The effect of moisture treatment on mechanical properties of wheat grain., Ninth Seminar: Properties of Water in Food, Zakopane,11-13.05.1998, 62-71, 1998
Effect of leaching of dissolved organic carbon on fractal dimension of soils., 5 th International-Multidisciplinary Conference, Fractal 98, Complexity and Fractal in the Science, La Valetta, Malta, 25-28.10.1998, Abstracts, 1, 1998
The role of redox resistance in biodegradation of carbon under anaerobic conditions., International Conference On Modern Problems of Study Use and Protection of the Polessye Natural Complexes, Mińsk, Białoruś, 22-25.09.1998, 6, 1998
Do mechanical properties of potato tuber depend on the place of sampling?, International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 74, 1998
Aeration properties on the example of Arenic Chernozem (Tisice)., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 73, 1998
Estimation of physical results of percussive loads in wheat and Triticale grain., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 66, 1998
Studies on the mechanical properties of black currant bush shoots., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts 64-65, 1998
Stresses in a bulk of seeds under shearing load., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 55-56, 1998
Moisture induced loads on model grain silo., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 50-51, 1998
Resistance of two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars to soil hypoxic stress of different degree., International Conference Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment , Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, Abstracts, 34, 1998
The investigation of actual evapotranspiration with the use of thermography., International Seminar Quantita-tive Infrared Thermography 4, Łódź, 7-10.09.1998, Book of abstracts QIRT"98. 114, 1998
Surface and volume effects in thermal signatures of buried minus: experiment and modeling., International Seminar Quantita-tive Infrared Thermography 4, Łódź, 7-10.09.1998, Book of abstracts QIRT"98. 83, 1998
Influence of wheat N-fertilization on some technological properties of grain., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 100, 1998
Some physical properties affecting the lupine pods splitting., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 98, 1998
Rapeseeds storage and their mechanical strength., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 97, 1998
Probabilistic methods for estimation of rapeseeds damage to dynamical loads., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 96, 1998
Quality of fruit and vegetable – physical and nutritional state., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 92, 1998
Use of the mercury porosimetry technique to the porosity study of the wheat flour extrudates., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 84, 1998
Geometrical properties of granular material from the quantum mechanical approach., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 83, 1998
Identyfication of internal structure by means of piezoelectric sensors., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 66, 1998
Formation of shear bands during triaxial compression tests., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 65, 1998
Radial distribution of vertical pressure of wheat grain on bottom of a model bin., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 64, 1998
Some methodical aspects of determining wet gluten quality by glutomatic method., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 35, 1998
Analysis of strength properties of winter rape stems., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 34, 1998
The fluctuation of moisture content of the mature wheat grain in field conditions during twenty-four hours., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 25, 1998
Changes in hardness and thickness of wheat grain as a result of its moistening., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 20, 1998
Significance of the investigation of physical properties of plant raw material for food industry., International Conference Physics of Agro and Food Products. ICPAFP '98. Lublin, 26-28.05.1998, 9, 1998
Application of a specialized computer program for analysis of X-ray images of selected plant materials., International Conference Structure and Functionality of Food Products, Mrągowo, 18-20. 05.1998, 42, 1998
Optic confocal microscope in the studies of the structural changes in the potato bulb in relation to temperature., International Conference Structure and Functionality of Food Products, Mrągowo, 18-20. 05.1998, 27, 1998
New methods of obtain and analyse of microscopic images of plant materials., ICC Conference '98, 16th International Conference ICC "Cereal Science - its Contribution to Health and Well Being" (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Nauki i Technologii Zbóż ) , Wiedeń, Austria, 9-12.05.1998, 35, 1998
Methodical and technological aspects of X-ray imaging of wheat grain., ICC Conference '98, 16th International Conference ICC "Cereal Science - its Contribution to Health and Well Being" (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Nauki i Technologii Zbóż ) , Wiedeń, Austria, 9-12.05.1998, 31, 1998
X-ray imaging for grain diagnostics., ICC Conference '98, 16th International Conference ICC "Cereal Science - its Contribution to Health and Well Being" (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Nauki i Technologii Zbóż ) , Wiedeń, Austria, 9-12.05.1998, 22, 1998
Physical properties of amaranth seeds., ICC Conference '98, 16th International Conference ICC "Cereal Science - its Contribution to Health and Well Being" (Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Nauki i Technologii Zbóż ) , Wiedeń, Austria, 9-12.05.1998, 19, 1998
Do mechanical properties of potato tuber depend on the place of sampling?., International Conference "Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment", Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, 139-144, 1998
Studies on the mechanical properties of black currant bush shoots., International Conference "Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment", Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, 133-136, 1998
Stresses in a bulk of seeds under shearing load., International Conference "Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment", Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, 128-132, 1998
Moisture induced loads on model grain silo., International Conference "Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment", Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, 118-122, 1998
Aeration properties on the example of Arenic Chernozem (Tisice)., International Conference "Flow and Deformation in Biology and Environment", Prague, Czechy, 14-16.09.1998, 57-63, 1998
Investigations of stress-deformation in soil under different loading processes using mechatronics and laser techniques. Part II, 98-C-053,, Testowe, 932-933, 1998
The shrinkage of pea seed coat during drying. Part I, 98-F-041,, International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, AgEng Oslo'98, 24-27.08. 1998, 381-382, 1998
Effect of filling method and moisture content on stress distribution in cylindrical bed of wheat grain., Proceedings of the Seminar „Operations on granular materials”, Lublin 28.05.1998, 1998, 41-48
Lateral to vertical pressure ratio in a model grain silo. Proceedings, International Seminar Operations on Granular Materials, Lublin 28.05.1998, 31-39, 1998
Alleviating the needs in specific rural areas damaged by summer floods 1997: Excursion Guide, Part I. Characteristics of the Lublin Region., International Seminar Alleviating the Needs in Specific Rural Areas Damaged by the Summer Floods 1997, Lublin-Wrocław, 24-28.03.1998, 45-57, 1998
The model of hyrological processes in soil profile., International Seminar Alleviating the Needs in Specific Rural Areas Damaged by the Summer Floods 1997, Lublin-Wrocław, 24-28.03.1998, 34-37, 1998
Spatial distribution of Redox properties and specific surface area of soils in Poland., International Seminar Alleviating the Needs in Specific Rural Areas Damaged by the Summer Floods 1997, Lublin-Wrocław, 24-28.03.1998, 17-18, 1998
Natural and anthropogenic causes and effects of floods and other disastrous events in Poland., International Seminar Alleviating the Needs in Specific Rural Areas Damaged by the Summer Floods 1997, Lublin-Wrocław, 24-28.03.1998, 11-16, 1998
Alleviating the needs in specific rural areas damaged by summer floods 1997: Introductory Report, International Seminar Alleviating the Needs in Specific Rural Areas Damaged by the Summer Floods 1997, Lublin-Wrocław, 24-28.03.1998, . 9-10, 1998
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