


  1. 2024, Old and new wetting liquids separation in grain-based pattern micromodel during wetting cycles, International Agrophysics, 38(4): 447-456; DOI:
  2. 2024, Habitat suitability and flood risk modeling for Gazella conservation actions in Mond protected area, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 113: 104816; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104816
  3. 2024, Facilitating generational renewal in rural areas by responding to young farmers’ voices: Echoes from the Greek territory, Journal of Rural Studies, 112: 103480; DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103480
  4. 2024, Evaluating vegetation dynamics in the Yangtze river basin in relation to climatological parameters using remote sensing data from 2001 to 2022, International Agrophysics, 38(4): 407-422; DOI: 10.31545/intagr/192302
  5. 2024, Dielectric spectroscopy as a valuable tool for monitoring soil behavior under different conditions, The International Metrological Conference „New Trends in Metrology”, Development trends of metrology in modern science and economy, Kielce 16-18.09.2024 r., 207-208
  6. 2024, Measurement of the dielectric permittivity spectrum with use of different measurement techniques, The International Metrological Conference „New Trends in Metrology”, Development trends of metrology in modern science and economy, Kielce 16-18.09.2024 r., 205-206
  7. 2024, Determination of the dielectric permittivity spectrum of rapeseeds depending on their ripening stage, The International Metrological Conference „New Trends in Metrology”, Development trends of metrology in modern science and economy, Kielce 16-18.09.2024 r., 159-159
  8. 2024, Wpływ warunków eksperymentu na dokładność wyznaczenia przewodnictwa wodnego gleb w strefie nienasyconej metodą profili chwilowych, 4. Warsztaty dla Młodych Badaczy, Lublin, 18-19.11.2024 r., 20-20
  9. 2024, Effects of temperature on soil dielectric permittivity measured in time and frequency domains, 4th URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, 19-24 May 2024 r., 1-4
  10. 2024, Water in soil, V Green Week międzynarodowa konferencja, Lublin 19-20 czerwca 2024 r., Wykład proszony
  11. 2024, Comparison of Denoising Methods for Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Calculated by the Instantaneous Profile Method Using Reference Data, 23rd International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2024”; Lublin, Poland, 23-24 maja 2024 r., str. 75-76
  12. 2024, Effect of soil compaction on the measurements of complex dielectric permittivity spectrum with an open-ended antenna probe and the coaxial cell system, Measurement, 237,115307, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115307
  13. 2024, Medium-Scale Soil Moisture Retrievals Using an ELBARA L-Band Radiometer Using Time-Dependent Parameters for Wetland-Meadow-Cropland Site, Remote Sensing, 16, 2200, DOI: 10.3390/rs16122200
  14. 2024, Using Spectroradiometry to Measure Organic Carbon in Carbonate-Containing Soils, Sensors, 24,3591, DOI: 10.3390/s24113591
  15. 2024, Investigation of vegetation dynamics with a focus on agricultural land cover and its relation with meteorological parameters based on the remote sensing techniques: a case study of the Gavkhoni watershed, International Agrophysics, 38(3:, str. 213-229, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/185986
  16. 2024, Investigating the Relationship between Precipitation and Vegetation Dynamics with Emphasis on Agricultural Land Cover in the Atrak Basin Area, Atmosphere, 15(4), 489, DOI: 10.3390/atmos15040489
  17. 2024, Coarse-grained molecular dynamics model to evaluate the mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose–hemicellulose composites, Carbohydrate Polymers, 330, 121827: DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2024.121827
  18. 2024, Modeling and Estimating the Land Surface Temperature (LST) Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning (Case Study: Yazd, Iran), Remote Sensing, 16(3), 454; DOI: 10.3390/rs16030454
  19. 2024, Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Germination and Initial Growth of Selected Lawn Grass Species in Soil Polluted with PAHs, Journal of Ecological Engineering (JEE), 25(1)DOI: DOI:10.12911/22998993/174427
  20. 2024, Integrated absolute full energy peak efficiency: A measure of photon registration efficiency, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 206, 111237, DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2024.111237
  21. 2023, Atmospheric Circulation Patterns during the Summertime Precipitation in Southeastern Iran, Atmosphere, 14(11):1673, DOI: 10.3390/atmos14111673
  22. 2023, Temperature dependence of dielectric soil moisture measurement in an Internet of Things system – a case study, International Agrophysics, 37, 443-449; DOI: 10.31545/intagr/177243
  23. 2023, Modelowanie nienasyconego współczynnika przewodnictwa wodnego gleb z uwzględnieniem efektu histerezy, Warsztaty dla Młodych Badaczy, Lublin, 30.11-01.12.2023 r., 9-9
  24. 2023, Contacting Electromagnetic Sensors for Determination of Soil Moisture, XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS 2023), Sapporo, Japan, 19-26 August 2023, 1-4
  25. 2023, Rapid Method of Wastewater Classification by Electronic Nose for Performance Evaluation of Bioreactors with Activated Sludge †, Sensors, 3(20), 8578; DOI:10.3390/s23208578
  26. 2023, Characterisation of Organic Olive Farmers in the Framework of M11 of the Common Agricultural Policy, Agronomy, 13(10), 2630, DOI: 10.3390/agronomy13102630
  27. 2023, Assessing vegetation changes and land use dynamics in the Middle East: implications for sustainable development, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 182-182
  28. 2023, Detection of nutritional deficiency of sugar beet leaves by VIS – NIR – SWIR spectroscopy, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 167-167
  29. 2023, Determination of dielectric permittivity spectrum in 10-500 MHz range as a function of moisture content for selected seed species, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 150-150
  30. 2023, Influence of soil density on complex dielectric permittivity spectrum measurements, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 148-148
  31. 2023, Dielectric measurements of moisture and temperature of the surface layer of the soil profile, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 139-139
  32. 2022, Review of data fusion methods for soil moisture obtained for multiple temporal and spatial scales, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 134-134
  33. 2023, Impact assessment of the Agri-Environment-Climate Measure (M10) of RDP 2014-2020 on environmental and climatic policies implementation according to the perception of Polish farmers, International Agrophysics, 37(3), str 311-323, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/168992
  34. 2023, Wireless IoT probe for soil moisture and salinity estimation based on dielectric spectrum measurements, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 76-76
  35. 2021, Segmented linear calibration function for soil moisture estimation using microwave dielectric measurements, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 75-75
  36. 2023, Development of the system for complex permittivity spectrum measurements in the radio and microwave frequency range, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 74-74
  37. 2023, The AGRICORE suite: a novel policy assessment tool combining agent- based and biophysical modelling, 14th International Conference on Agrophysics (ICA 2023); Lublin, Polska, 11-13 września 2023 r., 69-69
  38. 2023, A Comprehensive Approach to Assess the Impact of Agricultural Production Factors on Selected Ecosystem Services in Poland, Resources, 12(9), 99, DOI: 10.3390/resources12090099
  39. 2023, Influence of Temperature on Soil Dielectric Spectra in the 20 MHz – 3 GHz Frequency Range, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3313235
  40. 2023, System for Complex Permittivity Spectrum Measurements in the Radio and Microwave Frequency Range for Powdery, Liquid and Solid Materials, 22nd International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2023”; Gödöllő, Hungary, 15-16 czerwca 2023 r.,, str. 35-35
  41. 2023, Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectrum of Different Type of Soil and Selected Agricultural Raw Material in Relation to Density and Moisture Content, 22nd International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2023”; Gödöllő, Hungary, 15-16 czerwca 2023 r.,, str. 21-21
  42. 2023, The Impact of Water Availability on the Discriminative Status of Nitrogen (N) in Sugar Beet and Celery Using Hyperspectral Imaging Methods, Applied Sciences, 13, 6042, DOI:
  43. 2023, Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide (CO) changes in the atmosphere and urban environmental indices extracted from remote sensing images for 932 Iran cities from 2019 to 2021, Cover image for International Journal of Digital Earth International Journal of Digital Earth, 16, 1, 1205–1223, DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2023.2196445
  44. 2023, Assessment of soil water retention characteristics based on VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral imaging of soil surface, Soil and Tillage Research, 233, 105789, DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2023.105789
  45. 2023, Reproducibility of the Wet Part of the Soil Water Retention Curve: A European Interlaboratory Comparison, Soil, DOI: 10.5194/soil-9-365-2023
  46. 2023, Investigation and Prediction of the Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) Changes for Mashhad City in Iran during 1990–2030, Atmosphere, 14(4), 741, DOI: 10.3390/atmos14040741
  47. 2023, The Highlights of Scientific Collaboration between ITENAS Bandung and European Institutions in Visegrad Four: Past and Future, The 3rd Faculty of Industrial Technology International Congress 2021; International Conference: Enriching Engineering Science through Collaboration of Multidisciplinary Fields, Bandung, Indonesia, 28-29.10.2021, AIP Conference Proceedings; 2772 (1), 020004; DOI: 10.1063/5.0115117
  48. 2023, Prototype of a sensor for measuring moisture of a single rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) using microwave reflectometry, Measurement, 214, 112787, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.112787
  49. 2023, Climatic variables impact on inland lakes water levels and area fluctuations in an arid/semi-arid region of Iran, Iraq, and Turkey based on the remote sensing data, Earth Science Informatics, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-023-00995-9
  50. 2023, A remotely sensed study of the impact of meteorological parameters on vegetation for the eastern basins of Afghanistan, Earth Science Informatics, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-023-00965-1
  51. 2023, Identification of Patterns and Relationships of Jet Stream Position with Flood-Prone Precipitation in Iran during 2006–2019, Atmosphere 2023,, 14(2), 351; DOI: 10.3390/atmos14020351
  52. 2023, Long-term contrasting tillage in Cambisol: effect on water-stable aggregates, macropore network and soil chemical properties, International Agrophysics, 37, str. 59-67, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/156632
  53. 2021, Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porus Media, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 13-17.12.2021,
  54. 2021, The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 13-17.12.2021,
  55. 2022, Obrazowanie hiperspektralne w identyfikacji niedoboru makroelementów w roślinach, XXV Konferencja "Nowoczesne Metody w Analizie Sladowej", 12-13.12.2022, Łódź, Polska,
  56. 2022, Estimation of plant nutrient status based on hyperspectral data and machine learning, ISCREAS 2022, 28-31.08.2022, Dublin, Irlandia,
  57. 2022, Application of hyperspectral imaging for estimation of potassium content across different plant specties, 12th EARSeLO Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy 22.06.2022, Poczdam, Niemcy,
  58. 2022, Effect of underestimation/overestimation of falling drop parameters on the result of splash simulation in an immiscible liquid system, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, 12186
  59. 2023, Chemical composition of Lavatera thuringiaca L. biomass ash after pre-sowing stimulation of seeds with He–Ne laser light, Scientific Reports, 13, 528, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-27836-5
  60. 2022, Spatial variability of thermal properties in relation to the application of selected soil-improving cropping systems (SICS) on sandy soil, International Agrophysics, 36, 269-284; DOI: 10.31545/intagr/152122
  61. 2022, Dielectric soil moisture sensors – present state and prospects, Agricultural Soil and Water Processes and Efficient Utilization of Resources Symposium, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China; 8.11.2022,
  62. 2022, Application of dielectric spectroscopy for soil moisture measurements, Webinar at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology; India, 2.02.2022,
  63. 2022, Measurements of soil moisture with a dagger probe using the FDR technique, 10th International Conference Electromagnetic Devices and Processes in Environment Protection ELMECO-10; Lublin, 26-27.05.2022, str. 32
  64. 2022, System do pomiaru widmoa zespolonej przenikalności elektrycznej materiałów sypkich, płynnych i stałych w zakresie częstotliwości radiowych i mikrofalowych, Konferencja "Synergia Nauki i Przemysłu. Wyzwania XXI wieku. Nauka - Przemysł - Biznes"; Chełm, 23-25.11.2022, str. 91-92
  65. 2022, Widmo przenikalności elektrycznej wybranych gleb w zależności od gęstości i wilgotności, Konferencja "Synergia Nauki i Przemysłu. Wyzwania XXI wieku. Nauka - Przemysł - Biznes"; Chełm, 23-25.11.2022, str. 89-90
  66. 2022, Measurement of Soil Dielectric Permittivity Spectra at Various Temperatures, 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON); Gdańsk,12-14.09.2022, str. 1-3
  67. 2022, Analysis of the recent trends in vegetation dynamics and its relationship with climatological factors using remote sensing data for Caspian Sea watersheds in Iran, International Agrophysics, 36, str. 139-153, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/150020
  68. 2022, Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature Variability in Afghanistan during 2000–2021, Climate, 10,111, str. 1-19, DOI: 10.3390/cli10070111
  69. 2022, Autonomous quasi-distributed optical fiber temperature sensor for ground temperature measurements, 5th International Soil Physics Symposium, Kiejdany (Litwa), 02-03.06.2022, str. 81-82; DOI: 10.7220/9786094675270
  70. 2022, Relationship between soil agrochemical properties, macropores and water- stable aggregates under different tillage, 5th International Soil Physics Symposium, Kiejdany (Litwa), 02-03.06.2022, str. 36-37; DOI: 10.7220/9786094675270
  71. 2022, Validation of profile probe for measurement of soil moisture in an Internet of Things system, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, EGU22-5693; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5693
  72. 2022, The influence of temperature on soil complex dielectric permittivity in the 0.02 – 3 GHz frequency range, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, EGU22-4330; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4330
  73. 2022, New approach to water content measurements in soil core using microwave probing, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, EGU22-1350; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1350
  74. 2022, Soil moisture probes for mobile irrigation machines, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022, EGU22-8405; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-8405
  75. 2022, A Framework for Standardizing Electromagnetic Water Content Sensor Assessment using Granular Porous Media, EGU General Assembly, 23-27.05.2022 , EGU22-6597; DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6597
  76. 2022, Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectra of Rapeseed in the 20 MHz–3 GHz Frequency Range, Materials, 15(14), 4844; DOI: 10.3390/ma15144844
  77. 2022, AMMONIA EMISSIONS AFTER UREA-BASED FERTILIZERS APPLICATION, 21th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2022”; 30-31.05.2022, str. 112-113
  78. 2022, Spektroskopia dielektryczna gleby – techniki pomiarowe i zastosowania, XII Sympozjum Naukowe Elektryków i Informatyków SNEiI 2022; Lublin, 10-11.03.2022,
  79. 2022, Selected issues on electromagnetic standardization of soil moisture, 9th International Symposium on Sensor Science; Warszawa 20-22.06.2022,
  80. 2022, Point measurements of soil moisture using TDR technique – comparison of probes, 9th International Symposium on Sensor Science; Warszawa 20-22.06.2022,
  81. 2021, Biochar As Soil Amendment: Feedstock Kind, Dose And Grain Size Impact On Water Retention, Konferencja EUROSOIL 2021 Virtual Congress, 23-27.08.2021,
  82. 2022, Spatial distribution of cereal yields related to the application of soil-improving cropping systems (SICS), EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30.04.2021, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2109
  83. 2022, Assessment of spatial and temporal variations in soil moisture from satellite observations and ground-based measurements and their relationship with plant cover, EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30.04.2021, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-213
  84. 2022, Studies on the water retention in arable sandy soil amended with fine size-fractionated sunflower husk biochar, EGU General Assembly 2021, 19-30.04.2021, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1554
  85. 2023, Dietary L-glutamine affects eggshell quality in the post-peak laying period, Annals of Animal Science, 23; 121-128; DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2022-0022
  86. 2022, Investigation of the Vegetation Coverage Dynamics and its Relation to Atmospheric Patterns in Kabul River Basin in Afghanistan, Pure and Applied Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-022-03044-6
  87. 2022, Cell-wall pectins in the roots of Apiaceae plants: adaptations to Cd stress, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 44(53), DOI: 10.1007/s11738-022-03386-7
  88. 2022, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Drop Impact for a Multiphase System Formed by Two Immiscible Fluids, Sensors, 22(9), 3126; DOI: 10.3390/s22093126
  89. 2021, Broadband measurement of soil dielectric permittivity, URSI GASS 2021, Rome, Italy, 28 August - 4 September 2021, str. 1-3
  90. 2021, Czujnik wilgotności i zasolenia gleby wykorzystujący szerokopasmową reflektometrię częstotliwościową, Warsztaty Naukowe pt. "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w zastosowaniach rolniczych", IA PAN Lublin, 09-11.06.2021, str. 1-12
  91. 2021, Strefa czułości sondy profilowej z czujnikami typu TDT (Time Domain Transmissionmetry) do pomiaru wilgotności gleby, Warsztaty Naukowe pt. "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w zastosowaniach rolniczych", IA PAN Lublin, 09-11.06.2021, Str. 1-16
  92. 2021, Profilowy pomiar wilgotności gleby czujnikiem transmisyjnym z sygnałem symetrycznym, Warsztaty Naukowe pt. "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w zastosowaniach rolniczych", IA PAN Lublin, 09-11.06.2021, Str. 1-29
  93. 2021, Szerokopasmowy pomiar widma dielektrycznego gleby, Warsztaty Naukowe pt. "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w zastosowaniach rolniczych", IA PAN Lublin, 09-11.06.2021, str. 1-14
  94. 2021, Standaryzacja elektromagnetycznych pomiarów wilgotności gleby, Warsztaty Naukowe pt. "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w zastosowaniach rolniczych", IA PAN Lublin, 09-11.06.2021, str. 1-10
  95. 2021, Dielectric spectroscopy of soils for soil moisture determination, International Workshop “Agrophysics – Research – Applications – Innovations 2021”, Nitra, Slovakia, October 21,
  96. 2021, Measurement of soil moisture distribution in small volumes, International Workshop “Agrophysics – Research – Applications – Innovations 2021”, Nitra, Slovakia, October 21,
  97. 2021, The use of time domain dielectric methods to determine and monitor process dynamics in granular and porous materials, International Workshop “Agrophysics – Research – Applications – Innovations 2021”, Nitra, Slovakia, October 21,
  98. 2021, Accuracy-Enhanced Dielectric System for Solution Measurement, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  99. 2021, Measurement Repeatability in Broadband Soil-Dielectric-Spectrum Characterization, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  100. 2021, Towards standardization of electromagnetic soil moisture measurements, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  101. 2021, Relations Between Dielectric Permittivity and Volumetric Water Content of Living Soil, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  102. 2021, The use of a symmetrical signal to measure soil moisture, selected technical aspects, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  103. 2021, The Three-Rod Probe For Soil Moisture Gradient Measurements, 13th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances – ISEMA2021, Christian-Albrechrs-Universität zu Kiel, Kilonia, Niemcy, 26-30.07.2021,
  104. 2021, A Multi-rod Probe for Soil Dielectric-Spectrum Measurements, International Workshop on Dielectric Measurements and Moisture Sensing, Lublin, 30.09.2021, str. 1-21
  105. 2021, New dielectric models for soil moisture determination, International Workshop on Dielectric Measurements and Moisture Sensing, Lublin, 30.09.2021, Str. 1-12
  106. 2021, Temperature Dependence of Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectra in 0.02 – 3 GHz Frequency Range, 2021 ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings November 7-10, 2021 Salt Lake City, Utah, str. 1-14
  107. 2021, Application of the Internet of Things to the monitoring and visualization of soil profile moisture, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 205
  108. 2021, Monitoring leaf potassium content in leaves using hyperspectral imaging, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 180
  109. 2021, Measurement of soil moisture by the TDR method with the use of a dagger probe, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 146
  110. 2021, Testing the feasibility of detecting soil contamination using dielectric sensors, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 124
  111. 2021, Biophysical modules in the agent based policy models, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 76
  112. 2021, A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 73
  113. 2021, Dielectric spectroscopy of rapeseed, 13th International Conference on Agrophysics: Agriculture in changing climate 15-16 November 2021, Lublin, Poland, str. 72
  114. 2022, Assessment of the spatial distribution of cereal yields on sandy soil related to the application of soil-improving cropping systems (SICS), Science of The Total Environment, 830, 154791, str. 1-14, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154791
  115. 2022, Assessing the Role of the Young Farmer Scheme in the Export Orientation of Greek Agriculture, Sustainability, 4, 3287, str 1-13, DOI:10.3390/su14063287
  116. 2022, Euler characteristic during drying of porous media, Drying Technology , 4(40), DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2021.2007946
  117. 2022, Land use and soil types affect macropore network, organic carbon and nutrient retention, Lithuania, Geoderma Regional, 28, e00473; DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00473
  118. 2021, Fate and transport in environmental quality, Journal of Environmental Quality, str. 1-8, DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20300
  119. 2021, Investigation of Atmospheric Conditions Associated with a Storm Surge in the South-West of Iran, Atmosphere, 12, 1429, str 1-15, DOI: 10.3390/atmos12111429
  120. 2021, Quantifying Cereal Productivity on Sandy Soil in Response to Some Soil-Improving Cropping Systems, Land, 10, 1199, str 1-16, DOI: 10.3390/land10111199
  121. 2021, Femoral µCT Analysis, Mechanical Testing and Immunolocalization of Bone Proteins in β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) Supplemented Spiny Mouse in a Model of Pregnancy and Lactation-Associated Osteoporosis, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10,4808, str. 1-24, DOI: 10.3390/jcm10214808
  122. 2021, Analysis of the Economic Potential Trough Biochar Use for Soybean Production in Poland, Agronomy, 11(11), 2108; DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11112108
  123. 2022, Hybrid modelling of saturated water flow in percolating and non-percolating macroporous soil media, Geoderma, 406, 115467
  124. 2021, Pedogenesis and carbon sequestration in transformed agricultural soils of Sicily, Geoderma, 402; DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115355
  125. 2021, Dynamics of Daytime Land Surface Temperature (LST) Variabilities in the Middle East Countries During 2001–2018, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 178: 2357–2377; DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02765-4
  126. 2021, Analysis of the need for soil moisture, salinity and temperature sensing in agriculture: a case study in Poland, Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-96182-1
  127. 2021, Modification of nitrogen fertilizers as a way to reduceammonia emissions, 20th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2021”, Lublin 18 maja 2021 r., str. 32
  128. 2021, Dielectric models for moisture determination of soils with variable organic matter content, Geoderma, 401; DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115288
  129. 2021, Dynamics of Volumetric Moisture in Sand Caused by Injection Irrigation—Physical Model, Water, 13(11), 1603; str. 1-21, DOI:10.3390/w13111603
  130. 2021, Application of a dagger probe for soil dielectric permittivity measurement by TDR, Measurement, 178; DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109368
  131. 2021, Spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity and its links with other soil properties at the regional scale, Scientific Reports , 8293 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-86862-3
  132. 2021, Improvement of Spatial Interpolation of Precipitation Distribution Using Cokriging Incorporating Rain-Gauge and Satellite (SMOS) Soil Moisture Data, Remote Sensing, 13(5), 1039; DOI: 10.3390/rs13051039
  133. 2021, β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) Supplementation Prevents Bone Loss during Pregnancy—Novel Evidence from a Spiny Mouse (Acomys cahirinus) Model, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(6), 3047; DOI: 10.3390/ijms22063047
  134. 2021, An intercomparison of the pore network to the Navier–Stokes modeling approach applied for saturated conductivity estimation from X-ray CT images, Scientific Reports , 11: 5859; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85325-z
  135. 2021, Effect of Fine Size-Fractionated Sunflower Husk Biochar on Water Retention Properties of Arable Sandy Soil, Materials, 14(6), 1335; DOI: 10.3390/ma14061335
  136. 2021, Immediate effects of the application of various fungal strains with urea fertiliser on microbiome structure and functions and their relationships with the physicochemical parameters of two different soil types, Applied Soil Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2021.103972
  137. 2021, Mycobiome Composition and Diversity under the Long-Term Application of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Chicken Manure, Agronomy, 11(3), 410; DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11030410
  138. 2020, Hard X-ray Photoelectron Momentum Microscopy and Kikuchi Diffraction on (In,Ga,Mn)As Thin Films, arXiv, arXiv:2010.12359 [physics.ins-det]
  139. 2022, Anthropogenic Factors Affecting the Vegetation Dynamics in the Arid Middle East, Environmental and Climate Technologies , 26(1): 774-805; DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2022-0060
  140. 2021, Identification of plant leaf phosphorus content at different growth stages based on hyperspectral reflectance, BMC Plant Biology, 21,28, str 1-17, DOI: 10.1186/s12870-020-02807-4
  141. 2020, Multifractal Cross Correlation Analysis of Agro-Meteorological Datasets (Including Reference Evapotranspiration) of California, United States, Atmosphere, 11,1116, str 1-24, DOI: 10.3390/atmos11101116
  142. 2021, New slow-release fertilizers – economic, legal and practical aspects: a Review, International Agrophysics, 35, str. 11-24, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/131184
  143. 2020, Slow-release fertilizers to reduce ammonia and GHG emissions from agricultural sources, 1st International Symposium on Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems (ISCRAES 2020), Irland, Dublin, 04-06.11.2020 r., str. 50-51
  144. 2020, Drop impact onto saturated glass beads bed – analysis of ejection of bed elements and deformation of surfaces, 19th International Workshop for Young Scientists BioPhys Spring 2020, May 19-21, 2020, Prague, Czech Republic, str. 22
  145. 2020, Impact of mesh quality on the numerical estimation of saturated water conductivity of pore media, International Agrophysics, 34(4): 473-483; DOI: 10.31545/intagr/130331
  146. 2020, Biochar Alters Soil Physical Characteristics, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization, and Glomalin Production, Agronomy, 10(12), 1933, str. 1-18, DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10121933
  147. 2021, The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures, Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/D0LC01029D
  148. 2021, Sensor‐based outdoor monitoring of insects in arable crops for their precise control, Pest Management Science, DOI: 10.1002/ps.6098
  149. 2020, Dependence of Profile Probe Sensitivity Zone on Probe Diameters, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020,
  150. 2020, A Modified Open-Ended Probe as a Reliable Tool for Measurements of Soil Water Content, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 163-166
  151. 2020, Time domain transmission sensor for soil moisture profile probe, selected technical aspects, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 157-159
  152. 2020, Wideband Characterization of Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectrum, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 167-170
  153. 2020, Evaluation of a Multi-Rod Probe Performance for Accurate Measurements of Soil Water Content, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 160-162
  154. 2020, Soil Aquametry and Electromagnetic Metrology, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 171-174
  155. 2020, Error Correction in Variable-Temperature Characterization of Material Complex Dielectric Spectrum, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 116-118
  156. 2020, Dependence of profile probe sensitivity zone on probe diameters, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 110-112
  157. 2020, Wireless IoT communication module with low power consumption for a soil moisture and salinity sensor, Konferencja Międzynarodowa 9th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW2020); Warszawa, 5-7.10.2020, str. 15-19
  158. 2020, The SMOS-Derived Soil Water EXtent and equivalent layer thickness facilitate determination of soil water resources, Scientific Reports, 10:18330, str 1-12; DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-75475-x
  159. 2019, Research of the Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin (Poland) as a response to current challenges and trends in agrophysics, 2nd International Conference ''Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Eugene Ermakov”, Sankt Petersburg, Rosja, 2-4.10.2019,
  160. 2019, The use of mixed TBATS and SVM model to forecast the minimum and maximum air temperature for various climatic locations in Europe in the agricultural context, 2nd International Conference ''Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Eugene Ermakov”, Sankt Petersburg, Rosja, 2-4.10.2019,
  161. 2019, Impact Response Surfaces (IRS) & Adaptation Response Surfaces (ARS): A methodology for evaluating adaptation strategies under climate change, 2nd International Conference ''Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Eugene Ermakov”, Sankt Petersburg, Rosja, 2-4.10.2019 ,
  162. 2019, Quantification of the mesh qualityin terms of pore media geometry projection onthe saturation conductivity estimation uncertaintybased on X-ray CT images, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2005
  163. 2019, Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2000
  164. 2019, Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 9-13.12.2019, H53N-2007
  165. 2019, Monitorowanie stanu upraw z wykorzystaniem teledetekcyjnego systemu wiatrakowca, XXVI Konferencja Naukowa "Postęp Naukowo-Techniczny i Organizacyjny w Rolnictwie", Zakopane 4-8.02.2019 r.,
  166. 2020, Agricultural Drought Monitoring by MODIS Potential Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Data Application, Remote Sensing, 12(20), 3411; DOI: 10.3390/rs12203411
  167. 2019, Zastosowanie modelu SVM/TBATS do prognozowania minimalnej i maksymalnej temperatury powietrza w kontekście rolniczym, II Konferencja Doktorantów "Cztery Żywioły - Współczesne Problemy w Naukach o Życiu", Lublin. 24.10.2019 r., str. 7
  168. 2020, Quantification of the relationship between root parameters and soil macropore parameters under different land use systems in Retisol, International Agrophysics, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/123266
  169. 2020, Effects of long term application of chicken manure and spent mushroom substrate on organic matter and storage of water in sandy soils, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-7490
  170. 2020, A modified dielectric probe for increased measurement volume of soil water content, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria,
  171. 2020, Modeling of air temperatures using a combination of TBATS and SVM models for various climatic locations in Europe, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-22227
  172. 2020, Particle displacement due to splash – analysis based on glass bead deposits, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-20742
  173. 2020, Numerical modelling based saturation conductivity estimation uncertainty – influence of the quality of the pore space geometry representation based on X-ray CT images, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-19695
  174. 2020, Climate change impact evaluation in various regions in Europe on the base of ensemble modelling, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-18052
  175. 2020, Impact of soil incorporation of biochar on radon emission, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-6689
  176. 2020, A simple method for soil moisture calculation using data from ELBARA III passive radiometer and thermal inertia, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-4656
  177. 2020, How do grain size and dose of sunflower husk biochar influence thewater retention of sandy soil?, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-4760
  178. 2020, A modified dielectric probe for increased measurement volume of soil water content, Konferencja EGU General Assembly 2020: 4-8.05.2020, Wiedeń, Austria, EGU2020-17909
  179. 2020, Structural and functional microbial diversity of sandy soil under cropland and grassland, PeerJ, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9501
  180. 2021, Dynamics of meteorological time series on the base of ground measurements and retrospective data from MERRA ‐2 for Poland, International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.6787
  181. 2020, Impact of biochar addition on soil thermal properties: Modelling approach, Geoderma, 376: 114574; DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114574
  182. 2019, Badania stężeń gazów cieplarnianych nad polami uprawnymi z pułapu wiatrakowca z wykorzystaniem analizatora Picarro, XXIV Konferencja Nowoczesne Metody Instrumentalne w Analizie Śladowej, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź, Polska, 2-3.12.2019 r.,
  183. 2019, Standardization of electromagnetic measurements of soil moisture – BDS & Soil, International Scientific Seminar "Coaxial dielectric measurements", Marseille, France, 10.07.2019 r.,
  184. 2019, Reference dielectric measurement system as a tool for verification of soil moisture – dielectric permittivity calibration functions, International Scientific Workshop "Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination", Institute of Water Saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China (IWSA), Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China; 06.09.2019 r.,
  185. 2019, Seven-rod dielectric sensor for determination of soil moisture in small volumes, 7th International Symposium on Sensor Science, Napoli, Italy 09-11.05.2019,
  186. 2019, Reference dielectric measurement system as a tool for verification of soil moisture – dielectric permittivity calibration functions, International Scientific Seminar "Coaxial dielectric measurements", Marseille, France, 10.07.2019 r.,
  187. 2019, Rozproszenie energii wzbudzenia na sposób ciepła a wydajność fotosyntezy, XXVI Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierzu Dolnym nad Wisłą, 29 – 30 maja 2019 r.,
  188. 2019, Zastosowanie metody MF-DFA do porównania szeregów czasowych wybranych elementów meteorologicznych ze stacji synoptycznych IMGW-PIB i bazy NASA MERRA-2, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa z okazji 50-lecia Zakładu Klimatologii pt.: ,,Zmienność klimatu Polski i Europy oraz jej cyrkulacyjne uwarunkowania", Poznań, Polska, 21-23.10.2019 r,
  189. 2020, Dielectric Properties of Glass Beads with Talc as a Reference Material for Calibration and Verification of Dielectric Methods and Devices for Measuring Soil Moisture, Materials, 13(8), 1968, DOI: 10.3390/ma13081968
  190. 2020, Application of a Monopole Antenna Probe with an Optimized Flange Diameter for TDR Soil Moisture Measurement, Sensors, 20(8), 2374; DOI: 10.3390/s20082374
  191. 2020, The effect of bee pollen on bone biomechanical strength and trabecular bone histomorphometry in tibia of young Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230240
  192. 2019, Powłoki polimerowe w nawozach o spowolnionym uwalnianiu (SRF) – aspekt prawny, ekonomiczny i technologiczny, VII Konferencja Naukowa Materiały Polimerowe - Pomerania-Plast, 5-7.06.2019, Międzyzdroje, Polska, str. 68
  193. 2019, The use of mixted TBATS and SVM model to forecast the minimum and maximum air temperature for various climatic locations in Europe in the agricultural context, 2nd International Conference "Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop production towards advanced technologies", Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2-4.10.2019 r.,
  194. 2019, Impact response surfaces (irs) & adaptation surfaces (ars): a mothodology for evaluation strategies under climate change, 2nd International Conference "Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop production towards advanced technologies", Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2-4.10.2019 r.,
  195. 2019, New fertizers with a slow relase of nutrients – economic, legal and technological aspects, 2nd International Conference ''Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Eugene Ermakov”, Sankt Petersburg, Rosja, 2-4.10.2019,
  196. 2019, Application biochar into the soil – if it influence for environmental radioactivity?, 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA 2019), 8-11.09, Prague,
  197. 2020, Impact of soil incorporation of biochar on environmental radioactivity, Journal of Environmental Quality, DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20014
  198. 2019, Penetration Depth of a Soil Moisture Profile Probe Working in Time-Domain Transmission Mode, Sensors, DOI: 10.3390/s19245485
  199. 2019, Chronic dietary supplementation with kynurenic acid, a neuroactive metabolite of tryptophan, decreased body weight without negative influence on densitometry and mandibular bone biomechanical endurance in young rats, PLoS One , 10.1371/journal.pone.0226205
  200. 2020, Surface deformation and displacement of bed elements during splash – Model tests, Catena, vol 185; DOI: 10.1029/2018JF004993
  201. 2019, An open-ended probe with an antenna for the measurement of the water content in the soil, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 167(105042), str. 1-8, DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105042
  202. 2019, Mineral nitrogen content in soils depending on land use and agronomic category, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(3), str. 5663-5675, DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1703_56635675
  203. 2019, Mineral nitrogen content in hydrographic areas of Poland depending on land use, International Agrophysics, 33, str. 481-491, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/112023
  204. 2019, Impact of soil salinity, texture and measurement frequency on the relations between soil moisture and 20 MHz–3 GHz dielectric permittivity spectrum for soils of medium texture, Journal of Hydrology, 579,(124155), DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124155
  205. , Combined TBATS and SVM model of minimum and maximum air temperatures applied to wheat yield prediction at different locations in Europe,
  206. 2019, Environmental-Friendly Modifications of Zeolite to Increase Its Sorption and Anion Exchange Properties, Physicochemical Studies of the Modified Materials, Materials, 12, 3213, str. 1-13, DOI: 10.3390/ma12193213
  207. 2019, Spatio-Temporal Mapping of L-Band Microwave Emission on a Heterogeneous Area with ELBARA III Passive Radiometer, Sensors, 19(16), 3447, str. 1-21, DOI: 0.3390/s19163447
  208. 2019, Multifractality of meteorological time series for Poland on the base of MERRA-2 data, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 127, str. 318-333, DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2019.07.008
  209. 2019, Multifractal characterization and comparison of meteorological time series from two climatic zones, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137, str. 1811-1824, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2705-0
  210. 2018, Performance evaluation of quad-pol data compare to dual-pol SAR data for river ice classification, European Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1080/22797254.2018.1540914
  211. 2019, Evolution of soil pores and their characteristics in a siliceous and calcareous proglacial area, Catena, 182 (2019) 104154, str. 1-16, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2019.104154
  212. 2019, The effect of biochar addition to the soil (Haplic Luvisol) on Water Holding Capacity, 4 Th International Symposium of Soil Physics, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, Lublin 13-14.02.2019, str. 40
  213. 2019, The effect of macropore network on plant root length in retisol of western Lithuania, 4 Th International Symposium of Soil Physics, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, Lublin 13-14.02.2019, str. 25
  214. 2019, Standardization of electromagnetic measurements of soil moisture – NAWA project meeting, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, str. 1-10
  215. 2019, Intercomparison of the pore network to Navier-Stokes modellingapproach used for saturated conductivity estimation from X-ray CTimages, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15272
  216. 2019, Parallel Richards’ equation solver – implementation and validation, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-15060
  217. 2019, Sensitivity volume of monopole antenna for determining soil dielectric permittivity spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13941
  218. 2019, Estimation of the sensitivity zone of an eight-rod TDR probe, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13859
  219. 2019, Influence of soil moisture, salinity and texture on broadband complexdielectric permittivity spectra, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-13796-1
  220. 2019, Study of measurement repeatability in vector-network-analyzercharacterization of soil complex dielectric-spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-9101-1
  221. 2019, Spatial variability of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity at thecommune scale, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-7610
  222. 2019, The use of the SMOS-Derived Soil Water Equivalent indeX(SWEX-SMOS) for assessment soil water resources in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2019, Wiedeń, Austria 7-12.04.2019 r, Vol. 21, EGU2019-7310
  223. 2019, Evaluation of Soil Moisture Variability in Poland from SMOS Satellite Observations, Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(11), 1280; DOI: 10.3390/rs11111280
  224. 2019, Verification of soil salinity index model based on 0.02–3 GHz complex dielectric permittivity spectrum measurements, Journal of Hydrology, 574, str. 517-528, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.066
  225. 2019, A Seven-Rod Dielectric Sensor for Determination of Soil Moisture in Well-Defined Sample Volumes, Sensors, 19(7), 1946, str. 1-12, DOI: 10.3390/s19071646
  226. 2019, Saturated water conductivity estimation based on X-ray CT images – evaluation of the impact of thresholding errors, International Agrophysics, 33(1), str. 49-60, DOI: 10.31545/intagr/104376
  227. 2019, Development of an Ice Jam Flood Forecasting System for the Lower Oder River—Requirements for Real-Time Predictions of Water, Ice and Sediment Transport, Water, 11(1):95, str. 1-20, DOI: 10.3390/w11010095
  228. 2019, Development of Kriging-approximation simulated annealing optimization algorithm for parameters calibration of porous media flow model, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(2), str. 395-406, DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s00477-018-01646-y
  229. 2019, One-Port Vector Network Analyzer Characterization of Soil Dielectric Spectrum, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2886474
  230. 2018, Specific surface area (SSA) of soil for SMOS, SMOS Quality Working Group (QWG-24), Frascati, Italy, 30.01-01.02.2018,
  231. 2018, Snow melting effect on L-band brightness temperature, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  232. 2018, Compatibility of soil moisture remote sensing data of SMOS with ELBARA instrument results – the comparison on long time scale, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  233. 2018, ELBARA: Low altitude L-band radiometer for soil moisture retrieval, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  234. 2018, Surface soil moisture: point measurements, tower and satellite – voyage through the scales, 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 12-17.08.2018,
  235. 2018, Modelling of the saturated water conductivity of the macroporous soil media, 2nd ISMC Conference: New Perspectives on Soil Models, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 5-7.11.2018 r., str. 81
  236. 2018, The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, 10-14.12.2018 r., H41E-06
  237. 2018, Soil moisture sensing – from local to global, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  238. 2018, Towards the best L-band soil moisture representation – Comparing SMOS satellite pixel with Elbara footprints., EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r.,
  239. 2018, Modelling of the saturated water conductivity of the macroporous soil media, The 4th International Conference on Water Resource and Environmnet (WRE 2018), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, 17-21.06.2018, str. 97
  240. 2018, Evolution of soil pore properties over 10kyr in alpine settings, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol.20, EGU2018-9021
  241. 2018, Macropore induced soil saturated water conductivity – modeling based on X-ray CT scans of soil cores, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-12987
  242. 2018, The effect of soil macroporosity, temperature and water content on CO2 efflux in the soils of different genesis and land management, Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 105(4) str. 291-298
  243. 2018, Microstructural Differences in Response of Thermoresistant (Ceramic) and Standard (Granite) Concretes on Heating. Studies Using SEM and Nonstandard Approaches to Microtomography and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry Data, Materials, 11(7), pii: E1126, doi: 10.3390/ma11071126
  244. 2018, Wpływ poplonów na różnorodność funkcjonalną mikroorganizmów glebowych., Polskie Gleboznawstwo na forum międzynarodowym, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, 21-23.10.2018,
  245. 2018, Effect of exogenous organic matter on spatial distribution of soil physical properties and maize yield, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6449
  246. 2018, Effect of exogenous organic matter on the thermal properties of two loamy soils in Poland and Czech Republic, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6553
  247. 2018, Modelling of thermal properties of biochar amended soils, 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Rio de Janeiro, Brazylia 12-17.08.2018,
  248. 2018, Uwilgotnienie gleby w Polsce – zastosowanie biowęgla do poprawy, Konferencja Naukowa "Współczesne problemy inżynierii produkcji. Przemysł Rolno-Spożywczy-Transport-Energia i Środowisko”, Gawrych-Ruda, 16-18.05.2018 r., str. 37
  249. 2018, Improving the understanding of surface soil wetness in Poland through remote sensing and field experiments, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r, Vol. 20, EGU2018-6758
  250. 2018, Cokriging to enhance spatial interpolation of rainfall distribution using SMOS satellite soil moisture data, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6699
  251. 2019, The relationship between mineral nitrogen content and soil pH in grassland and fodder crop soils, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(1), str. 107-121, DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1701_107121
  252. 2018, Wpływ nawożenia na zawartość azotu mineralnego w glebach użytków zielonych i upraw rolniczych o przeznaczeniu paszowym / The impact of fertilization on the mineral nitrogen content in grassland and fodder crop soils, Przemysł Chemiczny, 97(11): 1899-1905
  253. 2018, Content of certain macro- and microelements in orchard soils in relation to agronomic categories and reaction of these soils, Journal of Elementology, 23(4): 1361-1372
  254. 2018, Różnorodność mikrobiologiczna gleby piaszczystej pod użytkiem zielonym w porównaniu do gleby uprawnej, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Mikrobiologiczna "Mikrobiologia środowiska szansą dla biotechnologii i zrównoważonego rozwoju", Katowice, 12-15.06.2018 r., str. 45
  255. 2019, Implications of crop model ensemble size and composition for estimates of adaptation effects and agreement of recommendations, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264, str. 351-362, DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.09.018
  256. 2019, The effect of copper nanoparticles and copper (II) salt on redox reactions and epigenetic changes in a rat model, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 103(9), str. 675–686, DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13025
  257. 2019, Multifractal characterization and comparison of meteorological time series from two climatic zones, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI: 0.1007/s00704-018-2705-0
  258. 2018, Obrazowanie hiperspektralne, jako nieinwazyjna metoda identyfikacji porażeń grzybowych owoców, Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  259. 2018, Mineral nitrogen content in the 60-90 cm layer of grassland soils relative to other fodder crops, way of managing agricultural lands and farming intensity / Zawartość azotu mineralnego w warstwie 60-90 cm gleb użytków zielonych na tle innych upraw o przeznaczeniu paszowym, sposobów zagospodarowania użytków rolnych oraz intensywności gospodarowania, Acta Agrophysica, 25(3): 343-357
  260. 2018, Zmienność przestrzenna temperatury gleby w Polsce, Acta Agrophysica, 25(3): 189-305
  261. 2018, HSI for rapid determination of fruit quality parameters, Hyperspectral Imaging & Applications Conference, Coventry, United Kingdom, 10-11.10.2018 r.,
  262. 2018, The effect of some soil physicochemical properties and nitrogen fertilisation on winter wheat yield / Wpływ niektórych właściwości fizykochemicznych gleby oraz nawożenia azotem na plonowanie pszenicy ozimej, Acta Agrophysica, 25(1): 107-116
  263. 2018, Problemy techniczne związane z montażem oprzyrządowania pomiarowego na wiatrakowcu., Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar (LARSS), Lublin, 10-11.05.2018,
  264. 2018, Modern Methods in Splash Erosion Research, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU 2018-19567-1, 2018, vol. 20
  265. 2018, New TDT probe for soil moisture measurement at various soil-profile depths – numerical study of the sensor sensitivity zone, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-6877-1
  266. 2018, EM simulations of a novel three-rod dielectric probe for measurements of soil moisture gradient, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-14349
  267. 2018, Validation of a new soil moisture profile probe operating with Time Domain Transmission Technique, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r., Vol. 20, EGU2018-14070
  268. 2018, Electromagnetic multi-simulation method for determining dielectric permittivity spectrum, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2018 r. , Vol. 20, EGU2018-6861
  269. 2018, Porównanie meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych pochodzących z bazy nasa merra-2 i stacji naziemnych, Konferencja Doktorantów pt. „Cztery Żywioły – współczesne problemy w naukach o życiu”, Warszawa 25.10.2018 r., str. 15
  270. 2018, Comparison of meteorological time series derived from NASA MERRA-2 and synoptic stations, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 172
  271. 2018, Minimum and maximum air temperatures modelling with TBATS and SVM for various climatic localizations in Europe, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 171
  272. 2018, Application of hyperspectral imaging to classify and monitor of fungal infected fruits, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 165
  273. 2018, Soil moisture determination using ground and satellite data in top soil layer, 25th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 7.11.2018 r., str. 16
  274. 2018, Comparison of Potential Evapotransportation Obtained from Satellite and Groung Based Data, 25th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 7.11.2018 r., str. 12
  275. 2018, Assimilable nutrient content correlation with physicochemical properties of soil, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 96
  276. 2018, Three rod TDR probe for measurement of soil moisture distribution, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 95
  277. 2018, Evaluation of the impact of the thresholding errors on X-ray CT imaging based estimation of saturated water conductivity, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 83
  278. 2018, Designing and open-ended probe with an antenna (OE-A) for the determination of soil moisture and salinity: computer simulations, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 72
  279. 2018, Soil salinity assessment with the use of dielectric spectrum at radio and microwave frequencies, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 71
  280. 2018, Combined frequency and time domain electromagnetic simulations of a transmission mode soil moisture probe, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 58
  281. 2018, Spatio-temporal properties of meteorological time series for Poland from NASA MERRA-2, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 52
  282. 2018, Laboratory measurement methods of splash erosion in micro scale, 12th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 17-19.09.2018 r., str. 28
  283. 2019, The effect of manganese nanoparticles on performance, redox reactions and epigenetic changes in turkey tissues, Animal, 13 (6), str. 1137-1144, DOI: 10.1017/S1751731118002653
  284. 2018, Classifying multi-model wheat yield impact response surfaces showing sensitivity to temperature and precipitation change, Agricultural Systems, 159: 209-224
  285. 2018, Investigation of Material Properties of POM-C with Regard to its Suitability as a Casing Material for a Time Domain Transmission Profile Probe, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 140-142
  286. 2018, Dielectric Sensors in Flood Early Warning Systems, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 131-133
  287. 2018, Novel TDR Probe for Monitoring Moisture Distribution in Soil Profile – Electromagnetic Simulations, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 121-123
  288. 2018, The Effect of Storage Time on Dielectric Properties of Pasteurized Milks and Yoghurt, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 118-120
  289. 2018, Comparison between Coaxial Transmission Line Methods by Measurement of Porous Clay Samples of Varying Moisture Content, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 110-114
  290. 2018, A Multiconductor Probe for Broadband Dielectric-Spectrum Measurements, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 77-81
  291. 2018, Modelling of the Soil Moisture Using L-Band Brightness Temperatures from ELBARA III Radiometer, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 59-62
  292. 2018, The Calibration-Free Method for Determining Dielectric Permittivity Spectrum, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 50-52
  293. 2018, Estimation of Electromagnetic Sensor Measurement Volume Using Combined 3D EM Simulation and Electronic Design Software, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 41-43
  294. 2018, Impact of Soil Salinity on the Relation Between Soil Moisture and Dielectric Permittivity, 2018 12th International Conference on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (ISEMA), Lublin, Poland 4-7.06.2018, str. 14-16
  295. 2018, Effects of reduced and traditional tillage on soil properties and diversity of diatoms under winter wheat, International Agrophysics, 32: 403-409
  296. 2018, Forecasting daily meteorological time series using ARIMA and regression models, International Agrophysics, 32: 253-264
  297. 2018, Zastosowanie modeli TBATS i SVM do prognozowania minimalnej i maksymalnej temperatury powietrza na podstawie meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych, W: "Nauka i przemysł - lubelskie spotkania studenckie", Praca zbiorowa, Red. Dorota Kołodyńska; Wyd. UMCS w Lublinie; ISBN 978-83-945225-5-1, str. 182-183
  298. 2018, Scaling properties of meteorogical time series for Poland based on data from MERRA-2, 7th International Young Scientists Conference, Rzeszów 4-5.06.2018 r., str. 28
  299. 2018, Spatial relationships among cereal yields and selected soil physical and chemical properties, Science of The Total Environment, 633: 1579–1590
  300. 2018, Detection of fungal infections in strawberry fruit by VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral imaging, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 139: 115-126
  301. 2018, Band structure evolution and the origin of magnetism in (Ga,Mn)As: From paramagnetic through superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic phase, Physical Review B, 97, 115201
  302. 2017, A methodology for probabilistic assessment of adaptation strategies: a case study in the Mediterranean, The joint meeting of Italian Society of Agronomy and Italian Association of Agrometeorology, Mediolan, Włochy 12-14.09.2017,
  303. 2017, Metodyka pomiaru i modelowania emisji N2O, XXXVIII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Agrometeorologów i Klimatologów pt. "Innowacje na rzecz adaptacji wobec zmian klimatu", Puławy 18-20.09.2017, str. 131
  304. 2017, Modelowanie emisji N2O na poziomie pola w różnych reżimach uprawy i nawożenia, XXXVIII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Agrometeorologów i Klimatologów pt. "Innowacje na rzecz adaptacji wobec zmian klimatu", Puławy 18-20.09.2017, str. 133
  305. 2017, Przestrzenna analiza spektrum multifraktalnego wielkości meteorologicznych pochodzących z MERRA II, XXXVIII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Agrometeorologów i Klimatologów pt. "Innowacje na rzecz adaptacji wobec zmian klimatu", Puławy 18-20.09.2017, str. 9
  306. 2017, Modelling nitrous oxide emissions of high input maize crop systems, MACSUR Science Conference, Berlin, Germany 22-24.05.2017,
  307. 2017, Support of precision agriculture with an ecosystem monitoring system from gyrocopter platform, 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security, Cape Town, South Africa 3-6.12.2017,
  308. 2017, Probabilistic assessment of adaptation options from an ensemble of crop models: a case study in the Mediterranean, International Conference "Impacts World 2017", Potsdam, Germany 11-13.10.2017,
  309. 2017, Effect of changing size and composition of a crop model ensemble on impact and adaptation response surfaces, MACSUR Science Conference, Berlin, Germany 22-24.05.2017,
  310. 2017, Spatial analysis of multifractal spectra of the MERRA II meteorological time series, MACSUR Science Conference, Berlin, Germany 22-24.05.2017,
  311. 2017, Analiza reakcji modeli wzrostu i plonowania roślin na zabiegi adaptacyjne w kontekście zmian klimatu przy wykorzystaniu ARS, XXXVIII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Agrometeorologów i Klimatologów pt. "Innowacje na rzecz adaptacji wobec zmian klimatu", Puławy 18-20.09.2017,
  312. 2017, Analysis of a crop models ensemble response to adaptation measures under climate change using ARS, 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security, Cape Town, South Africa 3-6.12.2017,
  313. 2017, Probabilistic assessment of adaptation options from an ensemble of crop models: a case study in the Mediterranean, MACSUR Science Conference, Berlin, Germany 22-24.05.2017,
  314. 2017, Woda – źródło życia, spojrzenie z kosmosu, Zespół Szkół Rolniczych im. Władysława Stanisława Reymonta w Czartajewie, 20.04.2017,
  315. 2017, GHG mapping over cultivated fields in ground and aerial measurements – project assumption, Conference "Degradation and Revitalization of Soil and Landscape" (Soil Science Days 2017), Olomouc, Czech Republic 10-13.09.2017, str. 82
  316. 2017, The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media, AGU Fall Meeting, New Oleans, 11-15.12.2017,
  317. 2017, Satellite and ground-based sensing of L-band microwave emission for water resources monitoring, Ecohydrology for the Circular Economy and Nature-Based Solutions towards mitigation/adaptation to Climate Change, Łódź, Poland, 26-28.09.2017,
  318. 2017, Bank próbek glebowych Instytutu Agrofizyki PAN w Lublinie, Konferencja naukowa „Krajowe bazy danych o glebach - stan, wykorzystanie, potrzeby”, Warszawa 21.09.2017 ,
  319. 2017, Soil moisture retrieval at Bubnow Wetland using L-band radiometer (ELBARA III), Low Altitude Remote Sensing Seminar – LARSS, Lublin, Poland, 25-26.05.2017 ,
  320. 2017, Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture: 6 years survey of SMOS data and in-situ soil moisture measurements in Poland, CCI Soil Moisture Workshop and Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 18-20.09.2017 ,
  321. 2017, Modelling of the L-band brightness temperatures measured with ELBARA III radiometer on Bubnow wetland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
  322. 2017, Microwave brightness temperature and thermal inertia – towards synergistic method of high-resolution soil moisture retrieval, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
  323. 2017, Comparison of remote sensing and in-situ soil moisture measurements: 6 years survey of SMOS data and agrometeorological stations in Eastern Poland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017,
  324. 2017, Interactive Soil Quality Assessment for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience, results from study in Poland, 3rd plenary meeting of project Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience (Horizon 2020), Beijing, China 10-15.09. 2017,
  325. 2017, Assessment of spatial variability of soil thermal properties in cultivated field, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-13215, 2017
  326. 2017, Impact of biochar addition on thermal properties of a sandy soil: modelling approach, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9680, 2017
  327. 2017, Assessment of physical and chemical indicators of sandy soil quality for sustainable crop production, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9560, 2017
  328. 2017, Badania metagenomiczne zbiorowisk grzybów w zróżnicowanych warunkach użytkowania gleby, 51. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Mikrobiologiczna, Toruń 5-8.09.2017, str. 62-63
  329. 2017, Analiza metagenomiczna zbiorowisk grzybów w glebach nawożonych podłożem po produkcji pieczarek, 51. Ogólnopolska Konferencja Mikrobiologiczna, Toruń 5-8.09.2017, str. 46-47
  330. 2017, Microbial and physical properties as indicators of sandy soil quality under cropland and grassland, EGU General Assembly, Wiedeń, Austria 8-13.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-9595, 2017
  331. 2017, Analiza metagenomiczna grzybów w glebie pod użytkiem zielonym, Konferencja naukowa „Bioróżnorodność środowiska – znaczenie, problemy, wyzwania”, IUNG, Puławy, 30-31.05.2017, str. 138
  332. 2017, Analiza metagenomiczna zbiorowisk grzybów w glebie nawożonej pomiotem kurzym, Konferencja naukowa „Bioróżnorodność środowiska – znaczenie, problemy, wyzwania”, IUNG, Puławy, 30-31.05.2017, str. 90-91
  333. 2017, Analysis of Climate Dynamics Across a European Transect Using a Multifractal Method, Advances in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting. Selected Contributions from ITISE 2016 (Eds. Ignacio Rojas, Héctor Pomare, Olga Valenzuela). Springer International Publishing, str. 103-116
  334. 2017, Relation of mineral nitrogen and sulphate sulphur content in soil to certain soil properties and applied cultivation treatments, Acta Agrophysica , 24(3): 523-534
  335. 2018, Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment, Agricultural Systems, 159: 260-274
  336. 2017, Light-induced formation of dimeric LHCII, Photosynthesis Research, 132(3): 265–276
  337. 2017, Application of the TDR technique for the detection of changes in the internal structure of an earthen flood levee, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 14(2), p. 292
  338. 2017, Multifraktalność meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych dla Polski z bazy Nasa Merra II dla Polski, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Doktorantów i Młodych Naukowców pt. "Adaptacja do zmian klimatu w rolnictwie" na 25-lecie Studiów Doktorankich w IUNG-PIB, 14-15.09.2017 r., str. 21
  339. 2017, Scaling properties of meteorological time series for Poland from MERRA II, 10th Geosymposium for Young Researchers, Zabrze, 21-23.09.2017, str. 20
  340. 2017, Multifraktalność meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych dla Polski z bazy Nasa Merra II, III Kuźnia Młodych Talentów, Jabłonna 27-30.09.2017, str. 28
  341. 2018, Application of X-ray computed microtomography to soil craters formed by raindrop splash, Geomorphology, 303: 357-361
  342. 2017, Comparing SMOS pixel with Elbara footprints – towards the best satellite soil moisture representation, 24th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 8.11.2017 r., str. 14-15
  343. 2017, Analysis of soil moisture distribution changes observed by SMOS satellite and ground-based agrometeorological stations, 24th International Poster Day Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System", Bratysława, Słowacja, 8.11.2017 r., str. 12
  344. 2017, Soil salinity characterization based on 0.05-3 GHz dielectric permittivity measurements, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS - AMP 2017), Pavia, Italy 20-22.09.2017,
  345. 2017, Wideband extraction of soil dielectric spectrum from vector-network-analyzer measurements, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes (IMWS - AMP 2017), Pavia, Italy 20-22.09.2017,
  346. 2017, Soil Dielectric-Spectrum Characterization Based on One-Port VNA Measurement System, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2017), Barcelona, Spain 27–29.09.2017, 1: 811
  347. 2017, Novel TDT Sensor for Soil Moisture Profile Probe, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science (I3S 2017), Barcelona, Spain 27–29.09.2017, 1: 839
  348. 2017, Analiza zmiany rozkładu wilgotności gleby obserwowanej z danych satelitarnych SMOS i naziemnych stacji agrometeorologicznych, X Sympozjum Doktorantów "Współczesne Problemy w Naukach o Życiu", Lublin, 26.10.2017, str. 21
  349. 2017, Prognozowanie temperatury powietrza na podstawie meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych z wykorzystaniem modeli TBATS i SVM, X Sympozjum Doktorantów "Współczesne Problemy w Naukach o Życiu", Lublin, 26.10.2017, str. 10
  350. 2018, Dynamics of gas cell coalescence during baking expansion of leavened dough, Food Research International, 103: 30-39
  351. 2018, Early detection of fungal infection of stored apple fruit with optical sensors – comparison of biospeckle, hyperspectral imaging and chlorophyll fluorescence, Food Control, 85: 327-338
  352. 2017, Relationship between assimilable-nutrient content and physicochemical properties of topsoil, International Agrophysics, 31(4): 551-562
  353. 2017, Algorithms for detecting cherry pits on the basis of transmittance mode hyperspectral data, International Agrophysics, 31(4): 539-549
  354. 2017, Szybka detekcja porażenia grzybowego owocu jabłoni metodą przestrzennego obrazowania biospeckli, XXIV Lubelskie Warsztaty Biofizyczne, Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą, 03-04.07.2017, str. 21
  355. 2017, Exponentially smoothed Fujii index for online imaging of biospeckle spatial activity, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142: 70-78
  356. 2017, Analiza szeregów czasowych wielkości agrometeorologicznych w kontekście badania zmian klimatu oraz sylwetka doktoranta, I Konferencja Doktorantów PAN, Falenty, 23-25.06.2017 r.,
  357. 2017, Thermal properties of soil in the Murrumbidgee River Catchment (Australia), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115: 604-614
  358. 2017, Spatial variability of soil properties and cereal yield in a cultivated field on sandy soil, Soil & Tillage Research, 174: 241–250
  359. 2017, Detection of pits in fresh and frozen cherries using a hyperspectral system in transmittance mode, Journal of Food Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.07.028
  360. 2017, Multifraktalność agro-meteorologicznych szeregów czasowych dla polski na podstawie danych NASA MERRA II, V Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum "Nauka i przemysł - lubelskie spotkania studenckie", Lublin 20.06.2017 r.,
  361. 2017, Assessment of soil moisture from satellite measurements in regional scale, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017, str. 72-73
  362. 2017, Dielectric relaxation mechanisms in silt loam soil determined from 0.05 – 3 GHz measurements, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017, str. 79-80
  363. 2017, Discrimination of fungal infected strawberry fruits using hyperspectral reflectance imaging, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017, str. 77-78
  364. 2017, Forecasting of meteorological time series using combined tbats and svm methods, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017, str. 45-46
  365. 2017, Modelling of saturated hydraulic conductivity coefficient – validation for soil cores, 16th International Workshop for Young Scientists „BioPhys Spring 2017”, Lublin, Poland, 1-3.06.2017 , str. 42
  366. 2017, Temporal scale influence on multifractal properties of agro-meteorological time series, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239: 223-235
  367. 2017, Physico-chemical and microbiological evidence of exposure effects on Picea abies – Coarse woody debris at different stages of decay, Forest Ecology and Management, 391: 376-389
  368. 2017, An estimation of the main wetting branch of the soil water retention curve based on its main drying branch using the machine learning method, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019533
  369. 2017, 0.05–3 GHz VNA characterization of soil dielectric properties based on the multiline TRL calibration, Measurement Science and Technology, 28: 1-7
  370. 2017, Temporal properties of spatially aggregated meteorological time series, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234: 247-257
  371. 2017, Electromagnetic simulations for salinity index error estimation, Measurement Science and Technology, 28, 014012, 1-7
  372. 2017, Salinity index determination of porous materials using open-ended probes, Measurement Science and Technology, 28(1): 14006
  373. 2016, Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectra Determination Using Electrical Signal Reflections in Probes of Various Lengths, Vadose Zone Journal, 15(3); DOI: 10.2136/vzj2015.10.0135
  374. 2016, Electrical impedance measurements for detecting artificial chemical additives in liquid food products, Food Control, 66: 116-129
  375. 2016, Statistical modelling of agrometeorological time series by exponential smoothing, International Agrophysics, 30(1): 57-65
  376. 2016, Application of thermography and hyperspectral techniques for testing the resistance of tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) plants to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Book of abstracts. 15th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2016, May 5-6, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-19
  377. 2016, Modelling climate change impact on crop production, Book of abstracts. 15th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2016, May 5-6, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-13
  378. 2016, Zastosowanie termografii do badania odporności tytoniu (Nicotina tabacum L.) na wirusa mozaiki tytoniu (TMV), VIII Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa TYGIEL 2016 "Interdyscyplinarność kluczem do rozwoju", Lublin, 12-13.03.2016 r., 361-361
  379. 2016, Zmienność przestrzenna wilgotności gleby a zagrożenie suszą na obszarze Polski, VIII Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa TYGIEL 2016 "Interdyscyplinarność kluczem do rozwoju", Lublin, 12-13.03.2016 r., 362-363
  380. 2016, Scalar field as an intrinsic time measure in coupled dynamical matter-geometry systems. I. Neutral gravitational collapse, Journal of High Energy Physics, 49, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2016)049
  381. 2016, Early detection of plants diseases based on hyperspectral and thermography imaging., VIIth International Scientific Symposium for Young Scientists, PhD Students and Students of Agriculture Colleges. Innovative researches for the future of agriculture and rural areas developmemt. Bydgoszcz, 15-17.09.2016 r., 61-61
  382. 2016, Soil moisture mapping at Bubnow Wetland using L-band radiometer (ELBARA III), European Geosciences Union General Assembly, (EGU), 2016 Wiedeń. Austria, 17-22.04.2016 r., Vol. 18-EGU2016-6739
  383. 2016, Non-destructive techniques for testing yhe resistance of plants to the virus (TMV), Konferencja Międzynarodowa "Biogospodarka w Rolnictwie" "Bioeconomy in Agriculture", Puławy, 21-22.06.2016 r., 81-82
  384. 2016, Ocena zmian parametrów fizykochemicznych owoców porażonych grzybem Botrytis cinerea w oparciu o obrazowanie hiperspektralne, Nauka i Przemysł - lubelskie spotkania studenckie, 06.06.2016 Lublin, str. 161-163
  385. 2016, Wykorzystanie termografii do badania odporności tytoniu (Nicotiana tabacum L.) na wirusa mozaiki tytoniu (TMV), Nauka i Przemysł - lubelskie spotkania studenckie, 06.06.2016 Lublin , str. 159-160
  386. 2016, Nondestructive measurement of soluble solid content of fruit based on hyperspectral imaging technique, 1st Meeting of Young Researches from V4 Countries, Rzeszów, 20.04.2016 r., str. 75
  387. 2016, Application of thermography for testing the resistance of tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) Plants to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 1st Meeting of Young Researches from V4 Countries, Rzeszów, 20.04.2016 r., 32-32
  388. 2016, Hyperspectral reflectance imaging for detection of fruits pathogens, 6th International Young Scientists Conference „Human – Nutrition – Environment”, Rzeszów, 21-22.04.2016 r., str. 109
  389. 2016, Thermography and hyperspectral techniques as nondestructive methods for plants pathogen diagnosis, 6th International Young Scientists Conference „Human – Nutrition – Environment”, Rzeszów, 21-22.04.2016 r. , 49-49
  390. 2016, Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia dielektryczna w inżynierii żywności, V Sympozjum Inżynierii Żywności z okazji 200-lecia Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa, 21-23.06.2016 r., 134-134
  391. 2016, Electrical impedance measurements for detecting artificial chemical additives in liquid food products, V Sympozjum Inżynierii Żywności z okazji 200-lecia Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa, 21-23.06.2016 r., 98-98
  392. 2016, The effect of biochar application on thermal properties and albedo of loess soil under grassland and fallow, Soil and Tillage Research, 164: 45-51
  393. 2016, Evaluation of soil reaction and content of assimilable nutrients in soils of South-Eastern Poland, Acta Agrophysica, 23(2): 249-260
  394. 2016, Zastosowanie termografii oraz obrazowania hiperspektralnego do śledzenia porażenia roślin tytoniu (Nicotiana tabacum L.) patogenem TMV, III Forum Młodych Przyrodników "Rolnictwo – Żywność – Zdrowie", Lublin, 21.05.2016 r.,
  395. 2016, Nieinwazyjna metoda identyfikacji porażeń grzybowych owoców, III Forum Młodych Przyrodników "Rolnictwo – Żywność – Zdrowie", Lublin, 21.05.2016 r., str. 49
  396. 2016, Modeling Soil Processes: Review, Key Challenges, and New Perspectives, Vadose Zone Journal, 15(5): 1-57
  397. 2016, Light-Driven Reconfiguration of a Xanthophyll Violaxanthin in the Photosynthetic Pigment–Protein Complex LHCII: A Resonance Raman Study., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120(19): 4373-4382
  398. 2016, Detection of gray mold infection using hyperspectral reflectance imaging, Book of abstracts. 15th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2016, May 5-6, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, str. 48-49
  399. 2015, Hyperspectral and Thermal Imaging of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus) Response to Fungal Species of the Genus Alternaria., PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122913
  400. 2015, Carotenoid determination in tomato juice using near infrared spectroscopy., International Agrophysics, 29(3): 275-282
  401. 2015, Effect of humic acids, sesquioxides and silica on the pore system of silt aggregates measured by water vapour desorption, mercury intrusion and microtomography., European Journal of Soil Science, 66(6): 992-1001
  402. 2015, Hydrophysical characteristics of selected soils from arctic and temperate zones., International Agrophysics, 29(4): 525-531
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