Numerical model of the spalsh crown shape in single fluid system (a drop of water falling on the surface of water) using the finite volume method depending in the geometry of the system, 2013, 267-267
A comparison of two strategies of heavy metals contaminated soil treatmnt: chelate- and plant growth regulators- assisted phytoextraction, 2013, 112-113
The characterization of nitrifying bacteria community in soil rhizosphere after mineral and organic (dairy sewage sludge) fertilization, 2013, 110-110
Using the Biolog Ecoplate Method for evaluation of the functional metabolic diversity of soil amended with sludge from fruit wastewater treatment plant, 2013, 169-169
Effect of particle size distribution on the energy dissipation and mechanical response of packings of spheres under compressive loading, 2013, 118-118
Determinantion of the soil complex dielectric permittivity from the measured reflection coefficient – a multi-rod probe and FDR model calibration, 2013, 224-230
Determination of optimal frequency ranges and geometrical parameters of custom FDR probes for soil salinity measurements using salinity index method, 2013, 94-101
Opracowanie prototypu transmisyjnej sondy dwuprętowej do pomiaru zespolonej przenikalności elektrycznej materiałów ciekłych pochodzenia rolniczego, 2013, 138-138
Analysis of structural changes of water, chelate and diluted alkali soluble pectins fractions from carrot during cold storage with the atomic force microscope, 2013, 14-15
The effects of diquat dibromide on soil microbial activity and functional diversity, 2013
ct of pre-sowing 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol treatment of barley (Hordeum vulgare) seeds on soil respiration under different soil moisture – pot experiment, 2013, 123-123
Parameters of Czechówka river water quality determined in the selected sampling points localized at the area of open air village museum in Lublin, 2013, 125-126
Use of the laser diffraction method for analysis of spatial variation of particle size distribution as exemplified by sediments within pocket infills in the Chełm chalk quarry (E Poland), 2013, 51-51
Application of X-ray computational microtomography and modelling for estimation of the saturated water conductivity of the porous media, 2013, 9-10
Numerical model of the splash crown shape in single fluid system (a drop water falling on the surface of water) using the finite volume method depending on the geometry of the system, 2013, 267-267
Badania skriningowe, z wykorzystaniem systemu Biolog FF-plates, w zakresie uzdolnień katabolicznych grzybów wyizolowanych z kiszonek., 2013, 201-201
Analiza zróżnicowania genetycznego zespołów mikroorganizmów występujących w ryzosferze i glebie pozaryzosferowej nawożonej osadem z oczyszczalni ścieków mleczarskich., 2013, 135-135
Application of inhibitors of selected metabolic processes for identification biological source of biospeckle phenomenon in apple tissue, 2013, 56-56
Selected issues of the TDR based measurement of the soil apparent dielectric permittivity oriented to the evaluation of soil moisture, 2013, 169-173
Ładunki, jony, elektrony – z pasją o energii, 2013
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