intagr/130331
  19. 2019, Development of Kriging-approximation simulated annealing optimization algorithm for parameters calibration of porous media flow model, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(2), str. 395-406, DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s00477-018-01646-y
  20. 2019, Saturated water conductivity estimation based on X-ray CT images – evaluation of the impact of thresholding errors, International Agrophysics, 33(1), str. 49-60, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/104376
  21. 2019, Parallel Richards’ equation solver – implementation and validation, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15060
  22. 2019, Intercomparison of the pore network to Navier-Stokes modellingapproach used for saturated conductivity estimation from X-ray CTimages, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15272
  23. 2019, Instytut Agrofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk należy do nielicznych jednostek naukowych wyróżnionych kategorią naukową A+, Nauka i Biznes , nr.1-2/2019 (21022), str. 41-42
  24. 2019, Evolution of soil pores and their characteristics in a siliceous and calcareous proglacial area, Catena, 182 (2019) 104154, str. 1-16, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104154
  25. 2019, Multifractal characterization and comparison of meteorological time series from two climatic zones, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, str. 1811-1824, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2705-0
  26. 2019, Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2007
  27. 2019, Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2000
  28. 2019, Quantification of the mesh qualityin terms of pore media geometry projection onthe saturation conductivity estimation uncertaintybased on X-ray CT images, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2005
  29. 2019, Research of the Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin (Poland) as a response to current challenges and trends in agrophysics, 2nd International Conference ''Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Eugene Ermakov”, Sankt Petersburg, Rosja, 2-4.10.2019,
  30. 2018, Classifying multi-model wheat yield impact response surfaces showing sensitivity to temperature and precipitation change, Agricultural Systems, 159: 209-224
  31. 2018, Effects of reduced and traditional tillage on soil properties and diversity of diatoms under winter wheat, International Agrophysics, 32: 403-409
  32. 2018, Evaluation of the impact of the thresholding errors on X-ray CT imaging based estimation of saturated water conductivity, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 83
  33. 2018, Macropore induced soil saturated water conductivity – modeling based on X-ray CT scans of soil cores, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-12987
  34. 2018, Use CT images to assess the scale effect and variations of porosity and permeability in the rock sample in Kueichulin Formation in western Taiwan, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-11966-1
  35. 2018, Modelling of the saturated water conductivity of the macroporous soil media, The 4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environmnet (WRE 2018), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 17-21.06.2018, str. 97
  36. 2018, The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, 10-14.12.2018 r., H41E-06
  37. 2018, Modelling of the saturated water conductivity of the macroporous soil media, 2nd ISMC Conference: New Perspectives on Soil Models, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 5-7.11.2018 r., str. 81
  38. 2017, Physico-chemical and microbiological evidence of exposure effects on Picea abies – Coarse woody debris at different stages of decay, Forest Ecology and Management, 391: 376-389
  39. 2017, An estimation of the main wetting branch of the soil water retention curve based on its main drying branch using the machine learning method, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019533
  40. 2017, Temporal properties of spatially aggregated meteorological time series, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234: 247-257
  41. 2017, Modelling of saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient – validation for soil cores, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017 , str. 42
  42. 2017, Relationship between assimilable-nutrient content and physicochemical properties of topsoil, International Agrophysics, 31(4): 551-562
  43. 2017, Analysis of Climate Dynamics Across a European Transect Using a Multifractal Method, Advances in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Selected Contributions from ITISE 2016 (Eds. Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomare, Olga Valenzuela). Springer International Publishing, str. 103-116
  44. 2017, Bank próbek glebowych Instytutu Agrofizyki PAN w Lublinie, Konferencja naukowa „Krajowe bazy danych o glebach - stan, wykorzystanie, potrzeby”, Warszawa 21.09.2017 ,
  45. 2017, The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media, AGU Fall Meeting, New Oleans, 11-15.12.2017,
  46. 2017, Spatial analysis of multifractal spectra of the MERRA II meteorological time series, MACSUR Science Conference, Berlin, Germany 22-24.05.2017,
  47. 2016, Modelling climate change impact on crop production, Book of abstracts. 15th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2016, May 5-6, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-13
  48. 2015, Hydrophysical characteristics of selected soils from arctic and temperate zones., International Agrophysics, 29(4): 525-531
  49. 2015, Statistical Analysis of Soil Moisture in Central Europe Using SMOS Data., 2015, 295-301
  50. 2015, Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: a crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces., Climate Research, 65: 87-105
  51. 2015, Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impacts., Climate Research, 6539-52
  52. 2015, Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impact on chosen regions of Europe., 2015, 17-17
  53. 2015, What is a stronger determinant of soil respiration: soil temperature or moisture?, 2015, 19-19
  54. 2015, Modeling of saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient based on x-ray computer tomography imaging., 2015, 22-23
  55. 2014, Modelowanie transportu wody w glebie – Implementacja numeryczna równania Richardsa., 2014, 85-85
  56. 2014, Multifractal analysis of chosen meteorological time series to assess climate impact in field level., 2014, 59-59
  57. 2014, Field experiment in Lubelskie region to validate crop growth models in temperate climate., 2014, 61-61
  58. 2014, CO2 flux measurements in the vegetation period of winter wheat in Lubelskie Province., 2014, 20-20
  59. 2014, Self-similarity analysis of chosen agro-meteorological time series., 2014, 3
  60. 2014, Impact of extreme climate changes on the predicted crops in Poland / Wpływ ekstremalnych zmian klimatu na prognozowaną produkcję rolniczą., Acta Agrophysica, 2014, 21(4): 415-431
  61. 2014, Water conductivity of arctic zone soils (Spitsbergen)., International Agrophysics, 2014, 28(4): 529-535
  62. 2014, Assessment of the usefulness of particle size distribution measured by laser differaction for soil water retention modelling., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2014, 177(5): 803-813
  63. 2014, The influence of the organical sludges on hydrophysical soil properties., 2014, 94-94
  64. 2014, Modeling of soil water transport – numerical implementation of the Richards equation., 2014, 55-55
  65. 2014, Soil water hysteresis – the measurement and modelling., 2014, 28-28
  66. 2014, Estimation of water saturated permeability of soils, using 3D soil tomographic images and pore-level transport phenomena modelling., 2014, Vol. 16, EGU2014-11775
  67. 2014, Modelling soil water retention using support vector machines with genetic algorithm optimisation, The Scientific World Journal, DOI: 10.1155/2014/740521
  68. 2014, Effect of Time-Domain Reflectrometry probe location on soil moisture measurement during wetting and drying processes., Measurement, 2014, 49182-186
  69. 2014, AGROFIZYKA procesy, właściwości, metody, AGROFIZYKA procesy, właściwości, metody, 1-289
  70. 2014, Gleba jako układ termodynamiczny., AGROFIZYKA procesy, właściwości, metody, 28-31
  71. 2014, Układ gleba-roślina-atmosfera jako kontinuum., AGROFIZYKA procesy, właściwości, metody, 81-88
  72. 2014, Modelowanie procesów fizycznych zachodzących w środowisku glebowym., AGROFIZYKA procesy, właściwości, metody, 210-212
  73. 2013, Zmienność wilgotności powierzchniowej warstwy gleby na obszarze Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych i naziemnych, 2013
  74. 2013, Soil Water Dynamic Modeling Using the Physical and Support Vector Machine Methods, Vadose Zone Journal, 2013, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.05.0085
  75. 2013, Database of Polish arable mineral soils: a review, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(3): 335-350
  76. 2013, Modelling soil water dynamics using the physical and soft-computing methods, 2013, 49-49
  77. 2013, TDR probes location impact on the soil moisture measurement, 2013, 102-102
  78. 2013, The influence of the post-fermentation sludge on hydrophysical soil properties, 2013, 45-46
  79. 2012, Wpływ stanu energetycznego wody w glebie na jej właściwości spektralne, 2012
  80. 2012, Zaburzenia przepływu w cewniku centralnym jako przyczyna zakażenia, 2012
  81. 2012, Wykorzystanie pomiarów satelitarnych do rozpoznawania elementów środowiska, 2012
  82. 2012, Wilgotność gleb na obszarze Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych, Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, 2012, 33153-161
  83. 2012, Telemetryczny system pomiaru wilgotności gleby działający w technice TDR, Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie, 2012, 2012 (IV–VI): t. 12(2 (38)): 257-267
  84. 2012, Hydrophysical properties of soils, Polish Academy of Sciences, Branch in Lublin, 2012, 1-132
  85. 2012, Zastosowanie modeli – HYDRUS-1D oraz SVM, do przewidywania wilgotności gleby, 2012, 64-65
  86. 2012, Perspektywy rozwoju badań agrofizycznych, 2012, 23-25
  87. 2012, A TDR-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring System with Simultaneous Measurement of Soil Temperature and Electrical Conductivity, Sensors, 2012, 1213545-13566
  88. 2012, Impact of diverse tillage on soil moisture dynamics., International Agrophysics, 2012, 26(3): 301-309
  89. 2011, Simulation of pollution flow in the soil profile under different conditions, 2011, 132-132
  90. 2011, Soft-computing techniques in soil hydrological parameters modeling, 2011, 50-50
  91. 2011, Global access to in situ soil moisture measurement, 2011, 42-42
  92. 2011, Modelowanie procesów transportu zachodzących w systemie gleba-roślina-atmosfera, 2011, 30-30
  93. 2011, Wykorzystanie osadów ściekowych i pofermentacyjnych w rolnictwie, 2011, 77-114
  94. 2011, Effect of aggregate size on water movement in soils., International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(1): 53-58
  95. 2010, Application of optical techniques for measurement of physical properties of soils., Physical, Chemical and Biological Processes in Soils, 2010, ISBN 978-83-61607-56-4(Rozdz.): 21-31
  96. 2010, The technical implementation of a soil moisture, salinity and teperature monitoring system in Polesie National Park and Shatsk National Nature Park, The Future of Hydrogenic Landscapes in European Biosphere Reserves, Rozdział, 299-310 - Wydawnictwo TRIO System Jacek Andrzejewski
  97. 2010, Monitoring of soil moisture and teperature in chosen transect of Polesie National Park, Nature and landscape monitoring system in the west Polesie Region, Rozdział, 168-177 - Wydawnictwo PZN Sp. Z o.o
  98. 2009, Wastewater purification by muck soil and willow (Salix Americana)., Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2009, 18(2): 305-312
  99. 2009, Wastewater Purification by an Organic Soil and Grass-Mixture, Archives of Environmental Protection, 2009, 35(3): 21-34
  100. 2009, Retencja i przewodnictwo wodne w wybranych warstwach profili ze stanowiska archeologicznego nr 4 w Biskupinie., Archeological Museum in Biskupin, 2009, "Stan i perspektywy zachowania drewna biskupińskiego", 257-271
  101. 2009, Stosunki wodne w wybranych glebach pod wierzbą krzewiastą i ślazowcem pensylwańskim., Acta Agrophysica, 2009, 171, Vol. 14(2), 479-489
  102. 2009, Changes in textural properties of selected minerals under acid and alkali treatment from mercury intrusion porosimetry., Applied Clay Science, 43
  103. 2009, Detection of early apple bruises using pulsed-phase thermography., Postharvest Biology and Technology, 53
  104. 2009, Dynamika wilgotności w glebie pod uprawą ślazowca pensylwańskiego i wierzby krzewiastej., 2009
  105. 2009, Określenie właściwości hydrofizycznych gleb ze stanowiska archeologicznego nr 4 w Biskupinie., 2009
  106. 2009, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału, 2009
  107. 2008, Wpływ uprawy na hydrofizyczne właściwości gleb., 2008
  108. 2008, Monitoring wilgotności i temperatury gleb Polesia., 2008
  109. 2008, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału., 2008
  110. 2008, Przemiany organicznych związków węgla w glebie płowej wzbogaconej wybranymi materiałami, określone metodą inkubacyjną., 2008
  111. 2008, Aparatura pomiarowa i oprogramowanie w systemie monitorowania wilgotności, temperatury i zasolenia gleby w Poleskim Parku Narodowym., 2008
  112. 2008, Impast of land use on water properties of rendzinas., International Agrophysics, 2008, Vol. 22, No. 4, 333-338
  113. 2008, Using Support Vector Machines to Develop Pedotransfer Functions for Water Retention of Soils in Poland., Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2008, Vol. 72, No 5, 53-57
  114. 2007, The effect of aggregate size on water retention and pore structure of two silt loam soils of different genesis., Soil & Tillage Research, 97 (2007), 239-246
  115. 2007, Attempt of water retention characteristcs estimation as pedotransfer function for organic soils., International Agrophysics, 2007, 21, 3, 249-254
  116. 2007, Wastewater purification by an organic soil and plants., 2007
  117. 2007, Pedotransfer function for organic soils of Polesie region., 2007
  118. 2007, Monitoring właściwości fizycznych środowiska przyrodniczego., 2007
  119. 2007, Monitoring i modelowanie wilgotności i temperatury gleby., 2007
  120. 2007, Metodyczne aspekty badania rozkładu wielkości cząstek metodą dyfrakcji światła laserowego i zmian potencjału dzeta w suspensji o zróżnicowanym rozdrobnieniu materiału., 2007
  121. 2007, Badanie korelacji pomiędzy wybranymi parametrami fizycznymi profilu glebowego i przygruntowej warstwy atmosfery a rozkładem temperatury powierzchni gleby i roślin z wykorzystaniem termografii i danych agrometeorologicznych., 2007
  122. 2007, Badanie i modelowanie retencji oraz transportu wody i ciepła w ośrodku kapilarno-porowatym., 2007
  123. 2006, Mała retencja sposobem ochrony zasobów wodnych., Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Kuratorium Oświaty w Lublinie, 2006, ("Człowiek a środowisko", część III): 89-94
  124. 2006, Relationship between van Genuchten’s parameters of the retention curie equation and physical properties of soil solid phase., International Agrophysics, 2006, 20, 2, 153-159
  125. 2006, Error analysis of water conductivity coefficient measurement by instantaneous profiles metod., International Agrophysics, 2006, 20, 1, 55-61
  126. 2006, Modeling of soil water retention curve using soil solid phase parameters., Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 329, 527-533
  127. 2005, Estimation of hydrophysical characteristics from soil-solid phase parameters (pedotransfer functions)., Annual Report Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005, 63-65
  128. 2005, Review of current problems in agrophysics., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2005, str. całości 1-497, l. ark. wyd. 35,5
  129. 2005, Three parameters model for retention curve estimation., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 1, Physics in Soil Science, 144
  130. 2005, Comparison of van Genuchten’s parameters for three type of soils., Institute of Agrophyscis PAS, Lublin, "Review of Current Problems in Agrophysics", 2005, Chapter 1, Physics in Soil Science, 71
  131. 2005, Agrophysical studies in the soil-machine-plant-atmosphere system., Teka Komisji Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Przyrodniczego PAN, 2005, 2, 43-47
  132. 2005, Unsaturated water conductivity and diffusivity in soil aggregates., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2005, XXXVIII, 1, 11-22
  133. 2004, Modelling of mass and energy transport in porous body, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Basic Problems of Agrophysics", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Basic Problems of Agrophysics", 148-154
  134. 2004, Methods and models for determination soil hydrophysical characteristics, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 176-181
  135. 2004, Validation and sensitivity analysis of heat transport model in soil profile, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Modern Physical and Physicochemical Methods and Their Applications in Agroecological Research", 102-109
  136. 2004, Hydrophysical characteristics of porous body as input data for water transport models, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Aeration and Environmental Problems", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Aeration and Environmental Problems, 141-148
  137. 2004, Measurement and modelling of the soil hydrophysical characteristics, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Plant Growth in Relation to Soil Physical Conditions", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Plant Growth in Relation to Soil Physical Conditions", 124-129
  138. 2004, Determination of water characteristics of Polish mineral soils with TDR method application, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 2004, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin "Physics, Chemistry and Biogeochemistry in Soil and Plant Studies", 155-157
  139. 2004, Pedotransfer studies in Poland, Development of pedotransfer functions in soil hydrology, Elsevier, 2004, "Development of pedotransfer functions in soil hydrology", Elsevier, Chapter 24, 30, 449-463
  140. 2004, Determination of water potential – moisture characteristics of soil porous media, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2004, str. całości 1-83, l. ark. wyd. 5,9
  141. 2004, Determination of water conductivity coefficient of soil porous media, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, 2004, str. całości 1-116, l. ark. wyd. 8,3
  142. 2004, Ocena i kartograficzna prezentacja wrażliwości gleb ornych na hydrooksygeniczną degradację, Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie, 2004, Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie, 4, 2a(11), 185-200
  143. 2004, Hydrophysical properties of arable soils of Poland-Water useful for plants, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 2004, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 103, III, 119-120
  144. 2004, Methods for determination of energetic status of water in porous media, 2004
  145. 2004, Determination of water transport coefficients of porous materials, AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 2004, AgEng 2004 Conference Engineering the Future, Leuven, Belgia, 12-16.09.2004 r., 118-119
  146. 2004, Differential porosity and water available for plants in arable soils of Poland. 2004, EUROSOI, 2004
  147. 2004, Pedotransfer functions for estimation soil water characteristics. 2004, EUROSOI, 2004
  148. 2004, Przestrzenna charakterystka hydrofizycznych właściwości gleb mineralnych Polski, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  149. 2004, Estimation of water retention curve and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using pedotransfer functions, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zemplińska Sirava, 25-27.05.2004 r., 2004, 5th International Conference "Influence of Anthropogenic Activities of Water Regime of Lowland Territory"15th Slovak-Czech-Polish Scientific Seminar "Physics of Soil Water", Michalovce, Zempliń
  150. 2004, Monitoring of water characterictics for Polish soils with TDR method application, Centre of Excellence - International Conference "Method and methodology for determination of basic physical characteristics of porous media with application of TDR technology", Lublin, 1-4.02.2004 r., 2004, Centre of Excellence - International Conference "Method and methodology for determination of basic physical characteristics of porous media with application of TDR technology", Lublin, 1-4.02.2
  151. 2003, Wpływ fizycznych prametrów gleby na wartości współczynnika przewodnictwa wodnego (Badania modelowe)., Instytut Agrofizyki PAN, 2003, Acta Agrophysica, 90, str. całości 1-84, l. ark. wyd. 6,0
  152. 2003, Ocena i kartograficzna prezentacja wrażliwości gleb ornych na hydrooksygeniczną degradację., 2003
  153. 2003, System monitorowania wilgotności, zasolenia i temperatury w glebie, termografia w agrofizyce, modelowanie procesów fizycznych w glebie., 2003
  154. 2003, Experimental verification of the agrophysical models., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 113-124
  155. 2003, Modeling of mass and energy transport in porous body., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 104-112
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  160. 2002, Dynamiczne hydrofizyczne charakterystyki mieszanin piasu i torfu., 2002
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  163. 2002, Porównanie trzech modeli korelacyjnych do obliczania charakterystyk retencji wodnej gleb. Comparison of correlation models for estimation of soil water retention curves., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 72, 167-174
  164. 2002, Modelowanie i monitoring w naukach rolniczych. Modelling and monitoring in agricultural sciences., Acta Agrophysica, 2002, 63, 109-121
  165. 2002, Saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil aggregates samples derived from loess., Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2002, 50, 1-9
  166. 2002, The hydraulic conductivity of peat and sand mixtures., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2002, XXXV, 2, 11-21
  167. 2002, Correlation model for water retention prediction with soil structure parameters., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2002, XXXV, 1, 11-18
  168. 2002, Spatial characteristics of water conductivity in the surface level of Polish arable soils., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 3, 239-247
  169. 2002, Spatial characteristics of potentially useful retention in Polish arable soils., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 3, 231-238
  170. 2002, Changes in the hydrophysical properties of peat soils under anthropogenic evolution., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 3, 219-226
  171. 2002, Spatial characteristic of hydrophysical properties in arable mineral soils in Poland as illustrated by field water capacity (FWC)., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 2, 151-159
  172. 2002, Comparison of correlation models for the estimation of the water retention characteristics of soil., International Agrophysics, 2002, 16, 1, 79-82
  173. 2002, Fractal dimension of peat soils from adsorption and from water retention experiments., Colloids and Surfaces, 2002, 208, 289-301
  174. 2002, Effect of data resolution on soil hydraulic conductivity prediction., Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2002, 165, 45-49
  175. 2002, Simulating the fate of water in a soil-crop system of a semi-arid Mediterranean area with the WAVE 2.1 and the EURO-ACCESS-II models., Agricultural Water Management, 2002, 56, 113-129
  176. 2001, Charakterystyki hydrofizyczne gleb brunatnych i płowych Polski wytworzonych ze skał masywnych., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 57, 159-168
  177. 2001, Modelowanie ruchu wody w systemie gleba-roślina w warunkach klimatu śródziemnomorskiego., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 57, 27-38
  178. 2001, Retencja i przewodnictwo wodne czarnych ziem Polski., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 53, 211-223
  179. 2001, Retencja i przewodnictwo wodne gleb murszowych i&nbsp, Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 53, 201-209
  180. 2001, Termodynamika procesów glebowych., Acta Agrophysica, 2001, 48, 133-139
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  185. 2000, Soil structure parameters in the model for prediction of water retention., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 254-255
  186. 2000, Saturated water conductivity as a function of soil aggregation., International Conference "Physical Methods in Agriculture" (Book of abstracts), Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30.08.2001, 2001, 202-203
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  188. 2000, Water conductivity of Polish Terric Histosols and Histi- Mollic Gleysols., 14 th Slovensko-Cesko-Polsky seminar "Fizyka vody v pode", Michalovce, Zemplinska Sirava, 23.05.2001, 2001, 150-152
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  190. 2000, Hydrophysical characteristic of Polish Mollic Gleysols, Part II. Water conductivity., 14 th Slovensko-Cesko-Polsky seminar "Fizyka vody v pode", Michalovce, Zemplinska Sirava, 23.05.2001, 2001, 144-146
  191. 2000, Hydrophysical characteristic of Polish Mollic Gleysols, Part I. Retention curves., 14 th Slovensko-Cesko-Polsky seminar "Fizyka vody v pode", Michalovce, Zemplinska Sirava, 23.05.2001, 2001, 141-143
  192. 2000, Przestrzenna charakterystyka wybranych hydrofizycznych właściwości mineralnych gleb Polski., 2000
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  198. 2000, Surface properties of peaty-moorsh soils: fractal approach., 2000
  199. 2000, Hydrophysical characteristics of Polish rendzinas. Part I. Static water characteristics., 2000
  200. 2000, Hydrophysical characteristics of Polish alluvial soils. Part I. Static water characteristics., 2000
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  203. 2000, Badanie i modelowanie przenoszenia masy i energii w agrofizyce. The investigation and modelling of mass and energy transfer in agrophysics., Eksploatacja i Niezawodność, 4, 6-15, 2000
  204. 2000, Fizyczne czynniki decydujące o wzroście i plonowaniu roślin warzywnych., Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio E: Agricultura, 2000, VIII, 1-12
  205. 2000, Przewodnictwo wodne mad Polski., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 38, 281-288
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  209. 2000, A bypass flow model with a procedure to approximate precipitation intensity., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 35, 211-217
  210. 2000, Porównanie zmierzonych i oszacowanych wartości współczynnika przewodnictwa wodnego gleb murszowych. Comparison of measured and estimated values of unsaturated water conductivity of moorsh soils., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 34, 181-188
  211. 2000, Effects of secondary transformation of peaty-moorsh soils on their physical properties., Acta Agrophysica, 2000, 26, 85-93
  212. 1999, Bank danych o hydrofizycznych charakterystykach gleb ornych Polski., 1999
  213. 1999, Parametry i procesy glebowe jako czynniki determinujące wzrost i rozwój roślin – modelowanie., 1999
  214. 1999, Modelowanie wpływu makroporów na kształtowanie warunków wilgotnościowych w profilu glebowym., 1999
  215. 1999, Metodyczne aspekty określania współczynników transportu wody z zastosowaniem metody profili chwilowych., 1999
  216. 1999, Wpływ wtórnego przeobrażenia gleb torfowych na ich właściwości fizyczne. Effects of secondary transformations of peat soils on their physical properties., 1999
  217. 1999, Preferential soil water flow model – experimental verification., 1999
  218. 1999, Comparison of instantaneous profile method utilizing three and five moisture and pressure sensors., 1999
  219. 1999, Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of Polish chernozems., 1999
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  221. 1999, Modelling of processes in soil-plant-atmosphere-machine system., Roczniki Gleboznawcze, 1999, L, 3, 51-66
  222. 1999, Charakterystyki potencjał wody glebowej – wilgotność czrnoziemów Polski. Soil water potential – moisture characteristics of Polish chernozems., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 22, 265-273
  223. 1999, Metodyczne aspekty tworzenia banku danych o hydrofizycznych charakterystykach gleb ornych Polski. Methodical aspects of data base creation of hydrophysical characteristics of Polish arable soils., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 22, 245-251
  224. 1999, Model preferencyjnego przepływu wody w glebie., Acta Agrophysica, 1999, 20, 29-30
  225. 1998, Importance of precipitation distribution approximation in water dynamic modelling in soil profile., 1998
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  230. 1998, Agrophysical methods of water retention control in the rural areas., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 4, 277-284
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  232. 1997, Hydrological aspects in the project investigations and models of soil stucture as determinant of plant production., 1997
  233. 1997, Verification of preferential water flow model in soil column experiment., 1997