


  1. 1998, Vlijanie kislotnosti sredy na mikrostrukturu po’č Ljublinskoj vozvyąennosti po dannym EPR – spektroskopii., Prirodnye Resursy, 1998, 1, 76-83
  2. 1998, A simple device for accurate strain measurements on apple fruits., Acta Horticulture, 1998, 421, 223-230
  3. 1998, Effect of colloid-chemical melioration of saline soil., Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 1998, 4, 153-158
  4. 1998, Effect of sampling season and storage period on dehydrogenase and catalase activity of an orthic luvisol., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/2, 59-67
  5. 1998, Influence of cultivation system on porosity of pseudopodzolic soil., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/2, 33-41
  6. 1998, Effect of wetting on pore system of soils and minerals as detremined by mercury intrusion porosimetry., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 19-24
  7. 1998, Hydrophysical characteristic of Ortic Podzol, Eutric Cambisol, and Orthic Luvisol aggregates. Part IV. Water conductivity in the saturated and unsaturated zone., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 9-17
  8. 1998, Hydrophysical characteristic of Ortic Podzol, Eutric Cambisol, and Ortic Luvisol aggregates. Part III. Saturation, water available for plants., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 1-7
  9. 1998, Natural and anthropogenic causes and effects of floods and other disastrous events in Poland., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 4, 285-294
  10. 1998, Agrophysical methods of water retention control in the rural areas., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 4, 277-284
  11. 1998, Binding force and mechanical strength of rice grain., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 227 - 230
  12. 1998, Dielectric determination of moisture of wood using time domain reflectometry., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 217-220
  13. 1998, Dielectric determination of moisture of cereals grain using time domain reflectometry., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 209-215
  14. 1998, Influence of humic acid on the structural properties of kaolin – mercury porosimetry studies., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 185-192
  15. 1998, Determining bulk electrical conductivity of soil from attenuation of electromagnetic pulse., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 3, 181-183
  16. 1998, Effect of moisture treatment on the ultraweak liminescence from imbibing wheat grain., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 2, 127-132
  17. 1998, Stress and deformation of wheat in direct shear test., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 2, 115-118
  18. 1998, Oxygen concentration in primary roots of broadbean, lupin and pea seedlings as measured with a microelectrode., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 2, 87-95
  19. 1998, Oxygenology as a new discipline in the environmental sciences (a proposal for discussion)., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 1, 53-55