


  1. 2005, Specific surface area of synthetic organomineral complexes., Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2005, 79,1, 146-150
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  4. 2005, Effects of tractor traffic on spatial variability of soil strength and water content in grass covered and cultivated sloping vineyard., Soil & Tillage Research, 2005, 84, 127-138
  5. 2005, Influence of cell size and cell wall volume fraction on failure properties of potato and carrot tissue., Journal of Texture Studies, 2005, 36, 25-43
  6. 2005, Rill characteristics and sediment transport as a function of slope length during a storm event on loess soil, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms., Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2005, 30, 231-239
  7. 2005, Impact of the degree of secondary transformation on acid-base properties of organic compounds in mucks., Geoderma, 2005, 127, 80-90
  8. 2005, Alfalfa yield and copper uptake after treatment of heavy metals polluted soil with lime, coal powder and ferric oxide., Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, "Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals", 2005, 74-85
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