Badania modelowe nad tworzeniem się sysntetycznych połączeń organiczno-mineralnych z kaolinitem przy różnych wartościach pH i przy udziale jonu glinu oraz określenie stopnia ich skompleksowania., 2003
Charakterystyki potencjału wody glebowej-wilgotność gleb płowych Południowo-Wschodniej Polski wytworzonych z utworów piaszczysto-pyłowych i pyłowych., 2003
Masa jabłek oraz parametry geometryczne jako podstawowe właściwości fizyczne owoców w ocenie przydatność badanych odmian do mechanicznego sortowania., 2003
Ekspert w projekcie pt.: „Konwencjonalne (intensywne) technologie a dbałość o środowisko naturalne i jakość żywności (racjonalne stosowanie środków produkcji)”., Szkolenie w Międzyzdrojach, SAPARD PL-6-05/00, 7.05.2003, 2003
Experimental verification of the agrophysical models., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 113-124
Modeling of mass and energy transport in porous body., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 104-112
Electrical measurement of moisture of selected agricultural materials. Dielectrical measurement of soil moisture by TDR method., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 88-103
Application of thermography in agrophysics., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 83-87
Microbial ecology of soil porous medium., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 77-82
Reaction of plants on aluminum stress., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 72-76
Mechanical properties of granular food materials., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 70-71
Nitrous oxide emission., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 63-69
Transformation od soil organic matter., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 57-62
Disolved soil organic matter and its estimation., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 49-56
Surface charge of soils., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 42-48
Measurement of specific surface area in liquid nitrogen temperature, using sorptomatic 1990 of ec instruments., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 32-41
Adsorption and surface area of agricultural materials., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 23-31
Porous structure of natural bodies., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 14-22
Specificity of agrophysical measurements. Problem of standardization and validation of methods., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 7-13
Centre of excellence for applied physics in sustainable agriculture., Centre of Excellence for Applied Physics in Sustainable Agriculture Agrophysics "Physicochemical and Physical Methods of Studies of Soil and Plant Materials. Theory and Practice", 27.11. - 2.12.2003, 1-6
Compaction of sloping vineyard soil by tractor traffic and its effects on spatial distribution of penetration resistance and water content., 2003
On Applicability of Direct Shear Test for Strength Estimation of Agricultural Grains., 4th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids", Budapest, 27-30.05.2003, 2003
Effects of Grain Properties on Loads in Smooth Wall Model Silo. 2003,, 4th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids", Budapest, 27-30.05.2003, 2003
Strength Characteristics of Food Powders., 4th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids", Budapest, 27-30.05.2003, 2003
Effect of rubble addition and cyclic changes of temperature on water properties of soils., Conf. "Water and organic Matter in Anthropogenic soils:Dynamics and Processes", Berlin, 2-4.04.2003, 88
Influence of building materials and peat on water properties of model urban soils., Conf. "Water and organic Matter in Anthropogenic soils:Dynamics and Processes", Berlin, 2-4.04.2003, 88
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