Adamiak Elżbieta Anna

Adamiak Elżbieta Anna

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Publikacje pracownika

  1. 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – apple cell wall., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
  2. 2014, Influence of various concentrations of pectins and hemicelluloses on cellulose structure – bacterial cellulose., 2014, Chemicke Listy 108, p. 918
  3. 2013, Biospeckle application for monitoring of pre-harvest apple development, 2013, 13-14
  4. 2013, Nanostruktura pektyn podczas ich fizjologicznej degradacji, 2013, 28-28
  5. 2013, Prediction of the optimal apple harvest window using biospeckle method, 2013, 30-30
  6. 2013, Effect of Cytochalasin B, Lantrunculin B, Colchicine, Cycloheximid, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ion Channel Inhibitors on Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissue, Food Biophysics, 2013, 8(4): 290-296
  7. 2012, Usage of raman microspectroscopy for identification of plant cell wall polysaccharides, 2012, 52-52
  8. 2012, Pre-harvest monitoring of apple fruits development with the use of biospeckle method, Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 14523-28
  9. 2012, Ewaluacja biomateriałów metodą biospeckli, 2012, 17-17
  10. 2012, Application of biospeckle method for monitoring the bull’s eye rot development and quality changes of apples after various storage methods, 2012
  11. 2012, Monitoring of the bull’s eye rot development and quality changes of apples subjected to various storage methods using biospeckle method, 2012
  12. 2012, Dynamiczne plamki, 2012
  13. 2012, Aktywność biospeckli jabłek w trakcie rozwoju choroby grzybowej, 2012, 45-46
  14. 2012, Zastosowanie metody biospeckli w analizie rozwoju porażeń grzybowych owoców, 2012, 55-56
  15. 2012, Application of the Biospeckle Method for Monitoring Bull’s Eye Rot Development and Quality Changes of Apples Subjected to Various Storage Methods-Preliminary Studies., Sensors, 2012, 123215-3227
  16. 2012, Temperature effect on apple biospeckle activity evaluated with different indices., Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2012, 67118-123
  17. 2011, Biospeckle – niedestrukcyjna ocena jakości owoców i warzyw, 2011, 6-6
  18. 2011, Storage effect on apple biospeckle activity, 2011, 6-7
  19. 2011, Biospeckle activity and quality atributes of stored apples: study on fungal infection, 2011, 65-66
  20. 2011, Biological basis of biospeckle, 2011, 64-65
  21. 2011, Charakterystyka i zastosowania zjawiska biospeckli w badaniach materiałów roślinnych., Acta Agrophysica, 2011, 18(2): 215-224
  22. 2010, Biospeckle – niedestrukcyjna technika oceny aktywności biomateriałów, 2010
  23. 2010, Basics of biospeckle technique, 2010, 26-27
  24. 2009, Wpływ mikrostruktury na teksturę warzyw i owoców., 2009
  25. 2009, Temperature effect on biospeckle dynamics. 8 Międzynarodowe Warsztaty dla Młodych Naukowców BioPhys Spring 2009, 2009