Effect of sampling season and storage period on dehydrogenase and catalase activity of an orthic luvisol., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/2, 59-67
Effect of wetting on pore system of soils and minerals as detremined by mercury intrusion porosimetry., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 19-24
Hydrophysical characteristic of Ortic Podzol, Eutric Cambisol, and Orthic Luvisol aggregates. Part IV. Water conductivity in the saturated and unsaturated zone., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 9-17
Hydrophysical characteristic of Ortic Podzol, Eutric Cambisol, and Ortic Luvisol aggregates. Part III. Saturation, water available for plants., Polish Journal of Soil Science, 1998, XXXI/1, 1-7
Oxygen concentration in primary roots of broadbean, lupin and pea seedlings as measured with a microelectrode., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 2, 87-95
Oxygenology as a new discipline in the environmental sciences (a proposal for discussion)., International Agrophysics, 1998, 12, 1, 53-55
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