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Microscopic structure and thermodynamics of a coresoftened model fluid from the second-order integral equations theory., Condensed Matter Physics, 2011, 14(1, 13601): 1-12
Organic matter as the greatest bioenergy potential of soils – surface activity of humus substances., Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 2011, 18(4): 488-499
Variability of intergranular friction and its role in DEM simulation of direct shear of an assemmbly of rapeseeds., International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(4): 361-368
Effects of nonenzymatic glycation on mechanical properties of demineralized bone matrix under compression, J Appl Biomater Biomech, 2011, 9(2): 144-149
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Effects of land use on leaching of nitrate-N, ammonium-N and phosphate in relation to stained surface area, International Agrophysics, 2011, 25(2): 149-154
Determination of the electrokinetic potential of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii Rt24.2 using Laser Doppler Velocimetry – A methodological study., Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2011, 85(3): 199-205
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