

  1. 2013, Thermal properties of soils: effect of biochar application, 2013
  2. 2013, Bezcenna „Kropla Zdrowia”, Kwartalnik Urzędu Patentowego, 2013, 1(14): 27-28
  3. 2013, Advances in Agrophysical Research, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, 1-408
  4. 2013, Influence of silver nanoparticles on food components in wheat, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(1): 49-55
  5. 2013, Coffee Markets & Trade, FRNA Foundation for Development of Agrophysical Research, 2013, ISBN: 978-83-60489-22-2, str. całości 1-364, l.ark.wyd. 23,1(nośnik CD-BOOK): 1-364
  6. 2013, Effects of organic and conventional management on physical propertiesof soil aggregates, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(1): 15-21
  7. 2013, Extensograph curve profile model used for characterising the impact of dietary fibre on wheat dough, Journal of Cereal Science, 2013, 57471-479
  8. 2013, Redistribution of basic physical properties and water content of soils in a loess catchment, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae EN, 2013, 51-107
  9. 2013, Influence of Optical Indices on PSD of Activated Sludge Measured by LDM, 2013, 129
  10. 2013, Monitoring and control the operation of SBR type laboratory bioreactor using a computer program, 2013, 79-88
  11. 2013, Właściwości fizyczne waniliowych aromatów proszkowych o zróżnicowanym składzie chemicznym części aromatycznej, Nauki Inżynierskie i Technologie. Engineering Sciences and Technologies, 2013, 2((9)): 53-66
  12. 2013, Przykłady badania i modelowania obciążeń silosów na zboże, Budownictwo na obszarach wiejskich. Nauka, praktyka, perspektywy, 2013, (Rozdz.): 219-230
  13. 2013, Właściwości mechaniczne sypkich agromateriałów i proszków spożywczych. Metody wyznaczania i prognoza kierunków standaryzacji, Współczesna inżynieria rolnicza i nowe wyzwania, 2013, (Rozdz. III): 269-285
  14. 2013, Stan badań z zakresu właściwości fizycznych surowców roślinnych w aspekcie ich przetwarzania, Współczesna inżynieria rolnicza i nowe wyzwania, 2013, (Rozdz. III): 127-150
  15. 2013, Zwilżalność gleb mineralnych Polski, 2013
  16. 2013, Assessment of river water and discharged storm water quality for a selected catchment of the Bystrzyca river, Lublin, Poland, 2013, 131-131
  17. 2013, Porównanie szybkości rozkładu wybranych ropopochodnych w glebie, 2013, 74-74
  18. 2013, Efficiency of removal of some physical and chemical pollution in SBR, 2013
  19. 2013, The effect of bioaugumentation on oxygen uptake rate in sequencing batch reactor, 2013, 510-516
  20. 2013, The quality of rainwater from basin of Muzyczna st. in Lublin at the background of receiver water – the Bystrzyca river, 2013, 18-23
  21. 2013, The method of determining diatoms and green algae communities biodiversity of the Zemborzycki backwater periphyton, 2013, 9-17
  22. 2013, Respiration activity in bioaugmented and non-bioaugmented activated sludge under adverse condition, 2013, 130-131
  23. 2013, Application of algae (Chlorella vulgaris) to improve chemical parameters of wastewater, 2013, 126-127
  24. 2013, Parameters of Czechówka river water quality determined in the selected sampling points localized at the area of open air village museum in Lublin, 2013, 125-126
  25. 2013, Różnorodność organizmów eukariotycznych osadu czynnego w warunkach laboratoryjnego bioreaktora SBR, 2013, 123-124
  26. 2013, Studies on transformations of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in municipal wastewater treatment plants, 2013, 109-109
  27. 2013, SBR bioreactor modelling with the GPS-X simulator, 2013
  28. 2013, Performance evaluation of the laboratory scale SBR on the background of project assumptions, 2013, 41-42
  29. 2013, Changes of physical parameters and structure of protozoa communities during disturbances of aeration process at the SBR reactor, 2013, 43-43
  30. 2013, Detection of SBR reactor process disturbances using e-nose and artificial neural networks, 2013, 35-35
  31. 2013, The protozoa community during the adaptation of the activated sludge in SBR reactor, 2013, 13-14
  32. 2013, Переваги застосування порційного реактора змінної дії (ІИА) для очищення стічних вод, Матеріали науково-технічної конференції викладачів, співробітників, аспірантів і студентів факультету технічнх cистем та енергоефективних технології: Сучасні технології у промисловому виробництві, 2013, II207-208
  33. 2013, Biotechnological methods as mean to determine microbial contamination in drinking water, 2013
  34. 2013, Innowacje w zakresie OZE – Środowiskowe Laboratorium Energii Odnawialnej, 2013
  35. 2013, Laboratorium Fermentacji Metanowej, 2013
  36. 2013, Naszyjnik z DNA, 2013
  37. 2013, Życie zaczyna się od korzeni, 2013
  38. 2013, Jak rozmnożyć glony?, 2013
  39. 2013, Oddziaływania w materiałach sypkich, 2013
  40. 2013, Pożyteczny stres glonów, Akademia. The Magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013, 1(33): 30-31
  41. 2013, Badanie struktury białek glutenowych z wykorzystaniem metod spektroskopowych, 2013, 19-19
  42. 2013, Changes in secondary structure of wheat gluten after using Ag nanoparticles, 2013, 74-74
  43. 2013, Influence of silver nanoparticles on secondary structure of wheat gluten, 2013, 113-113
  45. 2013, Cechy szczególne mechanizmu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ekologicznym regionu, 2013
  46. 2013, Ogólne założenia metodologii zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ekologicznym., 2013
  47. 2013, Rozwój energetyki w Polsce, 2013
  48. 2013, Podstawy ekologizacji procesu działalności życiowej współczesnego społeczeństwa, 2013
  49. 2013, Energia – czy koniec taniej energii?, 2013
  50. 2013, Środowiskowe Laboratorium Energii Odnawialnej, 2013
  51. 2013, Fermentacja metanowa jako sposób na utylizację odpadów, 2013
  52. 2013, Predicting thermal conductivity of biochar and soil using physical-statistical model, 2013
  53. 2013, Biowęgiel w rolnictwie – wpływ na właściwości i procesy zachodzące w glebie, 2013
  54. 2013, Statystyczno-fizyczny model przewodnictwa cieplnego nanopłynów, 2013, 170-170
  55. 2013, Wilgotność́ gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
  56. 2013, Zmienność wilgotności powierzchniowej warstwy gleby na obszarze Polski z pomiarów satelitarnych i naziemnych, 2013
  57. 2013, Woda źródło życia spojrzenie z kosmosu, 2013
  58. 2013, Zmienność przestrzenna cech gleby, jej uwilgotnienia i zagęszczenia w technologii uprawy roślin rolniczych, 2013, 108-108
  59. 2013, Właściwości elektryczne miodu – sensor, opis modelu teoretycznego i weryfikacja w zmiennych warunkach termicznych, 2013, 405-408
  60. 2013, Aktywność enzymatyczna jako czynnik monitorujący stan gleb modyfikowanych odpadami organicznymi różnego pochodzenia, 2013, 48-49
  61. 2013, Urządzenie do hodowli mikroorganizmów fototropowych, 2013, 21-21
  62. 2013, Algae – potential biodiesel feedstock. The influence of environmental conditions on biomass production and lipid content, 2013, 44-45
  63. 2013, Quality of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) following application of chemical agents at different stages of plant ripeness, The Philippine Agricultural Scientist, 2013, 96(3): 239-246
  64. 2013, Effect of particie size distribution on the energy dissipation and mechanical response of packings of spheres under compressive loading, 2013
  65. 2013, The use of microscopic images in soil splash measurements, 2013, 247-247
  66. 2013, Numerical model of the splash crown shape in single fluid system (a drop water falling on the surface of water) using the finite volume method depending on the geometry of the system, 2013, 267-267
  67. 2013, Sprawność usuwania wybranych zanieczyszczeń ze ścieków miejskich w laboratoryjnym bioreaktorze typu SBR Proceedings of Ecopole, Proceedings of ECOpole, 2013, 7(1): 357-363
  68. 2013, Community composition and abundance of protozoa under different concentration of nitrogen compounds at “Hajdow” Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 2013, 20(1): 127-139
  69. 2013, Comparative analysis of the organic liquid conductivity of soil samples treated with cationic surfactant, Georgikon for Agriculture, 2013, 18(3): 41-56
  70. 2013, Supervised classification of bruised apples on the base of hyperspectral imaging data, 2013
  71. 2013, New method for measurement of plant roots specific surface, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 41088-1094
  72. 2013, Właściwości mechaniczne biomasy ziarnistej i włóknistej wykorzystywanej na cele energetyczne i do zakiszania, 2013
  73. 2013, Polowa metoda oceny osypywania nasion rzepaku, 2013
  74. 2013, Potrzeba rozwoju badań strategicznych w rolnictwie, Panorama PAN, 2013, 6(6): 6-8
  75. 2013, Zastosowanie techniki ICP-OES do celów monitoringu dolin rzecznych, 2013
  76. 2013, Trace elements in eggshells of the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) from the colony in the Roztocze Hills (South East Poland), Zoology and Ecology, 2013, 23(3): 240-244
  77. 2013, The effect of biochar and other organic amendment on thermal properties of soil, 2013
  78. 2013, Agrophysics – physics in agriculture and environment, Soil Science Annual, 2013, 64(2): 67-80
  79. 2013, Aktualny stan prac badawczych w zakresie zastosowania komputerowej analizy obrazu oraz analizy spektralnej w rolnictwie i przetwórstwie., Współczesna inżynieria rolnicza i nowe wyzwania, 2013, (Rozdz. III): 417-443
  80. 2013, Structural characterization of biopolymers from cell walls of fruits, 2013, P3-06-P3-06
  81. 2013, Study on finite element analysis of plant tissue micromechanics, 2013, 80-80
  82. 2013, Mikroskop Ramana jako narzędzie do badania struktury roślinnych ścian komórkowych owoców i warzyw, 2013, 61-61
  83. 2013, Study on spatial distribution of polysaccharides in plant cell wall by Raman microscope, 2013, 105-105
  84. 2013, Spatial distribution of polysacccharides in plant cell wall of vegetables and fruits, 2013, 41-41
  85. 2013, Application of inhibitors of selected metabolic processes for identification biological source of biospeckle phenomenon in apple tissue, 2013, 56-56
  86. 2013, Zastosowanie zjawiska biospeckli do wczesnego wykrywania mechanicznych i chorobowych uszkodzeń tkanek roślinnych, 2013, 23-23
  87. 2013, The research of external mechanical interaction influence on cellular structure of potato tuber tissue, 2013, 43-43
  88. 2013, Application of acoustic emission for quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables, Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications, 2013, (Rozdz.): 173-199
  89. 2013, Probing plant cell mechanical properties with the atomic force microscope, 2013, 1-6
  90. 2013, Study on model development of plant tissue using the finite element method, 2013, 1-5
  91. 2013, Application of metabolism inhibitors for identification biological source of biospeckle phenomenon in apple tissue, 2013, 1-5
  92. 2013, Peculiarities of soil moisture and temperature dynamics based on TDR-measurement results for 2008-2012 in the Western Polesie territory of Ukraine, Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(4): 577-593
  93. 2013, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae EN (Red.), 2013, (4): 1-69
  94. 2013, Biological activity of main types of Polish soils, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae EN, 2013, (4): 1-69
  95. 2013, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae PL (Red.), 2013, (3): 1-103
  96. 2013, Wpływ zlokalizowanego nawożenia oraz stanu zagęszczenia gleby na pobieranie wody i składników mineralnych przez kukurydzę, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae PL, 2013, (3): 1-103
  97. 2013, Effects of aggregate size on soil thermal conductivity: Comparison of measured and model-predicted data, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 57536-541
  98. 2013, Methodological aspects of fractal dimension estimation on the basis of particle size distribution, Vadose Zone Journal, 2013, 12(1): 1-9
  99. 2013, DEM modelling of silo load asymmetry due to eccentric filling and discharge, Powder Technology, 2013, 23365-71
  100. 2013, Project of an automatic system for soil moisture regulation using TDR technique, 2013, 197-200
  101. 2013, Selected issues of the TDR based measurement of the soil apparent dielectric permittivity oriented to the evaluation of soil moisture, 2013, 169-173
  102. 2013, Wybrane zagadnienia techniczne w pomiarze wilgotności gleby metodą TDR, 2013, 315-316
  103. 2013, Badanie właściwości elektrycznych materiałów ciekłych w zakresie częstotliwości 20 Hz – 2 MHz, 2013, 313-314
  104. 2013, Szerokopasmowe widma impedancji ciekłych materiałów pochodzenia rolniczego, 2013, 41-42
  105. 2013, Pomiary parametrów elektrycznych wodnych roztworów cukrów, 2013, 36-36
  106. 2013, Fluid of Janus molecules between two walls: The solvation force, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139224711-1-224711-9
  107. 2013, Influence of Building Material Rubble and Thermal Stress on the Structural Properties of Soil – Mercury Porosimetry Studies, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013, 22(6): 1627-1635
  108. 2013, Characteristics of surface water from selected regions of the Kola Peninsula, 2013, 180
  109. 2013, Evaluation of geochemical and microbiological properties in soils from selected regions of the Kola Peninsula, 2013, 183
  110. 2013, Badania zawartości szkodliwych pierwiastków metalicznych w przedmiotach codziennego użytku w bliskim otoczeniu człowieka, 2013, 95-95
  111. 2013, Określenie składu chemicznego przedmiotów codziennego użytku wykonanych z metalu, za pomocą analiz SEM-EDS, 2013, 187-188
  112. 2013, Characterization of Sida hermaphrodita as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion process, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11(3&4): 1839-1841
  113. 2013, Assessment of microbial status for an hydrocarbon polluted soil after applying an electrokinetic treatment, Recent Research Developments in Electrochemistry, 2013, 933-48
  114. 2013, Determination of Energetic and Geometric Properties of Plant Roots Specific Surface from Adsorption/Desorption Ishoterm, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013, 41554-1561
  115. 2013, Soil Water Dynamic Modeling Using the Physical and Support Vector Machine Methods, Vadose Zone Journal, 2013, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.05.0085
  116. 2013, Physiological properties and application of sodium alginate microcapsules, 2013
  117. 2013, Chemiczne śledztwo, czyli mały detektyw na tropie nauki, 2013
  118. 2013, Chemiczne tajemnice żywności, 2013
  119. 2013, Genetyczny alfabet… czyli ACGT DNA, 2013
  120. 2013, Kuchnia chemika, 2013
  121. 2013, Mikroglony jako alternatywne źródło biomasy energetycznej, 2013
  122. 2013, Ładunki, jony, elektrony – z pasją o energii, 2013
  123. 2013, Magia napięcia powierzchniowego, 2013
  124. 2013, Chemia – nauka i pasja, 2013
  125. 2013, Chemiczny świat – pełen dźwięków, światła i barw, 2013
  126. 2013, Influence of various foliar fertilization on growth and development of bears garlic Allium ursinum L., 2013
  127. 2013, How exogenous plant growth regulators can improve the process of phytoextraction, 2013
  128. 2013, Structural Properties of Plant Polysaccharides from Apple and Carrot Pomace, 2013
  129. 2013, Modified Cell Wall’s Polysaccharides as Food Texture Stabilizers, 2013
  130. 2013, Denitryfikacja w glebie wzbogaconej materiałami mineralnymi i organicznymi (doświadczenie modelowe), 2013
  131. 2013, Effect of pH and ionic Al3+ and Cu2+ on the concentration of magnesium in Trifolium pratense L, Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(3): 473-480
  132. 2013, Application of Biolog Ecoplate® to monitor the ecotoxicity status of sewage sludge (a re-view), Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(3): 385-397
  133. 2013, Physicochemical and grinding characteristics of dragonhead seeds, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(4): 403-408
  134. 2013, Effect of drought and heat stresses on plant growth and yield: a review, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(4): 463-477
  135. 2013, Water retention of arctic zone soils (Spitsbergen), International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(4): 439-444
  136. 2013, Use of the electro-separation method for improvement of the utility value of winter rapeseeds, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(4): 419-424
  137. 2013, Effect of green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on fertilized soil respiration, 2013, 309-310
  138. 2013, Effect of the iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) hydroxides on the surface areas of the brown soil formed from loess, 2013, 283-283
  139. 2013, Differences in the priming effect for various concentrations of sugars degaded in the soil, 2013, 271-271
  140. 2013, Numerical model of the spalsh crown shape in single fluid system (a drop of water falling on the surface of water) using the finite volume method depending in the geometry of the system, 2013, 267-267
  141. 2013, The use of microscopic images in soil spalsh measurements, 2013, 247-247
  142. 2013, Biological activity of urban soil degraded by building materials, 2013, 189-189
  143. 2013, Influence of various dry matter content in wet fermentation on biogas yield, 2013, 177-177
  144. 2013, The effect of conventional and reduced soil tillage on soil pore morphology and water infiltration, 2013, 168-168
  145. 2013, A comparison of two strategies of heavy metals contaminated soil treatmnt: chelate- and plant growth regulators- assisted phytoextraction, 2013, 112-113
  146. 2013, The role of beneficial elements in plants, 2013, 110-111
  147. 2013, Microbial functional diversity of antarctic soils from Arctowski Polish Anarctic Station region, 2013, 49-49
  148. 2013, The characterization of nitrifying bacteria community in soil rhizosphere after mineral and organic (dairy sewage sludge) fertilization, 2013, 110-110
  149. 2013, Biodegradation of organic waste in the anaerobic digestion – benefits of the co-fermentation process, 2013, 73-73
  150. 2013, The Biolog FF and ECO Plates system for evaluation of the catabolic diversity in fungal and bacterial silages’s communities, 2013, 74-74
  151. 2013, Occurence of fungi of the genus Fusarium in winter wheat after using different doses of carbendazim, 2013, 170-170
  152. 2013, Using the Biolog Ecoplate Method for evaluation of the functional metabolic diversity of soil amended with sludge from fruit wastewater treatment plant, 2013, 169-169
  153. 2013, Occurrence of heat-resistant fungi in agricultural soils under strawberries cultivation, 2013, 105-105
  154. 2013, Nod Factors (Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides) effects on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and microbial properties in pea rhizosphere, 2013, 111-111
  155. 2013, Methanotrophic properties of selected soils and waste materials likely to be used for reduction of methane emission from landfills, 2013
  156. 2013, Differentiation of SOC concentration in depositional soils in small loess catchment, 2013, 242-244
  157. 2013, Modification of pedon structure due to erosion and redistribution of soil properties in two catchments of the Lublin Upland, 2013, 82-83
  158. 2013, DEM simulations of stress distribution around annular obstruction attached to the wall of a model grain silo, 2013
  159. 2013, Simulation of ellipsoid-like particle assemblies at crossover from quasi-2D to 3D, 2013
  160. 2013, Asymmetry of loads in flat floor model grain bin due to eccentric filling and non-axial inserts attached to the wall, 2013
  161. 2013, DEM simulations of the frictional and frictionless polydisperse packings of the spheres under uniaxial compression, 2013, 715-725
  162. 2013, DEM simulations of the influence of the obstruction attached to the wall on a static and flowing bed, 2013
  163. 2013, Uniaxial compression of assemblies of ellipsoidal particles of various aspect ratios, 2013
  164. 2013, Effect of particle size distribution on the energy dissipation and mechanical response of packings of spheres under compressive loading, 2013, 118-118
  165. 2013, Experimental studies and modeling of grain silo loads, 2013
  185. 2013, Surface soil moisture in Central Europe from SMOS satellite, 2013, 160-164
  186. 2013, Wilgotność gleb w regionie Karpat polskich i słowackich, w danych SMOS L2 za lata 2010-2013, 2013
  187. 2013, Design and deployment of the TDR soil moisture monitoring system in Polesie National Park, 2013, 259-266
  188. 2013, Determinantion of the soil complex dielectric permittivity from the measured reflection coefficient – a multi-rod probe and FDR model calibration, 2013, 224-230
  189. 2013, Impedance spectroscopy as a potential tool for differentiation among selected food additives, 2013, 177-183
  190. 2013, Determination of optimal frequency ranges and geometrical parameters of custom FDR probes for soil salinity measurements using salinity index method, 2013, 94-101
  191. 2013, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae PL (Red.), 2013, 11-85
  192. 2013, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae EN (Red.), 2013, 21-113
  193. 2013, Determination of Food Quality by Using Spectroscopic Methods, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, (Rozdz.): 347-367
  194. 2013, Physical Properties of Seeds in Technological Processes, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, (Rozdz.): 269-294
  195. 2013, Identification of Wheat Morphotype and Variety Based on XRay Images of Kernels, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, (Rozdz.): 223-267
  196. 2013, Aquametry in Agrophysics, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, (Rozdz.): 17-45
  197. 2013, Introduction to Scientific Discipline Agrophysics — History and Research Objects, Advances in Agrophysical Research, 2013, (Rozdz.): 3-14
  198. 2013, Application of a Coaxial-Like Sensor for Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements of Selected Low-Conductivity Liquids, Sensors, 2013, 1313301-13317
  199. 2013, Unknown mechanism of plants response to drought: low soil moisture and osmotic stresses induce severe decrease in CEC and increase in acidity of barley roots, Journal of Agricultural Science, 2013, 5(10): 204-213
  200. 2013, Interactions of humic acids with metals, Acta Agrophysica Monographiae EN, 2013, 21-113
  202. 2013, Transformation of the structural organization of clay sediments and soils under the impact of polyelectrolytes, Eurasian Soil Science, 2013, 46(8): 897-907
  203. 2013, Możliwości zagospodarowania wytłoków i innych odpadów przemysłu owocowo-warzywnego, Przemysł Fermentacyjny i Owocowo-Warzywny, 2013, 922-24
  204. 2013, Determination of the elastic properties of tomato fruit cells with an atomic force microscope, Sensors, 2013, 13(9): 12175-12191
  205. 2013, Pines influence hydrophysical parameters and water flow in a sandy soil, Biologia Section Botany, 2013, 68(6): 1104-1108
  206. 2013, Coarse woody debris of Fagus sylvatica produced a quantitative organic carbon imprint in an andic soil, Journal of Forest Research, 2013, 18440-444
  207. 2013, Effect of soil moisture and temperature on N2O and CO2 concentrations in soil irrigated with purified wastewater, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(3): 299-304
  208. 2013, Characteristics of rapeseed oil cake using nitrogen adsorption, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(3): 329-334
  209. 2013, Database of Polish arable mineral soils: a review, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(3): 335-350
  210. 2013, Visualization of characteristics of the contact network between spheres in 3D assembly, International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(3): 275-281
  211. 2013, Opracowanie prototypu transmisyjnej sondy dwuprętowej do pomiaru zespolonej przenikalności elektrycznej materiałów ciekłych pochodzenia rolniczego, 2013, 138-138
  212. 2013, Wyznaczenie parametrów funkcjonalnych prototypowych sensorów potencjału matrycowego w glebie, 2013, 137-137
  213. 2013, Discharge of rapeseeds from a model silo: Physical testing and discrete element method simulations, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2013, 9740-46
  214. 2013, Supervised classification of bruised apples with respect to the time after bruising on the basis of hyperspectral imaging data, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2013, 86249-258
  215. 2013, Pea growth and symbiotic activity response to Nod factors (lipo- chitooligosaccharides) and soil compaction, Applied Soil Ecology, 2013, 72181-186
  216. 2013, Metabolic diversity and characterization of selected cellulolytic fungi isolated from organic waste, 2013
  217. 2013, Genetic and biochemical identification of microorganisms isolated from agricultural and food wastes for methane fermentation process, 2013
  218. 2013, Mechanical properties of native maize, wheat, and potato starches, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2013, 31(4): 347-354
  219. 2013, Biospeckle application for monitoring of pre-harvest apple development, 2013, 13-14
  220. 2013, Raman microscope as a powerful tool to obtain images of spatial distribution of plant cell wall components, 2013, 20-20
  221. 2013, Use of FT-IR spectra and PCA to the bulk characterization of cell wall residues of fruits and vegetables along a fraction process, Food Biophysics, 2013, 829-42
  222. 2013, AFM study of xyloglucan (Tamarind) nanostructure and mechanical properties, 2013, 52-52
  223. 2013, Nanostruktura pektyn podczas ich fizjologicznej degradacji, 2013, 28-28
  224. 2013, Modyfikowane polisacharydy roślinne jako stabilizatory tekstury żywności, 2013
  225. 2013, Analysis of structural changes of water, chelate and diluted alkali soluble pectins fractions from carrot during cold storage with the atomic force microscope, 2013, 14-15
  226. 2013, Nowy bezpieczny dodatek do żywności, Kwartalnik Urzędu Patentowego, 2013, 1(14): 125-126
  227. 2013, Pectinolytic enzymes mechanisms: changes in pectin structure during postharvest ripening of carrot, 2013, 40-41
  228. 2013, Computer-aided image analysis of AFM height images of pectic fractions, 2013, 33-34
  229. 2013, The relation of apple texture with cell wall nanostructure studied using an atomic force microscope, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1): 128-137
  230. 2013, Changes in soil microbial activity and functional diversity after application of metconazole for plants protection, 2013
  231. 2013, The effects of diquat dibromide on soil microbial activity and functional diversity, 2013
  232. 2013, ct of pre-sowing 4-hydroxyphenethyl alcohol treatment of barley (Hordeum vulgare) seeds on soil respiration under different soil moisture – pot experiment, 2013, 123-123
  233. 2013, Methane oxidation in mineral soils – kinetic parameters, 2013, 122-122
  234. 2013, Dielectric permittivity of porous media in relation to water status: modeling approach, 2013, 121-121
  235. 2013, The effect of moisture content on the thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in Polesie and Biebrza wetlands, 2013, 120-120
  236. 2013, The role of the cell wall in shaping of ion-exchange properties of plant roots, 2013, 119-119
  237. 2013, In search of the carbon dioxide origin, 2013, 118-118
  238. 2013, Surface area of mineral and organic soils treatment with municipal wastes, 2013, 115-115
  239. 2013, Impact of wastewater application on metals content and magnetic susceptibility in mineral and organic soils, 2013, 114-114
  240. 2013, Testing of principal component analysis for improving soil water content determination, 2013, 113-113
  241. 2013, Calculation of fractal dimension of soil on the basis of particle size distribution measured with the laser diffraction method, 2013, 112-112
  242. 2013, Dynamics of upper layer soil moisture as information on intensity of effective non rainfall, 2013, 111-111
  243. 2013, Influence of temperature, moisture content and pressure on microbiological quality of rapeseed stored at anaerobic conditions, 2013, 110-110
  244. 2013, Innovative press for sleeve silage, 2013, 109-109
  245. 2013, The effect of modification of pedon structure on redistribution of soil water within a field of loess plateau (e Poland), 2013, 108-108
  246. 2013, Distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in an agriculturally used small catchment of the Lublin Upland, Poland, 2013, 107-107
  247. 2013, Measurements of electrical parameters of carbohydrates’ aqueous solutions, 2013, 103-103
  248. 2013, The effect of ecological production system on the soil microbial quality under hops cultivation, 2013, 101-101
  249. 2013, Reed canary – comparison of biogas production from wild and cultivated varieties, 2013, 100-100
  250. 2013, The effect of droughts on spring barley root system, 2013, 99-99
  251. 2013, The effect of light intensity and nitrogen deficiency on the growth and chlorophyll fluorescence of Chlorella protothecoides, 2013, 96-96
  252. 2013, Reaction of yellow- and black-seeded rape plants to the soil compaction state, 2013, 95-95
  253. 2013, Analysis of nanostructure and mechanical properties of xyloglucan (tamarind) by atomic force microscopy, 2013, 94-94
  254. 2013, Biogas yield during the anaerobic digestion process in different conditions of temperature, 2013, 93-93
  255. 2013, Assembly composition and abundance of protozoa under different concentration of nitrogen compounds at “Hajdow” WWTP devices, 2013, 91-91
  256. 2013, The influence of organic management on soil microbial activity, 2013, 87-87
  257. 2013, Study on spatial distribution of polysaccharides in plant cell wall by Raman microspectroscope, 2013, 80-80
  258. 2013, Effect of the particle size of rubble on the content of heavy metals in the soil, 2013, 76-76
  259. 2013, Relationship between selected properties of organic soils and elemental composition of their humic acids fraction, 2013, 75-75
  260. 2013, Influence of iron ions on stability of humic acids solutions, 2013, 74-74
  261. 2013, NAPL-conductivity of CPC treated soil samples, 2013, 73-73
  262. 2013, Nesting of black stork Ciconia nigra in „Lasy Janowskie” Landscape Park, 2013, 72-72
  263. 2013, Dielectric permittivity of liquids determined by a prototype transmission probe, 2013, 70-70
  264. 2013, Effect of cohesion on the mechanical properties of polydisperse granular beddings, 2013, 69-69
  265. 2013, Impedance spectroscopy measurements of liquid materials – sample agrophysical implementation, 2013, 65-65
  266. 2013, Changes of cell wall material composition during apple development, 2013, 64-64
  267. 2013, Reference materials in agrophysical broadband dielectric spectroscopy, 2013, 62-62
  268. 2013, Prototype of a miniature soil tensiometer, 2013, 61-61
  269. 2013, New opportunities of soil splash measurements using a combination of image analysis and the single water drop impact method, 2013, 60-60
  270. 2013, Study on numerical modelling of plant tissue using the finite element method, 2013, 56-56
  271. 2013, Equivalent circuits for modelling physicochemical properties of low-concentrated aqueous solutions of common food preservatives, 2013, 55-55
  272. 2013, Mathematical model for analysing the extensograph curve shape, 2013, 54-54
  273. 2013, Soil moisture in Poland – satellite and ground observations, 2013, 51-51
  274. 2013, Spatio-temporal biospeckle imaging as a tool for visualization of plant tissue damage, 2013, 50-50
  275. 2013, Physicochemical properties of sodium alginate microcapsules, 2013, 48-48
  276. 2013, Areas of agricultural applicability of biosurfactants, 2013, 46-46
  277. 2013, Microscopic and macroscopic observations of potato tubers tissue cellular structure in the place of blackspot appear, 2013, 44-44
  278. 2013, The influence of external mechanical interactionmon cellular structure of potato tuber tissue, 2013, 43-43
  279. 2013, Enzymatic degradation of pectin during postharvest ripening, 2013, 40-40
  280. 2013, Prediction of the optimal apple harvest window using biospeckle method, 2013, 30-30
  281. 2013, Physicochemical properties of silica gel coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) and its application in non-suppressed ion chromatography, Talanta, 2013, 115451-456
  282. 2013, Effect of Cytochalasin B, Lantrunculin B, Colchicine, Cycloheximid, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ion Channel Inhibitors on Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissue, Food Biophysics, 2013, 8(4): 290-296
  283. 2013, Modelling and Mechanical Engineering, Motrol Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa, 2013, 1-219
  284. 2013, Influence of copper (II) ions on stability of dissolved humic acids – coagulation studies., Acta Agrophysica, 2013, 20(2): 253-267
  285. 2013, Silos z promieniowym obiegiem czynnika susząco-chłodzącego, Powder & Bulk Materiały Sypkie i Masowe, 2013, 4(28): 30-32
  286. 2013, Modelling soil water dynamics using the physical and soft-computing methods, 2013, 49-49
  287. 2013, TDR probes location impact on the soil moisture measurement, 2013, 102-102
  288. 2013, Grain Silo Loads: Experiments and DEM Simulations, 2013, 45-45
  289. 2013, Energy and Energy Efficiency, Motrol Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa, 2013, 1-156
  290. 2013, Stretching tethered polymer chains: Density functional approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138(20)
  291. 2013, Wettability of mineral soils, Geoderma, 2013, 20663-69
  292. 2013, Methane oxidation in forest and fertilized soils, 2013, 58-59
  293. 2013, Characteristics of plant roots CEC mono and dicotyledonous, 2013, 55-55
  294. 2013, The effect of the type of photosynthesis (C and C ) on the isotopic composition of carbon dioxide emitted from 3 4 soil, 2013, 53-53
  295. 2013, Use of the laser diffraction method for analysis of spatial variation of particle size distribution as exemplified by sediments within pocket infills in the Chełm chalk quarry (E Poland), 2013, 51-51
  296. 2013, The influence of peat on the surface properties of sandy soil – the analysis of water vapour adsorption isotherms, 2013, 50-50
  297. 2013, Application of impedance spectroscopy from estimating electrical parameters of carbohydrates aqueous solutions, 2013, 47-47
  298. 2013, Estimation of protein and water content of selected plant raw materials using hyperspectral imaging, 2013, 46-46
  299. 2013, The influence of the post-fermentation sludge on hydrophysical soil properties, 2013, 45-46
  300. 2013, Algae – potential biodiesel feedstock. The influence of enviromental conditions on biomass production and lipid content, 2013, 44-45
  301. 2013, The impact of nitrogen fertilization on the content and uptake of selected heavy metals by various energy crops, 2013, 43-44
  302. 2013, The influence of municipal wastewater irrigation on changes in specific surface area of organic soils, 2013, 42-43
  303. 2013, Interpreting impedance spectroscopy measurements using equivalent electrical circuits, 2013, 41-41
  304. 2013, Biological pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass as an innovative technology for the process of anaerobic digestion, 2013, 37-38
  305. 2013, Microalgae cultivation under various concentrations of carbon dioxide and its influence on growth and biomass characteristics, 2013, 36-37
  306. 2013, Problems and forecast about developing renewable energy in Poland, 2013, 35-36
  307. 2013, Effect of calcium chloride concentration on crosslinking of sodium alginate, 2013, 33-33
  308. 2013, Changes in the morphology of Candida albicans cells after the action of Pelargonium zonale extract, 2013, 32-32
  309. 2013, Microbial metabolic activity in postharvest soil amended with dairy sewage sludge, 2013, 31-31
  310. 2013, Abiotic stresses: drought and high temperature, 2013, 30-30
  311. 2013, Surfactants and biosurfactants in agriculture – comparison, 2013, 29-29
  312. 2013, Fluctuations in formation of activated sludge protozoa community caused by different level of oxygen concentration, 2013, 24-25
  313. 2013, The effect of magnetic field pre-treatment of Sinapis alba seeds on lead accumulation, 2013, 18-19
  314. 2013, Application of fluorescence spectroscopy in study of interactions between humic acids and metals, 2013, 17-17
  315. 2013, Properties and use of zeolites, 2013, 15-15
  316. 2013, Plant microstructure and biomechanics, 2013, 12-12
  317. 2013, Application of X-ray computational microtomography and modelling for estimation of the saturated water conductivity of the porous media, 2013, 9-10
  318. 2013, Loads in grain silo: comparison of experimental studies and dem simulations, 2013, 8-9
  319. 2013, Pore shape and organic compounds drive major changes in the hydrological characteristics of agricultural soils, European Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 64334-344
  320. 2013, Relationship between selected physicochemical properties of peaty-mucks soils and main absorbance bands of its FTIR spectra., 2013
  321. 2013, Study of coagulation processes of selected humic acid under copper ions influence., 2013
  322. 2013, Flawonoidy oraz czynniki Nod (lipochito-oligosacharydy) modyfikują aktywność mikroorganizmów ryzosfery grochu., 47 Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Mikroorganizmy-roślina-środowisko w warunkach zmieniającego się klimatu”, 12-15.05.2013, Puławy-Lublin , str. 234-234
  323. 2013, Badania skriningowe, z wykorzystaniem systemu Biolog FF-plates, w zakresie uzdolnień katabolicznych grzybów wyizolowanych z kiszonek., 2013, 201-201
  324. 2013, Diagnostyka grzybów z rodzaju Fusarium z wykorzystaniem wybranych metod biologii molekularnej., 2013, 157-157
  325. 2013, Analiza profilu metabolicznego gleby w zależności od sposobu jej użytkowania., 2013, 156-156
  326. 2013, Analiza zróżnicowania genetycznego zespołów mikroorganizmów występujących w ryzosferze i glebie pozaryzosferowej nawożonej osadem z oczyszczalni ścieków mleczarskich., 2013, 135-135
  327. 2013, Identyfikacja molekularna bakterii wyodrębnionych z wybranych odpadów organicznych oraz ocena ich aktywności celulolitycznej., 2013, 108-108
  328. 2013, Zastosowanie metod fluorymetrycznych do oceny aktywności enzymatycznej gleby nawożonej osadem z oczyszczalni ścieków mleczarskich., 2013, 82-82
  329. 2013, Effects of silicon on plant resistance to environmental stresses: review., International Agrophysics, 2013, 27(2): 225-232
  330. 2013, Metody wyznaczania porowatości bio- i geo- materiałów., 2013
  331. 2013, Badania doświadczalne i modelowanie obciążeń silosów na zboże., 2013
  332. 2013, Nowe metody pomiaru właściwości sypkich produktów pochodzenia roślinnego., 2013
  333. 2013, Flowability tester for fine powders., 2013
  334. 2013, Właściwości mechaniczne sypkich produktów spożywczych., 2013
  335. 2013, Experiment and DEM modelling of powder slip-stick effect, 2013, 63-63
  336. 2013, On the two secret properties of soil capillarity., 2013
  337. 2013, Thermal properties of peat, marshy and mineral soils in relation to soil moisture status in polesie and Biebrza wetlands., 2013
  338. 2013, Modeling of the dielectric permittivity of porous soil media with water using statistical-physical models., 2013
  339. 2013, Evaluation of SMOS L2 moisture data over the Eastern Poland using ground measurements., 2013
  340. 2013, The effect of mofification of pedon on distribution of soil moisture, plant growth and yield in loess plateau (E Poland), 2013
  341. 2013, A new method for describing soil detachment by a single waterdrop impact, 2013
  342. 2013, Use of a Dynamic Light Scattering Technique for SDS/Water/Pentanol Studies, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013, 34(4): 566-574
  343. 2013, Temperature influences water sorptivity of soil aggregates, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 2013, 61(1): 84-87
  344. 2013, Influence of the Coulomb interaction on the spin-polarized current in the quantum dot system in the presence of the bias voltage pulse, Physica E, 2013, 495-12
  345. 2013, Effects of fatigue on microstructure and mechanical properties of bone organic matrix under compression, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s13246-013-0185-1
  346. 2013, Pomiar uzysku biogazu w skali laboratoryjnej/ Lab scale measurement of biogas yield, Przemysł Chemiczny, 2013, 92(1): 126-130
  347. 2013, External barrel temperature of a small bore olympic rifle and shooting precision, Biology of Sport, 2013, 30(1): 47-50
  348. 2013, A simple method for estimating particle numbers using a laser diffractometer, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2013, 22(1): 213-218
  349. 2013, Algae influence the hydrophysical parameters of a sandy soil., Catena, 2013, 10858-68
  350. 2013, Nonparametric regression approach: applications in agricultural science. Zastosowanie regresji nieparametrycznej w naukach rolniczych, Technical Transactions Automatic Control Czasopismo Techniczne Automatyka, 1-AC/2013, 17-27