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Ocena możliwości parametryzacji polowej pojemności wodnej gleb regionu świętokrzyskiego na tle kraju, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 112, 4(3), 823-832
Wpływ liczby ziarniaków w kłosku na kształt rozkładu statystycznego grubości ziarna pszenicy ozimej, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 112, 4(3), 661-667
Określenie wpływu wilgotności i stanu powierzchni gleby wytworzonej z piasku gliniastego na spływ powierzchniowy i zmyw gleby, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 112, 4(3), 619-624
Methane emission from peat soils of the Łeczyńsko-Włodawskie lake district under flooded conditions, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 111, 4(2), 565-572
Analiza jakości agregacji gleb płowych wytworzonych z utworu piaszczysto-pyłowgo i lessu, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 110, 4(1), 221-233
Wpływ pH i stężenie wybranych metali ciężkich w glebie na ich zawartość w roślinach, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 110, 4(1), 177-183
Wpływ dodatku materiałów budowlanych i zmian temperatury na retencję wodną i porowatość gleby płowej wytworzonej z lessu, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 110, 4(1), 15-24
Przydatność liczby humifikacji do oceny stopnia zmurszenia w porównaniu ze wskaźnikiem chłonności wodnej na tle wybranych właściwości fizykochemicznych murszy, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 106, 3(3), 553-563
Symulacje plonów potencjalnych jęczmienia jarego przy użyciu modelu CERES-barley na obszarze Polski środkowo-wschodniej, Acta Agrophysica, 2004, Acta Agrophysica, 106, 3(3), 541-551
The influence of heavy metals on the growth of Azolla during purification of municipal wastewater, Environment Protection Engineering, 2004, Environment Protection Engineering, 30, 4, 127-131
Changes of phosphate level in some peats being transformed in different degrees, Environment Protection Engineering, 2004, Environment Protection Engineering, 30, 4, 121-126
Influence of selected heavy metals on the content of photosynthetic pigments in fern Azolla Caroliniana, Environment Protection Engineering, 2004, Environment Protection Engineering, 30, 4, 7-11
Hydrophysical properties of arable soils of Poland-Water useful for plants, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 2004, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 103, III, 119-120
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Soil as a biofilter of waste-waters, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 2004, Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 103, III, 164, 111-112
Research specificity and standardization of agrophysical methods on the example of investigations in soil physics, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 2004, Res. Agr. Eng., 50(3), 103-106-
Application of smart sensors in the measurement of soil physical parameters, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 2004, Res. Agr. Eng., 50(3), 96-102
Influence of moisture content on pressure ratio of rape seeds, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 2004, Res. Agr. Eng., 50(1), 11-14
N2O emission from mineral soils – Reviews, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 2004, Research in Agricultural Engineering Zemedelska Technika, 117-122
Influence of methane concentration on methanotrophic activity of Mollic Gleysol and Haplic Podzol, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 375-379
Specific surface area of Lublin Polesie mucks determined from water vapour and nitrogen adsorption data, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 363-368
Comparison of Open-Ended Coax and TDR sensors for the measurement of soil dielectric permittivity in microwave frequencies, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 355-362
Estimation of genetic variation of traits and physical properties of seeds for grass pea mutants (Lathyrus sativus L.), International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 339-346
Effect of oscillating magnetic field pulses on the survival of selected microorganisms, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 325-328
Effect of management practices on soil organic matter, microbial biomass and aggregate stability of Orthic Luvisol, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 4, 311-315
Determination of the in voltammetric measurements of oxygen flux in the soil with the use of two- and three-electrode systems, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18,4, 305-310
Porosity and water useful for plants in Luvisols created from sandy silt and silt, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 189-194
Comparison of two- and three-electrode systems in measurements of potential oxygen flux density in soil, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 2, 111-120
Characteristics of the specific surface area of Vertisols from the Gezira region in Sudan, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 1, 83-90
Influence of the moistening and drying of wheat grain on ist hardness, International Agrophysics, 2004, Int. Agrophysics, 18, 1, 47-53
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